Chapter 93

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July 5, 1995

We've got another festival this afternoon and it's the last place any of us want to be.
At breakfast this morning (I had toast and an orange) Liam and Noel were biting each other's heads off.
Guigs didn't say more than two words to anybody. All Bonehead could talk about was how much he missed Kate and Lucy.
All of us just wanted to go home...and we had a long way to go before we got a break.


"Babe, c'mon!"

I looked up from my journal and glared at him. "Can you not yell at me?"

"I ain't yellin', we gotta go"

"You are yelling" I glared throwing my journal on the bed.

"Don't tell me you're in a mood too"

I wasn't in a mood; I was tired and hungry and DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE.

I grabbed the package of smokes out of his hand and dug out my lighter. "If we're going let's go"

"Lyla" he followed behind me

I tossed the pack over my shoulder and kept walking.


This festival was just as hot as the last one and we were all ten times more irritable.
Liam and Noel couldn't even be around each other. It had just gotten worse since this morning.

Liam handed me a bottle of water as I crushed another cigarette under my toe.
It seemed to keep my stomach from making noise.

"You wanna get a sandwich or summat? We've got a couple hours before we're on"

I nodded taking his hand; we walked through the festival and Liam found a food booth that sold nothing but deep fried food dripping with grease and five thousand calories. Something Meg could eat without a problem, I gained ten pounds just looking at the stuff.

Liam ordered a hot dog, fries, and another milkshake and then looked at me.

"Y'want one of those corn things?' He asked

"A corn dog?" I raised an eyebrow

He nodded

"Uh...yeah, sure" I nodded; just because I ordered it didn't mean I had to eat the whole thing.

We found ourselves some shade to sit in and before we got half way through lunch we were interrupted half a dozen times by fans wanting Liam's autograph.
I ate half of my corn dog and gave the rest to Liam.

He took it with a frown and I lit myself another smoke. "Are y'feelin' alright babe?" He asked "Y'haven't eaten much today"

"I'm fine"

"Y'ain't pregnant again are you?"

"No, I'm just not hungry"


Still July 5, 1995

I don’t know how much more of this I can take, Liam’s quit the band (again) this time because Noel wouldn’t go with him to the fucking bar; said if you don’t go with me, I’ll quit…of course Noel said fine then quit which jus infuriated Liam even more
Then I took Noel’s side, which just pissed him off even more, so naturally, as husband and wife we’re not on speaking terms at the moment and Liam’s not talking to Noel either., which honestly doesn’t surprise me, they fight and then won’t speak to each other for days
Liam’s also made it known that I’ve been smoking my fair share (or more so) of cigarettes the past few days, apparently we’ve gone through a pack and a half in two days which is more than double our usual amount…..oops.

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