Chapter 9

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I was glad I had gotten all the information about Hogsmeade and certain forms and papers before because Neville wouldn't shut up about it for the rest of the week and it would have sucked to not be able to go after hearing that much about it. It would have seriously frustrated me because he made it sound like so much fun. And I was also interested because we never really got out of the castle, just outside to the lake or the Quidditch stadium. At home, I had used to play Quidditch on holiday with Corey all the time but I couldn't manage to try out of the school team. That would just make me be the center of attention again, no matter if it was just for training or the actual team. Eyes would be on me and I didn't like it.

So I just felt really good on the weekend, when I was walking to the village behind the others with Neville, Georgia and Celine. I was actually excited for this now because Neville had talked about it the whole time. I honestly had no idea what his obsession with this village was. "Three Broomsticks first, right?" Celine stated and we turned right. "Definitely, Sam has to try butterbeer!" Gerogia agreed. "Three Broomsticks it is!" Neville announced and they pulled me into a little pub. We sat down at a table next to the counter. "I wonder why we're going to Hogsmeade so early this year" Georgia said. "Exactly, it's so different to be here when the weather is nice!" Neville laughed. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Normally we go in the winter, when it's snowing. The village is beautiful then." I smiled. "Well, I hope I get to see that." "Oooh, Neville, Madam Rosmerta coming!" Celine said with a smirk as a pretty lady who obviously owned the place walked over to our table. Georgia and Celine both stared at Neville who blushed, obviously he had a crush on her which wasn't so surprising because she really looked good. "Hey, wanna ordner?" she asked with a polite smile. "Four butterbeers" Neville said nervously. "Are you new at Hogwarts or are you just visiting?" the lady asked me. "I just started Hogwarts, I changed schools. I'm Sam." "Nice to meet you, I'm Madam Rosmerta. I'll be right back with your order!" She went back to the counter. "What was that all about, you two?" Neville asked, becoming more confident again. We all laughed. "You like her, admit it!" "I don't!" "You can't deny it! Every boy likes her!" Celine said. Neville blushed even more and looked down at the table.

After a few minutes, Madam Rosmerta returned with four tall glasses. "Try it!" Celine called. I took a sip of the drink and it tasted amazing so I finished half the glass before the others even started. "Awesome, right?" I just nodded because I had to swallow before talking. "Oh, yeah." "Where do we take her next?" Georgia started to plan. "Zonko's?" Neville suggested "Gladrag's?" Celine suggested. "But what about Honeyduke's?" "We should choose." None of those names meant anything to me, I was clueless and decided to just let them choose where to take me because they knew better around here. "Let's just walk down the street and show her every good shop she needs to see." "Alright!"

We all finished our butterbeers and then walked out of the pub again. The weather was so beautiful. "Oh, you guys! There's Harry and he's alone at the moment so I might go hang out with him ... you think he wants to hang out?" Celine suddenly whispered and we followed her eyesight which went into the direction of Harry who was standing in front of a colorful shop. "Yeah, go over. Impress him!" Neville said with a grin. It was obvious that Celine liked Harry, we all knew it. But Harry didn't seem to realise it. She walked over to him and greeted him with a hug. He seemed happy about it and they went to go down the street together. Was he really alone there or were Hermione and Ron around somewhere? Those three seemed to always be together. Neville, Georgia and I walked down the street and went into the shop Harry had just been standing in front of a minute ago. "Alright, this is Zonko's Joke Shop, it has prank and joke articles!" Neville explained. I looked around, everything looked weird and confusing but in a funny way. "But pay attention to Fred and George Weasley, they like to buy stuff here and prank everyone" Georgia said and looked around. "Who?" I asked. "They're two of Ron's older brothers, the twins." "Oh, okay." "They're like the super pranksters here." I laughed. How bad could they be with that kid prank stuff? "Watch out for them, seriously!" Neville agreed with Georgia. I loved it here though, it was awesome. While Georgia bought some stuff, I just looked around with Neville.

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