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I'm walking through the forest with my hand on the hilt of my sword ready to draw at any time
The test started not too long ago an hour at most so far I haven't run into any strong demons mostly weak ones who haven't eaten many people they were starved and there movements were predictable they weren't much of a challenge

I spent the next two days pretty much the same just weak demons nothing strong but on the fourth day I heard a ear piercing scream

I hurry in the direction of the scream and see a giant mutated demon with many hands covering its body

"Mm just another brat did Urokodaki not send anyone this year"

He says as he finished eating one of the contestants and goes to eat the other one that's in one of his other hand

I quickly jump and slice his hand off causing the boy to fall down and out of his hand


I shout as the guy was already running before I even finished

"Geez so ungrateful not even a thank you"
I whisper to myself

The giant starts attacking me with his hands there were to many to cut and I got knocked back after slicing about half of them

I got up and started running away
I knew I couldn't beat this guy he was too strong I already completed my objective in saving the other guy

But the demon wouldn't let me go and dragged me back towards him my sword slipped from my hand as he pulled me up above him and opens his mouth.

"Ah ha you thought you could get away from me I'm the strongest demon here you can't get away"

Just as I was about to get eaten his hand holding me got cut and I got pulled away by someone

I realized it was the guy I saved earlier but he wasn't alone there were 4 others keeping his arms away

We land as he looks at me with scared eyes

"That was the frickin scariest thing I have EVER done. Are you okay"

"I'm fine thanks a bunch"

A quickly run and grab my sword which was not two far away

"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE ANYONE ELED GETS CAUGHT" I yell as we group up me and the guy who saved me were holding off the hands as we ran it was much easier with two people and because the demon was so slow he couldn't keep up with us as we ran

Eventually we got far away enough to call it safe and sat down for a break

"Thanks guys I owe you one"

"We were just repaying a favour you saved me"

I ask

"Oh we all had the same teacher so if you save one of us we all owe you"

"I see I was an only student... oh it must of been nice having people around your skill level who didn't beat you every time you spar"

"I guess that would get annoying
Names Akira by the way"

"Hikari Rōzu nice to meet you"

"Yeah.  So what breathing say do you use we all use breath of flames"

"That's cool.  For me I started out learning breath of flowers but it didn't work out for me so I took what I learned and made my own breath of roses"

"Wait wait wait you made your own breath that's amazing"

"I guess it kinda is"

"What do you mean kinda it is amazing"

I stuck with Akira and his fellow students for the rest of the exam we didn't have any trouble after that

We finally made it out of the forest on the seventh day but by the looks of it we were the only survivors

The twins explained the ranks
Of the demon slayers and told us we started out as mizunoto

"Now please choose an ore for your sword"

One of the twins said showing us the different ores on a table in front of us

Everyone looked at them not knowing which one to pick
So I decided to go and choose first I looked at each piece individually but one stood out to me it was in the far right corner and I felt drawn to it so I picked it up

"I choose this one" I say with the ore in my hand

"How do you know it's the right one" Akira asks

"Just do"

"That makes no sense"
He says

"You will understand when you pick yours"

"Your weird"

After that everyone picked there own ore and we went are separate was after getting are uniform measurements

It would be another days trip back to the butterfly estate but I didn't mind I was walking back with a big smile on my face happy that I succeeded

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