Broken souls

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(Shinobu P.O.V)

"Kanao can you bring this to Hikari for me please"
I said handing her a tray of food

She said In her normal monotone voice

If he's not out on a mission or at a pillar meeting he will just stay in Kanae's room and won't get up for anything it's quite annoying

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Someone was knocking at the door so I went to open it to find Mitsuri Kanroji standing in front of me

"Hello Mitsuri what brings you here today"
I ask

"I've been wanting to come for a while to see how you guys were doing ever since... you know, but I haven't had the time until now"
She said her voice carried a said tone

"I see, would you like to come in, it would be nice to have company"
I ask her

"If you don't mind"
Mitsuri says

She comes in and sits down in the living room with me

"I heard Hikari became a pillar from Kyojiro he must be happy"
Mitsuri said

"Not really it's like it didn't affect him at all, if it was before the incident he would of gone crazy with excitement... but now" I say my voice getting sad at the end

"I see, it must have been tough for all of you, but I'm sure Kanae-san will wake up she's really strong"
Mitsuri day trying to cheer me up

"Yes, I'm sure your right"

"Normally Hikari would come and greet me when I came is he not here today" she asks

"He's here would you like to see him"
I ask her

"If that's alright"

"Of course, although I'm not sure if you will be able to talk to him"

Kanroji looked confused but didn't question it and followed me to Kanae's room but when I opened the door she looked surprised to see Hikari there with his hair untied going everywhere messy cloths and red eyes from crying as well as a tray of food on a table beside him. He was sleeping in a chair leaning on Kanae's bed

"This is how he's been since it happened, he hasn't been able to cope with 'failing' to save her"
I told her

Hikari said waking up

"Ah we didn't mean to wake you"

"It's fine, Mitsuri your here I apologize that you have to see me like this"

"No no it's fine but you really should try and keep you appearance clean"
Mitsuri says

"I know, is this mine"
He asks looking at the food on the tray

"Yes Kanao brought it for you"
I tell him

"Kanao did I'll need to thank her later she's been a big help"
He says and starts eating

"We will take are leave then, enjoy your meal"
I say

"Yeah see ya"

We walk away

"He looks so... sad"
Mitsuri says

"Everyone deals with loss differently some can take it better then others, it's a common story within the demon slayers but he lost his family to demons but was saved by my sister, it was obvious he loved her dearly, she loved him too though he was too dense to realize. But when he finally was happy again he lost his reason to be, crushing his world that he finally rebuilt, in short, he's broken"
I explain to Mitsuri but she didn't seem to know how to respond

"It was nice seeing you again Mitsuri but I have work to do, I hate to kick you out but what can I do"

"I understand I'll have to come visit again some other time"

"Yes please do"
I see here to the door and watch as she leaves before entering the estate again.

"It was nice to see Mitsuri again wasn't it kanae" I say to Kanae I know she can't say anything back but I believe she can here me

"The food Kanao brought me was delicious when I see her again I'll have to give her something to thank her, so you think she'd like an accessory of some sort"
I ask

"She already has the butterfly hair clip maybe I should get her a necklace or a bracelet one of those would look nice on her don't you think"
I ask

"Kanae please wake up"
My voice starts to shake and tears fall from my eyes

"I don't know what to do anymore" tears are now streaming

"Is there any point in living without you"

"Please ANSWER ME"
She didn't move a muscle still sleeping

"I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be like this I'm not the only person hurting but I can't help it my life has no meaning without you I-I-I love you so please come back to me" I say falling to my knees lying my head on her bed crying some more but what I failed to notice was one of her fingers twitch as soon as I said that
(Shinobu P.O.V)

I was standing outside of Kanae's room listening to Hikari's words i couldn't stop the few tears from falling out of my eyes although I never admitted it I did see him as an older brother figure if I ever told him that he would never let it go, it hurt to see him in such a condition and with him like this and Kanae in a coma it leaves me in charge I'm not sure if I can be like Kanae the one who always kept everyone happy but I need to try, I feel as though I could break at any moment I'm angry, I know I am but I can't show it.

"What should I do nee-san"

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