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(1year later Shinobu P.O.V)

It's been a year and I'm now 15, Hikari is 17 over the past year I joined the pillars as the insect pillar mitsuri did as well and became the love pillar

As time past Hikari has opened up more and stoped staying in  Kanaes room he's calmed down a lot and became much more mature but it's obvious he still hasn't gotten over it he still can't smile like he used to there's always sadness behind it not that I'm any different.

"Master Hikaris back"
Kanao walks up to me and says
He was on a mission quite far away so it's been a while since we've all seen him

"Then let's go greet him"
I say as I walk out of my lab we're I work on my poisons
to see Hikari walking down the hallway towards us

"Ah Shinobu how are you"
He asks

"I'm fine what about you"

"I'm tired"
He always says that I can't remember the last time he wasn't tired it's like he's lost all the energy he had in the past

"I see well you've had a long journey why don't you go rest and all have one of the girls bring you something to eat

"Thanks, I'll be in Kanaes room I want to greet her too"

"Of course I'll have them bring it there"

He says and starts to walk off

I go to Kanaes room and greet her like I always do, as usual there's no response, afterwards Sumi brought me some food for me to eat which was delicious

"Thank you Sumi"

"Your welcome Hikari-nii"

"ah I better get going there's a pillar meeting later today"

I say and get up from the chair

"Tell Shinobu for me, will ya"
I say

"I will but are you sure you don't want to stay and visit more"
Sumi asks

"I don't want to overstay my welcome"

"What do you mean you live here"
She tilts her head confused

"Ah uh yeah well I wursts Shinobu hasn't told you yet huh"
I say making her even more confused

"Told me what"

"I'm a pillar so I was recently given an estate nearby, so I'm moving there"


"i put it of for a long time but I just can't handle living here anymore" My voice wavers a little

"what do you mean this is your home, why can't you"

At that moment the rest of the residence came to Kanaes room to see what was happening

"whats the comotion"
Shinobi asks

"Hikari-nii is moving away"
Sumi tells them

""WHAT"" Kiyo and Naho shout
Kanao has a surprised face but didn't make a sound

"Was it something we did, we're sorry please forgive us"
Sumi pleaded

"Please don't go"
said naho
said kiyo.

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