The hot springs

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"And here we are, the hill top hot springs!"
Hikari said excitedly, presenting the grand building to Tanjiro

"It looks amazing doesn't it"
A voice said from behind

Tanjiro yelled an jumped slighted at the sudden apearance

"Ah, Tengen, you were invited here to huh" Hikari said in a dead voice

"Of course I was! There's no way Kyojiro would invite you without inviting me! We are the best of friends I'm after all, oh and I brought my wife's along as well, say hi"
Tengen said pointing to three young women behind him

"Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru!, how are you three, it's been so long! I hope Tengen hasn't been rude to you three"

"Oi!! What's with the difference in greetings, you greet them like you've been friends for years but treat me as a bug on the side of the road! I'm the great Tengen Uzui! The god of flamboyance! Show me some respect Damnit!"
Tengen shouts only to be ignore by Hikari

"Ha ha! It's good to see you again aswell Hikari, it seems your back to your old self, I heard you were but I wouldn't believe it until I saw it for myself, I'm glad!"
Makio, the bold hyper active one of the three spoke first

"Y-yes, it's good to see you back to normal Hikari-san"
Suma the shy one spoke up from behind the other two

"I agree, it's great that you have finally come back to us"
Hinatsuru, the mature responsible one said

"Oi, I'm still here!"
Tengen said

"Well let's get going then, shall we"
Hikari told them letting the three women go first with him following behind

"Let's go Tanjiro, you don't want to get left behind"

"Eh, but, uh, o-ok!"
Tanjiro said as he looked back and forth between Tengen who was still standing there and Hikari who was walking into the hot spring

"Damnit Hikari, I'm starting to wish you stayed nice and quiet"
Tengen said to himself and followed them in

Hikari and the others walked inside to see Kyojiro and his younger brother Senjuro, along with Mitsuri and The residents of the butterfly estate

"Shinobu! What are you doing here?"
Hikari asked

"Ah, Hikari, Rengoku invited me here as well, why else would I be here"
She answers

"Ah, I guess that makes sense, Kanao, Sumi, Kiyo, Naho, it seems you decided to come aswell"

Kanao said in her usual monotone voice

"Hai Hikari-nii"
The three girls said excitedly

"Good, I can guarantee this place is good, I used to come here all the time with my family"
He said patting the heads of the three girls

"Mitsuri, it's good to see you as well"
Hikari said holding his hand out for a shake

"Yes it's been a while"
She said taking his hand

Everyone then said there greetings to each other

"Okay okay, let's get going now!"
Tengen said loudly, putting one arm over Hikari and the other over Kyojiro

"It's time for the hots springs party to begin!"
He shouted and began to walk towards the men's side dragging Hikari and Kyojiro with him leaving everyone else behind

"Oi, Tengen, calm down, I can walk by myself! Let me go"
Hikari struggled while kyojiro just laughed loudly and let Tengen drag him along

"Eh, Hikari-sensei! Let's go Senjuro"
Tanjiro said and began following them in leaving the girls laughing at the men's antics

"Well it seems like they will be fine, let's get going as well, shall we"
Shinobu said with a smile and began walking towards the women's side with the others following behind

They all got undressed and wrapped themselves in towels to go out to the bath

Sumi, Kiyo and Naho all had there mouths wide open at the view, they looked out into a large valley of trees and rivers, the sun just starting to go down giving the sky a slight orange hue

"It's amazing isn't it!"
Said Mitsuri

The three girls said

"Hey girls, come over here so I can wash your backs before getting in!"
Shinobu called over to them

They said and began to run over

"Don't run in the bath!"
The men heard from there side

They were all already in the hot springs soaking

"Ahh, this is the best"
Hikari said leaning back with his eyes closed

"It's been too long since I've been to one of these"
He said sinking lower into the bath

"Ha ha, I knew it would be a good Idea to Invite you here Hikari!"
Kyojiro said

"Yeah, it really was, thanks buddy"

"Hahah, no problem!"

They all continued to relax, all except one, Tengen hadn't even gotten in the hot springs yet, he stood confidently staring at the tall wooden wall dividing the male and female baths

"Okay men!"
He said quickly turning around looking at them
All, his arms crossed

"It's time to start working!"
He said

"The hell are you on about"
Hikari asked

"He he he, Hikari my prized subordinate! It appears you are still naive, do you not understand what I'm talking about, the most sacred duty of men at a hot spring, the most flamboyant test of strength and courage you can take, and you really don't know"

"I'm not your subordinate, and just get to the point already"

"I guess I'll tell you if you really want to know"
Tengen said and pointed at the wall dividing the genders

Was all he said, in an instant Hikaris fist was on Tengens face knocking him to the ground

Tengen looked up to see Hikaris intimidating face looking down at him

"Oi oi oi, I get you got yourself three wives over there, but my littlest sisters are over there two, you dirt bag, not only are you going to peek on unknowing women, but my little sisters, you dirtbag, scum, trash to this world, go rot in hell!"
Hikari said getting closer and closer to Tengens face before he pulled away and walked back to the bath and sitting back down

"Ara Ara, it seems there getting along in there"
Shinobu said smiling, they heard a commotion but couldn't make out what it was, so they just assumed they were playing around

"Hai, Shinobu san"
Said Mitsuri

All the girls were sitting together in a line chatting together enjoying the sunset, unaware of what just transpired in the bath beside them


(It's been a while since I updated this story, over a month, I apologize but I just lost track of time with Christmas and the new year, as well as my other AOT book I started recently, but I'm going to try and update this story more often again, anyway happy new year to you all and I hope you have a good 2021)

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