Chapter 64

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I groaned turning over and pulling the blankets up around me.

"Lyla" I heard him whisper again

I groaned again. "Go away"

I could smell coffee and I turned over on my back and was met by a pair of soft lips.
I giggled opening my eyes as they disappeared.

"You gotta get up; we gotta be outta here in twenty minutes"

"Time is it?" I asked sitting up, pulling the blankets around me.


"How are you even upright?" I whined "You were so drunk"

He just smiled holding out a coffee cup. "Mhm"

I took it and sighed. "I'm so tired"

"You can sleep on the plane"

I pushed my hair back and took a drink of my coffee; it tasted amazing. I frowned getting up and looking for my clothes. "How do you know how I like my coffee?"

He shrugged "I pay attention"

I smiled to myself setting my coffee down while I got dressed.

"What did you do with all of that money?" I asked pulling my hair back

"What money?" He asked zipping his bag shut.

"The money you won last night"

He shrugged "Spent it probably"

"All of it, Noel!"



He shrugged again "So, we'll make that back by the end of the week"

"Oh my god"

I shook my head and packed the rest of my stuff.

Noel just laughed "Don't worry babe, it'll be our little secret"

I frowned a little; Noel never called me babe; or anything else for that matter, not unless he was being an asshole.
I ignored it and followed him out to the lobby.

This time we took a cab to the airport like commoners, much to Noel's dismay.
Then we got to sit in the airport for two hours before finally boarding the plane.

Noel had offered, well, more like insisted on carrying my bag the whole time it needed to be carried. Once we were on the plane, he offered to sit in the window seat so I didn't have a panic attack and once the plane took off he bought me a sandwich, cookies and a drink. What was even stranger, especially for Noel, was that every time he did something or asked me if I'd wanted something, he finished his sentence with babe, honey, sweetheart, or some other term of endearment.

It made me wonder if he felt guilty about last night, why he would was beyond me, but I couldn't think of any other reason why he was being so...sweet.

I ate and had no problems falling asleep after for the two hour flight.
Before I knew it, Noel was gently shaking me awake, just before we landed.

Ten minutes later we were getting off the plane and Noel's mood had literally flipped like a switch. He went from sweet and doting to standoff-ish and cold.

Of all people to see in the airport, we ran into Owen Morris. He looked extremely confused as he walked over to where we were standing.

"Noel" he nodded "How've you been?"

Noel nodded in return "Fine"

"Where's the rest of the band?"

Noel shrugged "Dunno, I've quit the band, I'm here to do this recording session and that's it"

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