Chapter 20

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Seeing everyone again was great and I enjoyed the first day back at school after the holidays by hanging out with all of my friends that I had missed. When I was packing my school bag for the second day, I suddenly found a little piece of paper in my bag. Everyone was still fast asleep so I took out my wand and the paper and sat on my bed. "Lumos!" I whispered and the tip of my wand started to glow. I held it over the paper and unfolded it so I could read. It wasn't mine.

Sam, I hope you read this early enough. This whole first day I wasn't able to see you alone so please meet me down at the Great Hall at 1 am tonight so we can sneak out. I'm begging you. - Draco

I read the note over and over again and my heart was beating faster. This was the perfect time for me to tell him that I wanted him to leave me alone. I had thought about it during the holidays and come to the conclusion that it was pointless. It was unhealthy for me and we didn't know each other and I wasn't some easy make-out. He couldn't just play around with me like that all the time. I had so many arguments but when I started to think about them and tried to collect them all, it was like they had been blown away by just that note.

I glanced up at the clock, shining on it with my wand. It was a few minutes to 1. I put on some skinny jeans and a cardigan over my top, boots and did my make-up again even though I had removed it an hour ago. Then I took my wand and made my way out of the dorms. Quietly, I walked down the stairs to the common room and out the door. I hurred down the spiral stairs and after a few more stairs that I could manage to pass without them changing, I reached the Great Hall. Draco stood there already, wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie. I forced myself to not look into his eyes. But I had missed him so much so seeing him now made me feel better instantly. 

He actually smiled when he saw me. I wanted to look away but he was a drug. I was addicted to seeing him smile. I wanted to see it over and over again. He made a motion with his hand for me to follow him. "Where are we going?" I whispered. The thing was, it was never awkward between us because we took everything for granted, like it was the most normal thing in the world, no matter what we did. That's why this was still working out to a certain extent probably. "I know a way to sneak out of the castle, it's through the kitchen" he explained and I followed him through the empty kitchen. 

When he saw that I was confused and a little scared in the dark even, he stopped and took my hand as soon as I caught up. It was such a simple thing to do but when he reached for my hand, it was like he was touching my heart. That sounded so cheesy and so wrong but it was the truth. 

We made it outside and sat down on the side of the castle, down in the dark grass. "Why did you want me to come down here?" I asked before he could say anything else. "I just had to see you alone, without anyone giving me weird looks because I'm staring at you. I'm so glad you came." I wanted to tell him that I couldn't help it but I didn't want to give him any more of that satisfaction. "I have to tell you something" I said, starting the first rational conversation between us, ever.

"What?" he asked and locked my eyes. I stared down at the grass, I could not tell him this while looking into his eyes. My heart hurt. "We can't do this anymore. I can't handle your shit. You have to leave me alone from now on and let me get over this, your mood swings, you decide whenever you decide you need a quick make-out, it hurts." "Sam..." "No, no, listen. Don't say my name like that, don't kiss me to make me change my mind, don't promise me anything. We're practically strangers, you don't know anything about me and I know nothing about you either. First you care and then you turn around and make fun of me. It hurts, I can't do it." 

He blinked several times, staring at me. "You used to not care about me insulting you, you used to not care. What's changed?" "You won't understand, you don't know anything about me and how I was before I came here." "Then make me understand, help me understand you and tell me your story because I want to know you, Sam." His face was serious now and he looked genuine. He carefully wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. "Tell me, please" he repeated and I couldn't help but do as he said. 

Because Sometimes Opposites Attract - Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now