Chapter 14

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I sat alone with Luna at breakfast the next day, suddenly Neville appeared next to me. His eyes were red and he didn't look really healthy. I stood up and hugged him. "Where the hell were you yesterday? I was so worried!" I shouted which made a few people turned around. I noticed the Slytherins in the back watching too but I didn't pay attention to them. 

"I need to tell you something, can we talk?" Neville asked. What was wrong with him? I got even more worried but I nodded and followed him outside. He leant his back against the wall next to the doors of the Great Hall. "What's wrong?" I asked, getting more and morescared. He seemed sad. Yesterday he had been so confident, standing up against Draco and now he was all down again. "I need to talk to you about something..." "Go ahead" I encouraged him and tried giving him a genuine smile. But I was too scared to make it look actually genuine. The way he was acting was too confusing. 

"Yesterday..." he started. Oh, no. Oh, no. He couldn't ... oh, who was I kidding? I didn't actually think he would... "When you kissed me yesterday, I know it didn't mean anything to you and you just wanted Malfoy and the others to fuck off but..." Oh, no. Was he really...? "I like you, I have liked you ever since we met. I mean, you're the first girl that's not annoyed by me and I know it's lame to like you just because of that but that's not the only reason obviously, you know. I mean ... you're so pretty and you just impress me, everything you do amazes me. I know you don't feel the same, why would you? Seriously, I just wanted to tell you, you don't need to say anything. I just wanted to be confident and tell you, being the brave kid for once. This won't change anything, I hope." I stared at him. My heart was beating fast. 

"What the hell is wrong with you, Neville? How can you even like me? I'm the ugliest and weirdest person in the world! What makes you like me, I-I don't understand..." "What makes you think you're ugly?" Neville interrupted me, he was blown away by my freakout even though he had just made the big confession. It just broke out of me. "Sam, what...?" Suddenly, I just started crying and it was too much. It was overwhelming. I wasn't used to crying anymore, I shouldn't cry, I was stronger now. Neville just made a step forward and hugged me, gently rubbing my back with one hand.

"At my old school ... everyone was always making fun of the way I looked and the way I was so different from the others! I mean ... seriously? You can't like me, I'm horrible. I'm boring and just such an annoying person. People hate me, everyone hates me! That's how it always has been and that's how it will always be! I know this, I was told so many times! I know I'm ugly, you don't need to lie to me! And I know I'm annoying and not funny and all those things the Slytherins say I am! I feel like you're all lying to me even though I thought it seems I fit in." "You do fit in, love! We all like you and please, I don't know what was wrong with those people at your old school but you are so pretty, how dare anyone even tell you you're ugly? And I've never met anyone that was nicer than you. You care about us so much, you did before we were such good friends! You defended me against the Slytherins even though they didn't have to hate you too! You've been there for me, Sam, since we first met on the train! Don't get yourself down so much! We can ask anyone, they'll all tell you you're awesome. You're my best friend, if you like it or not. And I like you but I will stay your friend because I know you don't feel they way I do."

I cried even more as he said all that. He kissed my hair. I got chills. I wished I liked him. That would have been perfect. But I couldn't fool him but I wish I liked him like he liked me. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered. He kept stroking my back. "You don't need to be sorry for anything." "But you're such a great guy, I don't know why we can't just be more than friends, I'd love to like you!" He smiled as he stepped back and let go of me. He took my hand. "It's alright" he said. "You don't need to apologize for not liking me, you've made me so much more confident and I'm just happy being your friend, okay? So don't bother thinking about how I am in all of this, alright?" I sobbed. "Are you sure?" "Completely sure." He wiped my tears away and smiled. Then he used a simple spell on me that would make my eyes look less swollen and we went back inside.



something crazy has happened. Neville, you know that friend I told you about, he likes me. And he made me all those compliments, telling me how I am pretty and nice and all that. I never knew people in school who told me that, everyone always hated and picked on me. And no one seems to care that I'm different here, it's just my sore spot, you know. 

I'm happy that we have been going on with those letters for quite a few months now and I can't wait to see you for the holidays. It will be epic when we're back home together. I can't wait to play Quidditch with you again either, our little games are always the best. And you have to teach me some of your awesome mischief spells you've created, I know you did invent some new ones, I know you, bro. Well, we'll be visiting Hogsmeade again in a few weeks. So I'll bring you some of the candy from the shop there, it's amazing. You'll love it! And some prank items from Zonko's, you'll love those too.

I'm really tired right now so I'm gonna end this here. I'll sneak out and go to the owl tower now, I'm such a badass, I know. I should've taken Poppy down to my dorm earlier so I could just let her fly out the window next to me but oh, well. Anyway, love you x

I miss you and can't wait to see you during the holidays. Take care.


I snuck of the dorm and through the common room door, I had gotten better at soldving the riddles lately and I knew how to get back to the Ravenclaw tower when I got back from sending a letter. I did this a lot because I always wrote those letters before I went to sleep, I had no time during the day and always wanted to send them as soon as possible so I'd get a reply as soon as possible but I always forgot to take Poppy down so I always needed to sneak out and get up the tower after curfew. 

I got there without anyone seeing me and cuddled Poppy just before she flew out the window with my letter to Corey. Suddenly, I heard steps behind me. I turned around and saw Draco standing there. What was this weird coincidence? Or had he followed me up here without me noticing? I couldn't be meant to meet him two times in the same place at the same time. He just looked at me, I wasn't sorry for anything. The past few weeks, after I had kissed Neville, he had kept making fun of me. Especially hitting my sensitive points, my looks and my weird behaviour. I hated him for that but my feelings about him were still mixed up. I didn't know what to think about him, still. Even though it was obvious what I had to feel. Hatred, damn hatred. 

I looked at him with serious eyes, like I wanted to punch him again. I wondered if he was afraid of that. He wouldn't dare to use a spell on me though, I knew he wouldn't. He noticed me staring and looked back at me the same way. It scared me. "Hope you're not too stupid to find your way down this time" he said and walked past me, to the window. This cold expression on his face, it sent chills down my spine. "Fuck you" I just whispered weakly and walked out of the tower, I couldn't handle any more insults. I couldn't handle him saying all those horrible things that made me cry at night. I couldn't handle those stone grey eyes staring down into my soul while bringing me down when he had actually also used those same hypnotizing eyes when we had been down in the dungeons.

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