Chapter 28

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The last day of the school year came and everyone had packed their things, sitting in the Great Hall, waiting to go to the station. When I walked in with my suitcase and Poppy's cage, Luna waved at me from across the hall. I walked up to her with a face that expressed nothing but an apology. She smiled. 

"Do you want to sit with me?" she offered. I was so thankful and nodded. She put her arm around me and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry about how we pushed you away. We were just so upset because you didn't tell us anything. But I mean, if you like Draco, that's fine. I trust your judgement and if you like him, he can't be that bad. I mean, some boys are like that, they're different without their friends, you know ... less cool." 

Hearing her say all this gave it a rational perspective, it was not just me that felt that way, there were others, people knew about this and how others could be even when they liked you.

"That's really nice of you to say but we're done so it doesn't really matter." She smiled. "Even better. I just didn't want to lose you as a friend because you're such an amazing person and I didn't want to let you go for summer like that, I'm so sorry that we all left you alone. I was just so shocked, that's all, I needed some time. You deserve to be happy your own way and I want to help you with that. It was all pretty crazy this year, right? We all had our heads somewhere else." 

"You got Sam back? Good! Next year is gonna be amazing!" I heard behind me and Cho joined us. She turned to me and took my hand. "I'm so sorry, Sam. I was so surprised by everything that happened and then I betrayed all the others, I..." "It's okay, I was pretty shitty too" I cut her off. Suddenly, I felt someone hugging me from behind. It was Georgia, she laid her head down on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sam, I regretted ignoring you the minute I started but then I felt horrible crawling right back because I was ashamed I had done it in the first place." "It's okay, I'm just glad everything's back to normal again" I smiled and we all got up to walk to the train.

On the way, Celine joined us and apologized as well. Then she linked arms with me and leant in close. "There's one thing that's not quite alright yet though" she said. I took a deep breath. "I'm aware." "Just go to his compartment. He wanted to be alone but I'm sure you want to talk to him and he really needs to talk to you. You two apart, you can't go apart like this over summer." I nodded bravely and while they found a compartment, I made my way to the last one on the train that I had been in with my former best friend on the way here as well.

On the way, I glanced to the side every now and then and I passed the Slytherin's compartment. Draco was there, laughing at something but I could tell it was fake. I wanted to talk to him and make whatever was bothering him go away but I know I couldn't so I just kept walking. It was none of my business any longer, I hadn't talked to him since that last kiss on the owl tower.

I opened the door to the last compartment. "Hi, Neville" I said quietly. "Can I sit down?" He nodded but it was barely visible. He was staring out the window as I sat down opposite him. And then his puppy eyes looked up at me. I smiled carefully. "I am so sorry" I said. "Your feelings are not your fault" he replied. "No, listen, I know you hate me for this thing with Draco because you hate each other and he has no reason to hate you and you have all the reason to hate him and I don't want to defend what I did because it was wrong, I never should have done that, simply because of you, nevermind my feelings. Either way, it's over now and I hate that it took until that was the case to pick up the pieces but I'll make it up to you, I'm aware I hurt you but I'm begging you to forgive me. I miss you and you're still my best friend, I know I made a mistake and I'd like to fix it."

Being the emotional bitch I was, I started crying again. He got up and set down next to me, hugging me from the side. I leant into him, happy that everything was going to be okay again. "I can't be mad at you, Sam. I was sad and I thought you'd think about me the way he did. I was afraid you'd hate me too." "I always defend you, you know that." "I know that, yeah. And I've missed you too. And you still are my best friend." 

I took Neville back to the compartment with the others and we all spent the ride back to London together and had a great time. I was happy I had found my way back to them and it felt so good to belong to something again. I hadn't believed it to be possible but now I knew what real friends were, people who would admit to their mistakes and take responsibility, people that would forgive you, no matter what. These people were amazing and I was going to work on those friendships and make effort to keep them because I didn't take them for granted. I loved them and I was so thankful for them, for so many reasons. They had shown me so much this year and they had shown me how friends really were supposed to be.

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