The sky that protects the earth

679 21 3

"Tch, you already said that, don't repeat yourself it's annoying"
Akaza said as he re positioned his head so it would heal

Hikari decided not to respond and attacked again, he vanished and went straight for akaza

This time akaza managed to just barely dodge with nothing but a scratch, Hikari didn't give him an opportunity to attack though as he went in for another attack, this pattern continued for a while

Eventually Hikari stoped moving and stood a little ways away from akaza and watched all the marks on his body slowly heal

"Your fast, I'll give you that, but I think I've gotten used to it now"
Akaza said confidently

"Well then, shall we put it to the test?"
Hikari questioned, without letting akaza answer he lunged in to attack

"Breath of sky seventh form: pierced heavens"

Hikari launched a barrage of stabs at Akaza who dodged them all, hikari yet to regain a good stance to launch a counter attack was a sitting duck, he could only stand there and let Akazas attack hit him, Akaza gave Hikari a mighty punch to the side of his face launching Hikari backwards

"Damn, that as a good punch"
Hikari said spitting out some blood

"Ha, you haven't seen anything yet "technique deployment"
Akazas compass apeared below him as he adjusted his battle stance, Hikari doing the same

'The hells with his battle spirit, it's like a vast sky, there's no end to it'
Akaza thought as he looked at Hikari, Hikari showed no signs of being motivated, he held his serious expression that he always had, normally no one would be able to tell what he's feeling unless you had some sort of special ability like tanjiros smell or Zenitsus hearing, unlike those two however Akaza has the ability to detect battle spirit, he can see just how motivated Hikari is behind his serious face

"Hah, let's go"

"I apologize but I must end this battle early"
Hikari said

"Huh!? What are you talking abo-"
Akaza stoped for some reason

'The hell, his battle spirit rose even more, the hell is going on'
For the first time in a long time Akaza felt fear, the overwhelming battle spirit coming from this guy was crushing his own

"You, what are you"
Akaza asked

"I'm a pillar, someone who holds up others, someone who will keep standing even when I break, someone who keeps fighting when I'm bleeding, someone who keeps living even when I'm dying, I am the sky that protects the earth, you who are beneath that sky, an impurity beyond redemption must be exterminated"

"The hell you rambling about"

"Breath of sky eighth form: Intertwined day and night sky"

Hikari lunged at Akaza spinning rapidly almost like a drill

'I must dodge! If I don't im done for' Akaza thought and jumped to the side, although he wasn't fast enough, Hikari hit him in the side creating a large hole in Akaza

Hikari thought, he wasn't expecting to miss akazas head

'I got a chance!'
Akaza thought, he quickly moved his arm and choped hikaris let arm that was closest to him breaking it

Hikari grunted in pain, due to his momentum he kept going past Akaza and rolled on the ground a little ways, he flipped off the ground and landed back in his feet

"What are you going to do now! You can't even hold your sword properly! Your finished"
Akaza said and laughed

"You think I need both hands to wield a sword, don't kid yourself, I'm a pillar it dose the matter if my arms broken or gone completely, I will still hold my sword!"
Hikari said holding his sword in front of him

"Damn your annoying"
Akaza mumbled

"Intertwined breath"

"What nonsense are you spouting now"
Akaza asked angrily, he watched Hikari bend his knees and hold his sword back

'He's going for another peircing attack'

"Sky of roses and thorns"

Hikari lunged at Akaza at incredible speed

'He's faster then before! I can't dodge'

Akaza got stabbed many times, blood splattered out of his wounds onto Hikari who used akazas body as a spring board to launch himself into the air

"Your finished"
Hikari said and took a second breath and began to spin around in circles aiming for Akazas head

'I won't die here, not now, I'm the strongest, I won't let him kill me now!"
Akaza started to move backwards as fast as he could, time moved I. Slow motion for him, Hikaris blade was closing in on him

Hikari said as blood came from Akazas head and He landed on the ground safe and sound

A loud scream came from Akaza

"Damn, he dodged"

Akaza had dodged but unfortunately for him Hikari hit both of his eyes

'I got to get up'
Hikari thought, he tried to stand but his entire body was in pain

"Haha, that was one of your strongest attacks wasn't it, I can tell, to bad you failed, this is only a minor wound it will heal quickly, but you, your broken, you won't heal as fast as me, and in the state your in, your just a big blob of flesh for me to eat, haha, you should make me much much strong- aaah"
Akaza yelled in pain

"Heh, looks like I stalled you long enough"
Hikari huffed out as he watched Akaza start to burn in the sun

"You, you knew you couldn't win so you stalled me until the sun came out, you- you coward! One day, one day I'll kill you!"
Akaza yelled and started running into the forest

Hikari smiled, he succeeded in fending of the demon, although he didn't kill it, no one died, how ever the smile on his face turned to shock when a black sword flew past his head and went straight for akaza

"We're are you going coward!"
Tanjiro yelled from behind Hikari, Hikari looked back to see Tanjiros angered face, it was not something he was expecting at all

"Don't run away!"

Akaza shared Hikaris look of surprise but for a different reason

'What's that idiot blaming about, doesn't he know I'm running from the sun not the demon slayer corps, besides those two pillars are half dead already, if the fight were too continue they'd both die!'
He thought to himself baffled at the actions of the young slayer

"The demon slayer corps is the blood and flesh of humanity, our wounds heal slowly, our limbs don't grow back, despite that we fight when you have the advantage, YOU HAVE NOT WON, HIKARI AND RENGOKU FOUGHT TO THE END! UNTILL THEY WERE BLOODY AND BROKEN, And now your running away, your just afraid to admit you've lost, they fought and they would still fight if you were not such a coward and run away, THE VICTORY BELONGS TO THEM, THEY BEAT YOU, THEY ARE THE STRONGEST!"
Tanjiro yelled at Akaza who still Abbas the shocked look on his face, it turned to one of anger before he disappeared into the woods

Hikari Knelt there watching Tanjiro huff and puff, he was still injured and shouldn't be moving his body

"Tanjiro, you mu-"

Tanjiro interrupted him

"After watching your fight, I realized just how weak I really am, in order to beat Muzan and save my sister I need to be much much stronger"

Tanjiro came and bowed in front of the bloody Hikari

"So please, allow me to become your tsuguko"

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