Chapter 22

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We were outside after Herbology the next day and I looked around to see if Neville was waiting for me somewhere in case his class had ended early but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Draco suddenly appeared next to me. Everyone else had already gone inside the castle so I was by myself. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I replied. I didn't want to talk to him, really. But for once, it wasn't his fault, it was my fault for not being strong enough to end it the previous night. But who could deny him of anything when he was the absolute sweetest comfort?

I was addicted to him, that was the simplest way to put it. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded and started walking faster, now wanting to get away from him. I didn't want to tell him but I hoped he'd figure it out himself. "Are you sure? Because I've been thinking about your story from last night." 

I looked at him and stopped. The mistake I made instantly was of course letting his eyes bore into mine. "Why?" "I realised I didn't get to properly apologize for doing all those things to you." "What do you mean?" "Insulting you, I had no idea how much it would get to you. And ... I normally try to hurt people even more by mentioning their past to them but with you ... I can't stand the thought of you being upset, I don't want you to be sad, especially not because of me. I can't handle it when you're crying." 

I bit my lip and allowed myself to get lost in his eyes now. He grabbed my hand and led me around the castle. No one was there because the sky looked like there was a storm coming. Draco didn't seem to care. "What are you doing?" I asked, still chewing on my bottom lip. He leant back against the wall and pulled me close to him. "Don't bite your lip like that, it makes me go crazy" he said. I look at his lips. "Why?" I asked. But he just pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his lips onto mine. I returned the kiss, we stopped every other second if someone was coming but the rain was pouring down on the both of us and at one point, we didn't care anymore.

When we pulled away, I was freezing. "You want my sweater?" he asked. "No, too obvious." He nodded. "You're right." We walked back inside, both with wet clothes from the rain. The storm outside was slowly starting to go crazy now. "Draco, what are you doing with her?" Pansy shrieked as we came around the corner and met her in front of the Great Hall. Crabbe and Goyle were behind her, Draco blinked. He looked at me, then he looked at them. I was afraid of what was to come. "I don't know, I tried to get away from her, I don't think she's worth our time, let's go." 

I stood there, frozen. He had just apologized and I had thought he could now understand what it was like to be a victim, having listened to my story but this just went to show me how truly awful he really was. He wasn't sorry, he understood nothing. I hoped he had at least meant the part were it hurt him to see me cry because this time, I didn't turn away when the tears came. I stood right where I was and I looked at him when the tears ran down my face slowly. He kept a straight face and the look in his cold eyes made me shiver, there was nothing hypnotizing now, it didn't feel safe and warm like it did when we were alone. I started shaking and then I finally turned away. I ran straight up to my dorm and laid down in bed. 

He had a choice, he could have just walked away with them. And those words, taken from my past, they weren't meant for anybody but me, he could not impress the others with them. Or had he told them? How could I have thought for one second that he was different? I had trusted him and he did not care about it one bit, I was so naive. I couldn't stop crying. He didn't care about me, those were empty words and blunt lies he told me when no one was there to hear him.

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