End of infinity

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After the battle of the infinity train many kakushi came and started treating the wounded, Rengoku, Tanjiro and his friends were grouped together being treated, some of the other Kakushi however seemed to be arguing amongst themselves at a fair distance away from Hikari, he was still on the ground kneeling where he was when Tanjiro asked to be his tsuguko, after that he didn't have enough strength left to get up so he just stayed there, Tanjiro didn't like the scene he was looking at, an injured man kneeling on the ground while the people who are here to help are arguing amongst themselves not even trying to help him

"Rengoku-san, why aren't they helping him?"
Tanjiro ask Hikaris fellow pillar

Rengoku in a low voice said
"They're scared"

"What! Why?"
Tanjiro asked confused

"As you saw before, back when Hikari was still a Kinoe and he still had Kanae he was quite the rambunctious person, he was simple minded and easily pleased, to put it simply, he was an idiot, I'm not sure what he was like before that but from what I've been told after losing his parents he steeled his resolve in order to become someone to protect those who still have family, he didn't care about what happened to himself... but Kanae changed his view on life and made him want to live not only for others but himself aswell, but losing the person who gave his life meaning felt a great blow on his soul, he went into a deal state of depression and his hatred for demons only grew, just mentioning them could cause him to go into a fit of rage, although he was normally calm his outbursts became famous amongst the corps and he was given a second title by them"

"A second title?"
Tanjirou questioned

"The demon pillar"
Rengoku said in a low voice
that made Tanjiro, Zenitsu and even Inosuke shiver

"You saw what he was like at your sisters trial, his hatred for demons clouded his judgment and every once in a while all that built up stress and anger would explode, but, thanks to you and your sister it seems that he is slowly healing, so for that, on behalf of all the pillars, I must thank you for helping our comrade"
Rengoku bowed slightly to Tanjiro making him flustered

"Ah eh p-please raise your head! We're all from the demon slayer corps so it's only martial that we help each other, besides that I don't even remember what we did to help" Tanjiro said looking at the box Nezuko was in beside him

"Ahaha!, I guess that's fine if you don't remember! But you still helped us so please accept my gratitude!"
Rengoku told Tanjiro

"Ah, yeas, of course!"
Tanjiro blurted out awkwardly

Back with Hikari he was still on the ground Kneeling, he knew all about what the rest of the corps thought of him, he knew that they had all the right to feel that way about him, he had done nothing to earn there respect his entire time being a pillar, instead of being a pillar supporting the corps he has bean a pillar of fear, a fear pushing them to do more, something that was not good for the corps

Hikari looked back at the Kakushi behind him, he could see the fear in there eyes, he sighed and looked down at his feet, he slowly pushed himself up and turned around

'I'll have to make things right someday'
He thought to himself
As he began to slowly limb away holding his broken arm

"Oi! Hikari! Where are you going?"
Rengoku asked from his spot a little ways away

"I'm walking back on my own, I'll have shinobu look at me at the butter estate, I don't want to cause more trouble for the Kakushi" Hikari said glancing over at Inosuke for a second

"Oi! You looked at me when you said that didn't you!, you wanna go Hiknai Rossu!"
Inosuke yelled angrily pointing at Hikari

"Who The hell are you taking too?" Hikari said tilting his head

He yelled angrily

"Yeah yeah, Tanjiro, I'll contact you soon so we can start your training, for now just focus on healing your wounds"
Hikari said brushing Inosuke off

Hikari started to walk away but then stoped once more

"Oh, and yellow boy"
Zenitsu's body stiffened

"Stop perving at the Kakushi women, there trying to work and your distracting them"

Zenitsu stuttered

And with that Hikari walked of back towards home


"Ahh, I really didn't think this through, maybe I should have gone with the Kakushi, this is so hard"
Hikari said to himself, it's only bean an hour or so since he started walking, but with him in his batteries shape it's taking twice as long as it would normally take him to get back

'Ahh, I'm going to faint'
He thought as his vision started to cloud over, he started to fall forward only to be caught by something small

"Geez Hikari, your heavy, you shouldn't use me as support you know"
He had fallen on to Shinobu a back who was struggling to keep him up

"Kanao, could you please assist me with this big oaf"

Kanao said and helped Hikari stand, he used the two girls as supports to keep him standing

"What are you two doing here?"
He asked

"We were in the area when we heard the news of your success, we where headed there to help with the injured, but it seems we need to take care of you first"
Shinobu said with a hint of anger in her voice

Hikari said sheepishly

"Don't worry about it, it's our job to look after our big brother, it's not like he can do it himself"
Shinobu said teasing Hikari

"Ah, so you really do think of me as a big brother, that makes me happy"
Hikari said smiling at her

"Eh, Ah shut up, I didn't mean to say that!"
She said looking away blushing

Hikari laughed at Shinobu but soon after his face went serious

"I met her"
He said

Shinobu looked back at him

"Met who?"
She asks

"Kanae, soon she says, she's coming back soon"

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