Infinity train

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"Kyojiro, Hikari, I'm sending the both of you along with three others to the Infinity train, we have sent many slayers there but none have returned, we could be dealing with a moon demon"
Oyakata told us, he had summoned kyojiro and I to a meeting

"hai oyakata-sama"
I said

"we will definitely succeed oyakata-sama!"
Kyojiro says loudly

"Good, I expect good news, you are dismissed"

We both say as we bow to him

We start walking away when Shinobu walks up behind us

"Are you heading into battle"
She asks

"yeah, we got some new information on a demon, many of are slayers have already been taken out"
I inform her

"thats horrible, could it be one of the twelve demon moons?"
She asks

"Most likely, it could even be an upper moon"
Kyojiro says

"I see, but if it's you two I'm sure everything will be fine, there's nothing too worry about"

"Of course we're strong enough to take on any demon"
I say flexing my right arm a little

"What about you Kocho, what's your plan taking in that head-butting kid!, I doubt you would be taking on another tsuguko?"
Kyojiro asks

"Don't worry about it, it's not like I'll gobble him up or anything"
She says with her typical smile

"Ahaha, of course you wouldn't!"
He says and turns around and starts walking away laughing a little, I follow close behind but stop to look back at Shinobu

"Don't be too hard on the kid"
I say and continue my walk


"So is this the train Kyojiro?"
I ask

"Correct! This is were the demon is hiding!"
He says loudly so everyone on the platform looks at us

"SHHH! Are you stupid, don't attract adention! Do you want the police too see our blades!"
I say pulling him down into a huddle

"Ahahaha! Your being quite loud yourself!"

"I- uh, just be quiet"
I whisper

We get on the train after we bought tickets and found our seats, I was across from kyojiro beside the window

"The others are supposed to meet us at the next stop are they not!"
Asked Kyojiro

"Yeah, three of them, I hope there not some more of those low class slayers sent here before, I don't want anymore of them to die"
I say

"Ahaha! Yes that would be a shame!"
He says and looks at me

"You seem to be doing better"
He says in a calm voice, not his usually loud one, he was being completely serious

"I guess you could say, I've remembered something important that I should never have forgotten"
I say with a sad smile on my face

"I see, Good! It's great to have you back to how you once were!"
He goes back to being loud

As time passes we go through many beautiful scene scenes, lush forests, beautiful lakes, calm fields until we finally make it to the next station, Kyojiro had ordered many bentos to eat on the way, I can't figure out where he puts all that food without losing all his muscles

"Tasty! tasty! tasty!"
He kept chanting like a mantra

I felt the train vibrate a bit

"You feel that Kyojiro"
I ask

"Feel what"
He asked back

"The train shook"
I said

"Ohh! It's probably nothing"

"I hope your right"
I say and continue to watch him stuff his face, the train started moving again shortly after, the other demon slayers haven't shown up yet or bailed on us, either way we should be fine without them

"GRAAA! WERE IN ITS STOMACH LETS TAKE IT DOWN!" A loud voice which is somehow even louder then Kyojiros is heard, I looked over to it to see a young man wearing a boar head, another with yellow hair , and another wearing a green and black checkered Haori, it was Tanjiro and his friends I guess the guys Oyakata-sama sent won't be just dead wait after all

They seem to be talking to each other when there startled by Kyojiros loud voice yelling

"Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!"
They use this opportunity to walk over too us

"Ah Hikari-san your here too"
Tanjiro said

"Eh, were you not informed of me being here"
I say

"We were only told about the flame hashira, Rengoku-san being here"
He said

"Eh, did Oyakata-sama forget about me again"
I spoke to myself

Tanjiro and Zenitsu had a look on there face like, This has happened before!

"He did you know, I'll tell you about it one day, but it's not a good memory"  truth be told I'm still kinda pissed at him, don't get me wrong I respect him with all my heart but that time, it's unforgivable
(Might make a one shot chapter about this)

I looked away from them with a pissed look on my face

After they sat down and got comfortable Tanjiro asked Kyojiro about something called the Hinokami Kagura, from what I understand it's a breath style that his father taught him when he was young that they used in one of there family's rituals, it can also be used for combat

"I dunno! It's the first time I've heard of Hinokami Kagura, it's great your father found a way to use it in combat but that's enough of that topic!"

"Hah can't you help me a bit more!"
Kyojiro laughed at him

"Tanjiro, I'm not sure if this will help or not but I think I might have a clue about your Hinokami Kagura"

"You do!"
Tanjiro looked excited

"Mmhmm, my breath of sky is derived from too breath styles according to the scroll it is neither superior nor inferior too either, the too breaths are the breath of moon, and their breath of sun, if you think of The Hinokami, or fire god I can only think of one thing, the sun"
I look at him as he listens intently

"Do you know anything else"
He asks

"I can only infer, but it's posible that your Hinokami Kagura is like my sky breath, a derivative of sun breathing and if that's true are styles could be similar, how about it Tanjiro wanna be my tsuguko"
I ask
There was a silent moment of tension as our eyes met when

"Ahh Hikari! You beat me to it I was going to ask the same thing! Aha I guess I'll let you have this one since I've already trained a disciple!"
Kyojiro butted in

We both quickly glance at him then back to each other

"I won't force you, I'll let you think about it"

"Thank you"
Tanjiro said and bowed his head

Inosuke with his high I.Q thought now would be a good time to stick his head out the window


"Careful you idiot!"
Zenitsu scolds him

"You better stay focused you never know when the demon will show up!"
Kyojiro tells them

They both look at him, Zenitsu has a look of total fear on his face


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