Chapter 29 [2 years later]

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I took my wand and let the stuff I bought fly into the fridge. Then I heard the door. "You're back from work already?" Corey asked, coming in. "Yeah, I finished early so I'd have time to go shopping" I explained. "Please don't tell me you want food right now though, I'm way too exhausted to make something right now." He smiled. "It's alright. I'll make some" he said. "Bless you" I said and sat down at the kitchen table. "You've got mail, by the way" he said and pointed at the pile of letters that he had thrown on the table coming in.

"Well, some mail, some is for me as well" he added. I nodded and looked through the letters. There were mostly post cards from my friends because it was summer, there were ads, newspapers, my favourite magazine, The Daily Prophet and some bills. But underneath them all, I spotted an actual letter. Who was writing to me from the wizarding world? Everyone else used their phones or computers.

"Did Poppy bring all of this?" I wondered. Corey turned around and pointed at the strange letter in my hand. "Not that one, that was just dropped on our doorstep, I assume another owl brought it. Who's it from?" "I have no idea" I said, letting a knife slowly fly over to me to cut it open. It only had my name on it and nothing else. 

I pulled the pergament out of the envelope and recognized the handwriting when I unfolded it. It made my heart feel heavy and my hands started shaking. I pressed my lips together, I was not going to be able to handle this. I got up. "Where are you going? Food's ready soon" Corey said as I was heading for the stairs. "I'll be right back" I assured him, taking a deep breath as I sat down on top of the stairs.

Dear Sam,

somehow you must have gotten this letter if you're reading this right now. I found out where you live, don't ask me how, it was pretty complicated. I'm sorry about that, I hope it's okay. 

I'm aware that I'm reopening old sores with this because we haven't talked since that night on the owl tower, two years ago. I want to tell you about those two years. The year after, after that summer, that was the worst for me. I held myself back and I stayed away because I didn't want to hurt you, I knew I couldn't do that to you. It made sense that way and I'm proud of us for keeping that up.

At this point, you probably know what was going on. I was under a lot of pressure because he wanted me to kill Professor Dumbledore. I cried a lot that year, I knew I was not going to be able to do it. You probably have heard all these stories by now, because of Potter or your friends that were at school when it all happened. However, I was a mess and I couldn't take the pressure, I almost killed myself at one point. But I tried to stay strong for everyone that I still cared about.

For a while, I was scared of what they'd do to me if I didn't manage to complete the task. But then, I didn't fear death and I expected them to kill me because I couldn't kill Dumbledore. I was almost expecting it so I didn't care. Seeing that wise man, that incredible wizard that kept us safe all those years in that castle, seeing him fall, witnessing him die, that was the most fucked up thing I have ever seen. But it's over now. And you have no idea how happy I am that those dark times that I can't even explain to you are now over. 

You may be wondering why I'm telling you all these things after two whole years have passed. It's because you're the only one I could ever tell anything to, you took me just the way I am and I'm so grateful for that, you showed me that there is that kind of relationship with someone. And I might be running after things that are long gone here but you still are that person to me. A whole year just walking past each other and never speaking, it was so hard for me.

When I realised that you weren't coming back for year seven, I was upset at first because your smile was still what had kept me going, even if it had been from a far. But then I was relieved, it turned hell there and I had to stay with the Death Eaters and play my part. I was such a horrible person, I will never forgive myself for all the things I have done. The war, the battle at Hogwarts, I am so happy that you weren't there, Sam, I am happy you weren't hurt, I'm so glad you're alright. I probably would've died trying to protect you in battle. But I would have done it.

Mostly though, I'm writing this letter to let you know one thing. There is not one day that passes that I don't think about you. You changed my life, you changed me. It took you one year to do what no one else ever could, that year I spent with you, I found out who I really was and now I'm ready to be only that man and that man alone. 

Now that the war is over and everything is good again, the thing that would make my life perfect is you being in it. I haven't forgotten about any of it and it might be silly to hold on to that time because the time has passed but you're still the only one for me. I miss you, after all this time I haven't let you go. I know this may be too late but I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you, I don't know what was wrong with me. I hope there is still a part inside of you that likes me. I don't want to live without you.

This could all be a mistake, you may be laughing with your husband and your kids at this but I would have hated myself my whole life if I didn't at least try. This is my attempt at doing the right thing for once, to do what I really want. And the only thing I really want, is you. 

I think you know where this is headed. I love you. I've never loved anyone, I've never even liked anybod. That's why I'm holding onto you, because no one has ever made me feel like this, make me feel anything. And I doubt that anybody will ever have that power again. If there's anything for me left in you, please reply to this letter and tell me how to see you.

If you don't reply, I will appear on your doorstep within the next few days, I'm not leaving this to chance. See you soon,


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