Chapter 8

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I was pretty sure that nothing was going to change. We were quits, that's what the look in his eyes had clearly said. But I was still curious when I sat down next to Neville at breakfast the next morning.

"Hey!" Neville said as I started eating. I turned around and saw Draco sitting at the Slytherin table with some friends. They were talking so he didn't notice me staring, none of the others did either. "Are you alright?" Neville asked and I turned back to him. "Yeah ... I'm just tired because last night I didn't really understand the riddle at our common room and it took me two hours in the dark to figure it out." Neville laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I took a deep breath. "Whatever ... I won't go back to the common room all by myself ever again" I said. Why was I even in Ravenclaw when I couldn't answer the eagle's questions anyway? I wasn't smart enough obviously. Well, I was smart but not when I had to think logically. "Sam?" Neville asked and tapped my arm slightly. "Yes?" "Why are Malfoy and his friends staring into our direction?" I looked up, over to them. As soon as Neville and I were both looking back, they all turned around and continued their conversation. "I don't know ... maybe they're just making fun of us again ... we should just ignore them." "Yeah, you're probably right." I smiled and kissed his cheek. „Don't let them get to you."

But when we were just about to leave for our next classes, Transfiguration for me and Herbology for Neville, Draco and his friends stood in our way. He looked at Neville with his typical "you're below me"-face again. So nothing had changed. "Oh, no. You're leaving too? Don't tell me we have Transfiguration with you." "With my house" I replied with a cold smile and pulled Neville out of the hall with me. "I have Herbology, bye!" Neville said, obviously glad he could get away from Malfoy. "Have fun!" I called after Neville because I knew that was his favourite subject and he always looked forward to it. So I had to walk to Transfiguration class next to Draco and his friends by myself. How could I even have thought for a second that that thing in the tower could've changed anything? He was still the same mean douche he had been before, no matter he had cried. Last night had just been weird, a weak moment for both of us where we had swallowed our pride and talked to each other normally but that was over now, obviously. And I wasn't upset about that, I didn't want to be friends with him either. His friends kept saying something about my red hair and my robe that was a little shorter than theirs because it was too small but I just ignored them. Surprisingly though, Draco didn't say anything, he just laughed along with them even though he was normally the one cracking the jokes. I thought nothing of it and sat far away from them in class.

After class, I met Neville outside and we decided to hang out by the lake again. After some time, Georgia and Celine, who I had already met in the Gryffindor common room the other day, joined us. "We have some nice weather, finally!" Georgia said and smiled. Neville nodded. "Lightens the dark mood, right?" I said. Celine agreed. "Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow too?" Georgia asked. "Yeah" Neville said. "I can't wait to show Sam around, you're gonna love it." "I hope so!" I said. "I'm sure" Celine said with a smile.

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