Chapter 10

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The following week was weird. I didn't know how to act when I saw Draco. When I saw him and his friends coming from a far, I literally ran away and took Neville with me. He never got it because I always had an excuse. But I was also waiting for a letter from Corey. I had sent the last letter extra early to get a quick response but it seemed he was busy. Or the letter had gotten lost. I knew my brother though, I knew he would not just forget about writing a letter back. And the letter couldn't have gotten lost, Poppy never lost a letter and she was smart, she always found Corey. She had brought him hundreds of letters to Durmstrang before.

I sat down at breakfast with Neville and hoped the letter would be in the mail today. I looked up as the owls flew in and let my eyes wander around, to maybe spot Poppy. And there she was. She landed next to my plate and looked at me. I took the letter and opened it while feeding her some of my sweet bread. "Thanks, sweetie" I said and stroked her feathers. She kept sitting there for a while, while I was reading Corey's letter.

Hi, sis!

Sorry that reply took so long. I had lots of school work, yeah, in that first week already. Poppy kind of got into a storm, I guess and I think she was a little sick so I kept her here and decided to send her with the letter back once she was okay again, I didn't want to take an owl from school.

Alright, I'm happy you found friends. Glad you're not in Slytherin, heard some crazy shit about them. I would love to see you on holiday, sis! Let's both come home, okay? I bet mum will be so happy! Also I wanted to tell you that I'm happy you're not feeling lonely anymore and that I'm of course always there for you. About the people that make fun of muggle-borns, everyone should ignore them. Being pure-blood is something you can't choose or achieve, it's nothing to be proud of. You should be proud of being muggle-born because that means you're still magical even though no one else in your family was. That's a great thing, just imagine we had turned out a wizard and a witch and no one in our family knew! Hilarious, right? Sorry, lost my train of thought there. However, don't worry about you-know-who, okay? Most of his army is in prison and no one can be sure if he's back or not. I mean, Dumbledore just believes Harry Potter, he hasn't seen him himself. Well, let's not talk about it, shall we? You shouldn't let all that get to you, it's your time to be happy now, you have the chance, sis. And it sounds like you're enjoying yourself at this school.

Sorry, I have to go now, my next class starts. Alright, I miss you!


Suddenly I noticed another owl next to my plate, a black one. "I think that package is for you too" Neville said and took it from the black owl. "I'm going up to the owl tower, Sam! Should I take Poppy?" I heard Celine behind me. "Yeah, please!" I said. She flew over to Celine's arm and kept sitting there, I felt like she always understood what was happening. "Who would send me stuff?" I wondered and opened the package while the other owl flew out the window again. "I don't know" Neville said. "Was that letter from your brother again?" I nodded and started opening the package. A letter was on top.

Hi, sweetie!

Surprise, thought I might send you a little something, just so you won't get homesick. I hope you're enjoying yourself at Hogwarts, could you just send me a little note back so I know how you are.

Love, Mum

"Aw, that's so cute!" I exclaimed and a few people turned around, looking at me. Neville laughed. I started to unpack some stuff. There were some of my favourite clothes that I had forgotten at home, some new books and chocolate frogs. I finished eating and then Neville and I took the chocolate frogs while walking out of the hall.

"Got mail? From your parents who aren't worth to be pure-blood either?" I heard a voice next to me. It was Draco. I tensed up, I got angry. How could he dare to involve my parents in this? And after all that apology bullshit? I turned around and punched him right in the face. He stared at me, he couldn't believe it. He was shocked, he had definitely not seen that coming. I looked at Neville, proud of myself and we walked downstairs. "You'll pay for that, Baker!" I heard Draco shout behind me but I didn't care. Why would I be afraid of him? All he did was talk shit to people, he was good at that but I wasn't scared of him attacking me physically. "Well done!" Neville said as we reached the dungeons. "He did not expect that!"

Potions class was as scary as it always was and always would be. But normally, I was good at it so I helped Neville next to me a little so he wouldn't be insulted by Snape again who made fun of him at the end of every lesson, it was horrible. So his potion turned out as well as mine in the end, I was happy Snape didn't take points from him this time.

After class that day, I took the time to write my mum a little note back about how I felt better at this school and that she didn't have to worry about me at all because I was fine. Then I started to write a long letter back to Corey, it was kind of the greatest thing to do, I missed him so much. That's why it was always hard to say goodbye when we left for school after the holidays again. I hated that we didn't go to the same school.

Hi, bro, me again so early!

We don't have that much school work so I will be the one who replies immediately. Don't get me wrong, school's hard here too but I feel like your school is just crazy when it comes to that. You're probably right about Poppy, she didn't look really well when she got here. I'll send this with a borrowed owl, sorry!

You're also right about you-know-who, nothing can be proven. I feel like no one here talks about it though. But we visited Hogsmeade the other weekend and it was awesome. It's this little village here and it has some awesome little shops.

About the Slytherins, I punched one of them in the face today! I am pretty proud of myself because he really deserved that. He keeps making fun of Neville and me so it's all justified in a way. Yeah, your sister is a badass, right?

I miss you so much, I will definitely come home in the winter holidays to see you, bro!


I sent it with an owl from school so Poppy could have some rest. Then Neville came up to our common room to hang out with me and Luna for the rest of the day. "So what were you up to today?" Luna asked. "You wouldn't believe it but Sam punched Malfoy in the face!" Neville said with a huge grin. "Really?!" Luna laughed. "Did she?" Cho asked too who just came downstairs from our dorm. I laughed and blushed a little because everyone in the common room was now staring at me. Padma Patil, another girl from my year sat down with us. "You must be proud of yourself, I think we all are!" she said and smiled. I laughed again. "It was just an impulse because ... he tried to insult me again, bring my parents into it." "He deserves it!" almost everyone said. And they were right. He deserved it. Fuck, he really did. How could I even have thought for one second that he could actually be nice just because of what he had said in Hogsmeade?

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