Bonus Chapter ϟ

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5 years later

"One hot chocolate with a pink twirl, please" the witch with the red hair says with a smile and hands me the money over the counter. I smile back and give her back her change. "Comin' right up" I reply and turn to the counters behind me to make her drink. I grab a cup and pour the hot milk in, mix the chocolate in and take my wand for the pink twirl, then I put the spell on it that I invented that makes the steam come up in hearts. "Here you go" I say and hand her the mug. "Enjoy." "Thank you." She walks over to a table by the window and puts her bag and her jacket down on one chair, then sits on the other and unpacks a spell book, leaning back and starting to read it until she starts sipping on her drink. I look around the shop where the regulars are crowding the tables in the corner with their books or their friends. Some new customers are here too and I'm happy to see that they seem to like the place. I always love getting to know new people in here, this café has given me so much and seeing new faces around, looking like they're free to hang out and enjoy themselves here makes me so happy.

I serve a few more customers until everyone has slowly left and then I turn the CLOSED-side of the sign on the door to the outside. I take out my wand from my apron. "Scourgify" I mumble and make the s-motion with my hand so the whole place cleans up. Then I put up the chairs with magic as well because I'm exhausted. Sometimes I tidy up by hand because it can be relaxing but today, I really can't get myself to. Also, people outside always stare at me weirdly when I don't do it magically which I find kind of odd because doing nothing all day and just having magic do everything for you can get tiring as well. We already live without of muggle technology and everything but you can use your hands every once in a while.

I hear a rumbling noise in the back and look at the clock above the counter, realising that I should've expected it. I take off my apron and throw it over one of the chairs, then I untie my hair and let it fall down before walking into the back. I roll down my sleeves too and run my fingers through my hair. When I see what has happened in the back, I shake my head in disbelief and put my hands on my hips. "Hello" I say because he hasn't noticed that I saw him yet. "I had no idea you put all that junk here" Draco mutters and pats some dust off his dark pullover. I smirk and hold my hand out for him but he shakes his head with a face that has the male pride of "I can do it myself" on it and jumps over a chair leg to finally get to the space of the backroom where he can stand without a piece of furniture poking into his body somewhere. "I told you that you didn't need to come down" I say. "I was just about to get home as well." He shakes his head and takes two big steps towards me until my back hits the wall and I turn because I didn't remember the wall being so close. When I look back forward, Draco's face is only inches away from mine and I gasp in surprise. He smirks smugly because he caught me by surprise, then his body presses against mine and he kisses me. My heart flutters, even after all this time and even after a billion kisses. His eyes always have the same cold intensity that I know is not meant for me and his lips have this urge, hungry for more on mine. I try to continue breathing evenly but it's impossible. He snakes his arm around my waist and presses me up against the wall. I don't understand how our tension hasn't faded but I also don't care because I never want him to not make me feel this way, safe and at the same time questioning my sanity when he's with me.

"We better get home soon" he breathes and bites my lip before moving away and resting his forehead against mine. I start playing with the hair in his neck. "Why?" I whisper and press my lips on his again. He kisses me harder. "Because I don't think I can control myself any longer." I smile on his lips. "But where's Baize?" I ask. "She's fine, she's with my Mum." I nod in relief and move towards him again but he only pushes me back into the wall once more, attacking my lips with his until I've run out of breath again.

He slowly moves away from me and takes my hand and I can see that smug smile on his face that can only mean one of two things. "Got your wand?" he asks and I shake my head, getting it quickly from the apron in the front. When I return, he's already ready to apparate. "Wait a second, I have to clean up your bloody mess first" I say and he turns around to me, raising his wand too so we quickly clean the mess together. "You need to get rid of all that stuff" he says, pointing at the furniture. "I'm making some deals with a few antique stores, some of that is really valuable and we can take some stuff back home." He shrugs. "I guess." He then grabs my arm and we apparate together and I open my eyes back at our house.

Because Sometimes Opposites Attract - Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now