Chapter 21

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He was holding my hand when I started talking about my past that I knew would eventually make me cry. 

"So, I had this really good friend at my old school, no, actually she was my best friend. We told each other everything, we had known each other since we first started magical school together. And then, last year, she started dating this guy and he was such an asshole, always rude to everyone, he was such a bully. Everyone hated him. She started to change, she wouldn't be on time anymore, she'd say mean things to me for no reason, she turned into him. I hated that, she started to make fun of people she had been friends with. And when we realised what was happening, we tried to help her but it was impossible. She thought she was above everyone because she had this guy that made her feel so good. And then, my friends started accepting him, trusting her judgement and they turned against me because I was the only one that didn't accept this change, this was not my best friend, this wasn't her. And she turned it around like I was a bad friend, standing in the way of her happiness, not being happy for her. And they all changed with them, I hate changes. And then I was the bad one, even though I thought I knew what was best for her. In the end, everyone turned against me and no one liked me anymore and with my former best friend's boyfriend, all his friends turned against me too, all the bullies and it got so much worse. They basically made my life a living hell. They would leave notes everywhere, telling me I was dumb and I was ugly and I should be embarrassed about showing my face. They told me I was a blood traitor, not worth the pure blood status and that it was a waste to me and my family. All my friends that didn't want to be my friends anymore told me that that was the reason, me being embarrassing or annoying and I started to believe it. I tried to ignore the bullying but at one point, it got unbearable and it tore me apart. I was scared of getting up in the morning and I wanted to leave school, I almost ran away one night. I finally managed to tell my parents about it even though it was so humiliating. But they understood me and they wanted me to be happy and that it would get better so they let me change schools. And when I came here, I felt welcome and people seemed to like me. And then you came along and told me all those things I thought I'd never hear from anyone but my own mind again, all those things I had heard at my old school. I was afraid things would be the same all over again. But then I realised that I had found real friends, friends that would stand up for me. First, I didn't care about what you said because I became more confident than before but then I thought about it and moreover, I started to care about what you think..." 

I started crying and sobbing but tried to keep talking. He pulled me closer, hugging me tighter. I could feel him tense. "I now care about you and about your perception of me. I care when people I don't know or like insult me. But when it's someone I want to respect me, someone that makes me care about what they think of me, it hurts. Especially when it hits all those spots that the bullies at my old school would get at. I'm confronted with my past that I wanted to leave behind all over again. I don't know if you've ever been bullied and were left with no one like me but trust me, it's terrible. You feel like even though you're alone, all eyes are on you, laughing at your failure."

I dared to look up into his cold eyes. He let go of me, he looked confused. I couldn't believe I had just told him this. Now he had so much more against me, so much more proof for how weak I really was. "Did you just say you care about me?" he asked. I nodded. This was the first time one of us had ever mentioned anything about affection. "So ... those people are the reason you think that you're ugly? And they're the reason you believe me when I say those things to you in front of the others?" I nodded again. His fingers lifted up my chin and he locked my eyes once again. Then he wiped my tears away with his sleeve. He leant in and our lips met. "Forget about all the things they said and all the things I said when I'm with the others, all you need to believe me is that you're gorgeous and you make me go absolutely crazy" he whispered on my lips. 

He lifted me up and laid me down in the grass, hovering over me and keeping his lips on mine. I had thought I had come down here to end things but here I was, losing myself in another kiss. He stroked my cheek with one hand, his other hand was holding on to my waist as he was kissing me hungrily. 

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