Truly happy

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"Aaaaah ha ha ha, Monitsu you are weak look at my amazing strength"

I heard a voice coming from inside the training hall

"Hee hee hee"
I also heard a perverted laugh

I walk in to see a blond boy and a boy being stretched by Sumi Kiyo and Naho and a boy wearing a boar head playing the cup game with Aoi the newest addition to the butterfly estate, Kanao was sitting on the sidelines

"Yo Kanao it's been a while"
I say and sit beside here the others didn't seem to notice me yet

She responded instantly which surprised me she didn't use her coin to decide, she responded with her own will, this made me smile

"So how are these guys"
I ask

"Better than average"
She says

"I see, well I should say hi at least, it hurts a bit that they didn't notice me, what am I, air"

I stood up and walked over to we're The three girls were stretching Zenitsu

"Oi, I came here to see you and you didn't even notice me, your so mean" I faked tears

"""Ahh Hikari-Nii"""

They all said and looked at me stoping what the we're doing

"Your back"

"How long are you here for"

"We missed you"
They said

"I missed you all too, I'm going to be staying over tonight so we can hang out today"

"""Aah yay"""
They jumped excitedly

I looked down at the blond who was looking at me like I was some sort of bug

"Uh, are you okay, did I do something wrong"
I crouched down and asked him

He yelled angrily at me and I swear his head got 5x bigger than it Originally was

The three girls looked distressed at what just happened because Zenitsu yelled at me, a pillar

"Zenitsu-san you shouldn't yell at him"
Kiyo told him

"Ah Kiyo-chaaan why he just ruined are time together!"

"Cause I'm a pillar"
I told him which caused his face to go pale as he bowed down so fast he left a dent in the floor


"Ha Ha Ha I already told your friend Tanjirou not to call me sir, I'm Hikari Rōzu the sky pillar nice to meet ya"
I say smiling reaching my hand out to shake

Zenitsu look relieved as he reaches out to shake my hand when he was pushed out of the way by the boat masked boy, Inosuke

"You said your a pillar, pillars are strong right, FIGHT ME!"

He said pointing to himself

"I won't"

"Why! You lookin down on me! The great Inosuke king of the mountains"
He yells angrily

"I don't want to hurt you, your still not fully healed"

"I don't care, fight me!"

"Maybe when your fully healed you and I could have a spar, for now be patient" I tell him

"Huh! I won't wait fight me now!"

"You can't wait, I thought you were the great Inosuke, how great can you be if your not Patient"

"Huh! I can be patient, watch me!"
He went back to his spot and continued his recovery training

"He's too easy"
I say to myself

"Now Zenitsu"
A dark look appeared on my face scaring him

"I didn't say anything because we just met and I didn't wanna be rude, but your quite the perv aren't you"

"I-I-I-Im sorry please don't kill me!!!"
He yelled desperately

"It's perfectly normal to be interested in girls at your age, but the ones your perving at are my younger siblings, do you see what I'm getting at here"

"Y-yes sir! Ill stop! Ill stop!"

"Good, I'll see ya later I'm going to take a nap"
I say calming down

"See ya Shinobu, I say walking past her"
she was standing at the door the
whole time

"You shouldn't scare your juniors"
She said

"Yeah yeah"
I walked out of the room closeting the door behind me and went to Kanaes room were I kept a futon to go take a nap
(Shinobus P.O.V)

It seems as though Hikari has started getting better, his face has lightened up ever since The pillar meeting, I wonder if it has anything to do with the Kamado siblings, although he is definitely happier he still is quite lazy

"Now I think it's a good time to stop for today, you should go and get some rest before dinner"
I say making them leave the room

Everyone was sitting around the table eating together

"So how is your total concentration training going Tanjiro"
Hikari asked

"It's going well Hikari-san, your advice really helped"
He said

"Oi monitsu gimme that meet"
Inosuke demanded

"NOOO, it's mine!"
Zenitsu refused but Inosuke took it anyway

The rest just laughed at there interaction, it's starting to feel like we are a happy family again, Kanao has finally started to heal her broken soul, Hikari is smiling again, and we have new friends

For the first time in a long time I can say that I am truly happy

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