Training the mind

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It was the next day, Hikari was out in the courtyard of his estate sitting underneath a beautiful Sakura tree right beside a koi pond, this was his favourite place in his estate, it calmed him down, he was waiting for Tanjiro to arrive for his first training session.

It didn't take long for Tanjiro to get there, he was in full spirits as he walked into the courtyard

"Hikari-sensei! I'm here!"
Tanjiro said loudly waving at Hikari who gave Tanjiro a light smile

"Welcome Tanjiro, I apologize for not greeting you at the door"

"Don't worry it's fine, it's fine"
Tanjiro said

Hikari noticed the box on Tanjiro a back

"That box, it's your sister in there isn't it"
Hikari asked

"Ah yes, I felt bad leaving her, you don't mind do you?"

"Not at all, why don't you put her inside so she can at least move around a bit, it must get quite cramped in that box"

"Thank you very much, Hikari-Sensei!"
Tanjiro thanked him and put Nezuko inside, he left the veranda doors open so she could see outside

"Well then Tanjiro why don't you sit"
Hikari said motioning for Tanjiro to take a seat

"Today, since your wound s are not fully healed, I'm going to have you help me test a new training methods that won't require any physical work"
Hikari explained

"What! But how can you train without doing anything physical, that's not possible, is it?"
He asked

"We will not be training our body's, but our minds"

"Our minds?"
Tanjiro questioned

"Yes, although I only learned the importance of this recently, training the mind could save you from a life or death situation"

"It could, but how"
Instead of responding Hikari stood up and looked down at Tanjiro

"Come, I want to show you something"
Was all he said and calmly began walking with Tanjiro close behind

Eventually They made it to a set of sliding doors

"What's in here Hikari-sensei"
Asked Tanjiro

"My dojo"
He stated in a sad tone

As soon as he opened the doors Tanjiros eyes widened

The dojo was covers wall to wall, floor to ceiling in blade marks and cuts, there were splinters scattered all over the floor, and beams from the roof hanging from the ceiling after being cut, the only untouched place was at the end of the dojo, there hung a black Haori with red branch like lines, and a old swords blade

"As you can see, it's not the nicest place in this estate"
Hikari said

"If I may ask, d-did yoh do this Sensei?"
Tanjiro asked

"I did, as you may have heard after the accident my personality changed quite drastically, I was angry, I thought it was my fault, eventually I couldn't take it anymore and cut myself off from everyone else, however doing something like that isn't good for a person with an unstable mind, I had many outbursts and what you see here is the result of that, all me anger unleashed destroying such a sacred place for us swordsman"

Tanjiro stayed silent and continued looking around the dojo

"I want you to use this sight as a lesson, this is what anger can to do people, it can make them destroy things on the outside, but also themselves on the inside, going into battle in such an unstable state not only puts yourself but your comrades at risk, so what we are going to do is train our minds to stay calm and rational in any situation so we can protect those around us, this is as much of training for me as it is for you, so let's do this together"
Hikari said holding his hand out to Tanjiro

Tanjiro said taking Hikaris hand

They spent the next few weeks on their mental training, trying different methods from having Sumi, Kiyo and Naho wear scary one masks and jump out at them at random times and being punished if you got scared, to eating while having someone swing a sharp blade around you without flinching, they even had Rengoku over to talk loudly for long periods of time while they had to focus on reading a book,
They tried many things until their minds were completely calm
(2months later)

Hikari said

"Hai sensei"

"I believe we have mastered this training, so starting today we will begin with your swordplay"

Tanjiros face grew a big smile

"For real! Yay!"
Tanjiro was excited, he new the importance of the past to months of mental training but he was worried that his swordplay would start getting worse if they didn't start training soon

"But first"

Tanjiro asked

"Kyojiro invited me to a hot springs and  I really wanna go, you don't mind do you, you can come along if you want, Senjuros going to be there too"

Tanjiros face became blank, he was surprised, he was not expecting Hikari to say that

"Eh, well, I guess it's fine"

"Good, now come along!"
Hikari said walking right out of his estate, Tanjiro close behind

Tanjiro and Hikari were walking up a mountain, the hot spring they were going to was quite famous for there open air Mountain few baths

Tanjiro noticed Hikari was quite happy about this, more so than he was with anything else

"You seem to like hot springs quite a bit sensei"
Tanjiro said causing Hikari to look at him

"Ah, well of course I do, as much as the next guy at least, but you see, before I started my training to become a demon slayer I lived not to far from here, so every year I'd come here with my family, so I guess I'm feeling a little nostalgic"
Hikari said rubbing the back of his head a little embarrassed

"I see, I understand,  I bet I would be feeling the same way if I was going back home, or somewhere like Urokodaki-sans place after so long"
Tanjiro stated

"That's right, if you want, we could go visit Urokodaki-sans place on the way back, it's not that far from here I believe"
Hikari said

Tanjiro contemplated what he should do but decided against the idea

"No, I feel as if I go back now, I haven't achieved enough to be worthy of all he's given me, I want to get stronger, so until I can go back and confidently say I'm a demon slayer, I believe I should stay away"

"I see, I understand, well then I guess we just have to train twice as hard when we get back"

"Hai sensei!"

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