Flamboyant mission

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"Hikari, Tengen, I will send you on a mission together this demon has killed many of are high ranking demon slayers so I believe it's best to send Pillars to take care of it"
Oyakata said to Tengen and I as we melt in front of him.
it was the day after Mitsuri visited and I was called to Oyakata a residence with tengen for a mission

"Oyakata-sama I do believe it's right in sending a pillar but is two really needed, it would not be flamboyant to not have people available if something happens"
Tengen asks

"What you say is true, but there's a possibilitythat this demon is an upper moon and I don't want to risk losing a pillar"
He explains

"I understand I flamboyantly accept this mission"
He responds

"I accept as well but we can't ignore the possibility that this is not an upper moon but one as strong as one like the demon Kanae and Kyojiro fought"
I said

"That is also true and is all the more reason to send an extra man" Oyakata says

"Then we should take our leave"
I said and stood up as Tengen did the same

"We will complete this mission with max flamboyance!"
He says

'This guys almost as loud as Kyojiro yet somehow he's ten times as annoying'
I thought listening to him
Everything must be flamboyant for him
(Hour later on the road)

We haven't spoken a word to each other this entire time I'm surprised he hasn't complained about something not being flamboyant the entire walk was nice and peaceful until

"You've changed according to Kyojiro you were exactly like Kanae said, someone who's childish yet serious when necessary she said we would get along well because of are similar personalities"

I flinched at him saying Kanaes name but responded calmly

"Indeed before I was a lot like you in someways, I had a lot of confidence but I was childish, I was serious when necessary I wasn't as Narcissistic though"

"Me narcissistic Not at all I'm the god of festivities Tengen Uzui The most flamboyant person of all time I'm not Narcissistic at all"

I just stare at him with a deadpanned face

"Let's just leave it at that, I'm not nearly as 'flamboyant as I was now I'm just... tired"

"It's a shame you seemed cool you could have been my underling it would have been a great Honor"
He says

"Ha There was no chance of that happening"I said

"That's what you think but if you knew how great I was you would think differently"

"Please inform this pathetic soul who is unaware of your greatness uzui-sama"

"Oh I heard the sarcasm there!"

"Ya ya lets go"


We continued our journey until we reached the village where the demon was but it seemed it was getting ready for some sort of festival

"Excuse me what's happening here" I ask one of the villigers

"Oh it's our villages annual founding festival"
He says

"I see well you seem busy I'll let you get back to work"
I say

"Thanks, you should stay and enjoy the festival as well there's lots to do"
He's says

"I'll think about it"

I walk away back to Tengen

"It's a founding festival for this village"
I tell him

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