mental state/similar experiences

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Hikari was now sitting up in a hospital bed in the butterfly estate with a confused look on his face, he was all bandaged up and looked like a total mess, in front of him was a kind looking old man with a clip board in his hands, Shinobu was standing behind the man with her arms crossed and a serious look on her face

"Now, I've heard you've talked to the ghost of a woman who's in a coma, can you please tell me about your interaction with her"
The man asked nicely

If your wondering what's going on, as soon as Hikari was all patched up Shinobu called a therapist for him, she thought he was crazy for saying he had talked to Kanae

Was all Hikari could get out of his mouth

"Please Hikari, this is for your own good, I thought you had gotten better but it seems like I was wrong, we should of gotten you a therapist years ago"
Shinobu said behind the therapist

Hikari looked at Shinobu then back at the therapist

"Please tell me about your experience sir"
The therapist asked

"Ah, well, when I lost my memories she came, and she gave them back to me"
Was all Hikari said, he had to keep his meeting in the dream a secret, if the therapist heard about that he would think Hikaris crazy

"I see, and how did you lose your memories, do you remember?, if so please tell me"

"Ah, well after the crash when I woke up, when I got up to go out and help, I tripped and hit my head on the seat on my way down, at least that's how I believe it happened"
Hikari answered

"I see, well then, Kocho-san if I could talk to you for a minute outside" the therapist asked looking behind himself at Shinobu

"Of course"
She said and they walked out the door

"I believe there are two possibilities as to why this could of happened"
He said once they were outside

"Already, but you've barely been in there five minutes!?"
Shinobu said surprised

"That's all I needed, I may not look it but I'm very competent at my job" he said with a small chuckle

"Anyway, on two the point, the first one is what I think is the most logical in this situation is after he hit his head, something triggered in his emptied mind and brought back the memory of what's most important to him, in this case it was the woman he loves, you said that he had heard her say she was coming back soon, that could also be his inner desires talking to him"

"And the second"

"He never truly came to peace with the situation and in that moment his mind forced him to see what he wanted most, His loved one coming back, he's seeing these hallucinations To give himself a false sense of closure, at first this shouldn't affect him to much, but if it continues it could have fatal effects on his mental state, he will eventually realize what the illusions are saying are false and eventually his mind will break completely, I've seen this happen many times before, it is never a pleasant sight"
The therapist explained

"Then what can we do, is there anyway to make it better"
Shinobu asked worried

"Not what we can do, but what you can do, I won't be able to help in this situation, you are his family, you need to comfort him, and help him reach true closure over the situation, without it he will most definitely break for good"

"I see, I'll talk with our siblings about this, I will contact you if his hallucinations get any worse, thank you for your time"
Shinobu said politely and bowed

"Of course, I'm happy to help, please contact me if you have anymore issues"
The man said and bowed aswell, he put his hat on and walked out of the house

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