Chapter 19

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"I'm gonna miss you but we'll keep in touch, it's not such a long time" Neville said and I smiled, hugging him goodbye. "You're right, it'll be fine. Happy holidays." I saw his grandma in the back and he walked over to her and they left. "I hope time flies, I can't wait to see you all back in school again" Luna said to me and her, Cho and me shared a group hug. Luna and her father left, as well as Cho and her parents. Georgia and Celine ran over to me and hugged me as well. "How are you getting home?" Georgia asked. "My mum's waiting outside but I wanted to say goodbye to you all." "We'll see you soon" Celine smiled and they took off as well. I grabbed my suitcase and instead of mum, I saw Corey outside the station. 

"Corey!" I squealed and ran up to him, dropping my stuff down on the floor but keeping Poppy's cage in my hand. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, spinning me around. "FInally!" he said. "This is going to be the best christmas ever." "Oh, yes!" I agreed and got into the car. "Congrats on getting your license" I smirked and he grinned. "And this car, not bad, right?" "Not at all" I smiled.

The way home was a few hours long but we had so much to talk about, catching up. When we had finally made it, I saw the door open before I was even out of the car and mum came running towards me, hugging me tightly. "Sam, honey, I'm so happy to have both of you here! I've missed you so much, sweetie!" She took my suitcase and carried it inside. We took off our shoes and coats and kept her company while she was finishing dinner, sitting down at the table. "Where's dad?" Corey asked. "Still at work, he had to pick something up." "Will he be here for dinner?" "I hope so."

Dad came home on time and he was as happy to see us as mum was. I loved being back home, I had really missed it. Because Corey and I had always shared a bedroom at home, we talked all night, about school, about new friends, about everything. Everything but the thing that was on my mind the most but I was too confused about it, I couldn't tell him. I knew he'd judge me and talking about boys with my older brother? No, that just didn't seem right. And that thing with Draco, it wasn't even a real "boy thing", was it? 

I hadn't seen Draco since I had cried in front of him because of my past. And now during the holidays, I wanted to figure things out, I had to wrap my head around this and get my thoughts straight. It was important. I didn't want to constantly have that issue on my mind. There were so many thoughts I had to put in order. And this was the perfect time to think about all that, without Draco around, confusing me.

The next morning, I woke up and Corey's bed was empty. So I went downstairs where he was making breakfast using magic. I was fine with that because he was really good at it. "Sit and wait for your favourite breakfast" he announced and I sat down next to him. "You're doing your magical pancakes?" "I am indeed." He had started making them as soon as he was allowed to use magic outside school and they were amazing, he served them with chocolate syrup and it tasted amazing. 

We played Quidditch all of that day and the next. I had missed spending time with him so much and I hated the thought of us both going back to school so soon. The holidays were going to be way too short, I knew that already.

Christmas was amazing too, Corey and my parents both loved the presents I had gotten them and Corey told me he was going to use the prank articles on some guys in school that he didn't like but had to share a dorm with. That night, we all sat together in the living room, talking about anything there was to talk about. I had missed this family time and I was going to go back to missing it once I'd return to Hogwarts.

I slept all of the next day because we had stayed up so long and the following day, me and Corey stayed up all night as well, eating all the candy I had brought him from Hogsmeade. We had so much to talk about, all holidays long and we kept finding new things to discuss. And we didn't only spend the days together but also the nights because we knew that otherwise, we weren't going to have enough time. Neither me or Corey slept much during those holidays and I was happy about that, I was happy that I felt so close to my brother again. Over the whole time at school, even though we had sent letters, it hadn't felt like a real brother-sister-relationship so I was happy we could renew that during the holidays.

But I almost missed Georgia, Celine, Neville, Cho and Luna and damn, as much as I hated to admit it, I missed Draco. It was fucked up but I missed him the most.  

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