Chapter 15

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Neville had promised me the village would look stunning when it had snow all over it and he was right. It was so beautiful. I was there with just Neville this time because Georgia had decided to go shopping with Luna and Cho while Celine was hanging out with Harry. She had told me at breakfast this morning how excited she was. I was happy for her, she knew she had a chance with him and she had told me she was gonna take it. It was great that it finally seemed to work out with Harry.

The village was full, the people squeezed through the spaces that other people left by squeezing into a different space in the crowd. There were so many people, it was insane. After we had had a butterbeer and bought some new candy, we walked over to Zonko's too so I could get all the stuff I wanted to bring home for Corey. I knew he'd love all of it.

When we stepped back out of Zonko's, it felt like there were even more people around, there was so much determination in their faces while they were shopping, it was almost funny if I had not been pushed every two seconds. You could see that nobody had time to stop or to hesitate, christmas time was coming up and everyone needed presents. I had already gotten my presents for my parents and now I had also scored the prank items for Corey so I was safe. 

When I looked to the side almost automatically to check if Neville and I were still in the same space of the crowd, he was gone. Someone pushed me again from the side, probably by accident but it still hurt, so I tried to get out of the crowd, it was just getting too much. I desperately fumbled for a way out, into a different direction than the people who were rushing with a clear destination. 

When I was finally out, I pressed to the wall of the closest store and looked around. I had lost Neville, shit. I knew I'd never find him in the crowd so I took a deep breath and I tried to relax a little. Why were there no cellphones here again? I would have found him in no time. That's a downside of growing up in the muggle-world and then coming here, I guess. You get used to their handy gadgets.

Lost in thought, I jumped when I heard a boice next to my ear all of the sudden. "Hey, can we talk?" I turned around and looked up. It felt like my heart skipped a beat when I got lost in those eyes towering over me all over again. There was something wrong with me, there was no denying it. "Fuck off" I said, gathering up all my courage. I wanted to leave but he stood right in front of me in an attempt to keep me from walking away. "Please, I just want to tell you something." "I don't care about what you have to say so leave me alone!" I replied, standing my ground. He sighed. "Please" he pleaded, locking my eyes again. He was making it impossible for me to resist and I wondered if he knew that. "Fine. What the hell do you want?" "Let's just go in there" he said, pointing at the store that we had been standing outside of this whole time. "Madam Puddifoot's? No way, are you kidding?" "Not because I like this kind of shitty thing, it's just that no one will see or expect us in there, Sam." 

I knew he didn't want to be seen with me, I knew he was embarrassed so I wondered why I even followed him inside. Maybe it was because he had said my name, my actual first name and not "Baker" again. We sat down at a table in the back. I couldn't believe I was doing this. When the waitress came over, I ordered black coffee, then looked at Draco who was running his fingers through his hair nervously. I had no clue what was going on. "Black coffee?" he questioned, seeming confused. "Yes" I said. "Nice, for most people you have to add a ton of vanilla and milk and all that, I hate that kind of sludge, if it's not black coffee, you might as well not call it coffee at all." 

And then he laughed and it was like my breath got caught in my throat. I could not handle seeing him laugh, like a real laugh, not a mocking one. And I had made it happen, sort of. "So, can I ask you a question?" he wondered, now it felt a little less strange. "It's kind of the reason I'm keeping you ... here." He scrunched up his nose looking around. I smiled weakly. "Go ahead." I knew he would have asked me anyway. Why was I doing this? Why was I not putting a spell on him because he had been such an asshole lately? 

"Are you dating Longbottom?" "Neville" I corrected him almost automatically. "What?" "His name is Neville." He rolled his eyes. Once again, I asked myself why I was even talking to him. "Are you like ... with him?" I looked up at him, scared of losing myself in his eyes again which of course happened almost instantly. "I'm not. Why?" He couldn't be jealous, could he? "I just ... I'll be honest right now and that's something new for me so..." "If you want to be honest, you can just tell me why you kissed me" I interrupted him. I had to know and I didn't want to wait for the answer any longer. He owed me that after being so confusing. 

He took a deep breath. "I guess, I just ... couldn't hold myself back anymore, I don't know. Trust me, you're not the only one that's totally confused and mixed up about this, I mean, when I stood there, making fun of Longbottom and then just saw you kiss him, I ... I wanted to..." I didn't even interrupt him to correct the name this time, I just wanted to keep on listening to his voice when he was not being mean but when he was acting like a human being. When that was the case, it was so soothing to listen to him speak and I couldn't actually believe what I was hearing once I also paid attention to his words. Was he joking? All those jokes and all that mockery, only to now tell me this? He had to get his shit together. I had done nothing to confuse him, he was doing all the confusing. 

"You wanted what?" I asked, just to keep him talking. I didn't want it to end. He stood up and took my hand as soon as I had finished my cup of coffee. "What the fuck?" I asked. "Let's go to the back." "Why?" "Just come on." "No." "This way Potter and that girl from his house won't see us" he added to convince me and when I glanced towards the door, I saw Celine walk in with Harry so I quickly followed Draco to the back on pure impulse. 

Just when we reached the hallway to the bathrooms, he pinned me against the wall again, without a warning. "What are you doing?" I asked and I hoped he couldn't feel my heartbeat going faster. "Listen to me, okay?" "You were about to tell me what you wanted to do" I reminded him. I was so hypnotized by him right now. "I wanted to rip you off him" he said, not blinking, not doing anything to keep his intense eyes boring directly into mine, that fucking stone cold grey ... it caught me. 

Suddenly, he leant down and pressed his lips on mine. That had the power to get my eyes off his and close them, finding a new poison because his lips made me feel like I was on fire. He let go of my wrists when he realised that I was into it too. He placed his hands underneath my thighs in an attempt to pull them up, pressing me against the wall behind me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him carefully stroke my hair out of my face, putting his hand against my cheek and cupping up the side of my face. I couldn't believe this was happening. He always hurt me and made fun of me and my friends and what was I doing with him now? Why? His hands trailed down, holding my waist to keep me against the wall. His lips slowly wandered down my face to the side and he started kissing my neck, sucking at it softly. I put my hand into his hair, pulling his lips back onto mine. He licked my lips and his tongue met mine, starting to play around.

After a while, he let me down. Luckily, no one had come back to the bathrooms. "I'll check how I look in the ladies' room and when I come back, I want you to be gone" I told him. I was getting mad now that I had let that happen and liked it despite all the horrible things he did. I felt like a terrible person. "What? I can't go out there, there's Potter and another Gryffindor out there" he said. "Sucks for you" I replied. "Let me just come in with you and wait until they're gone" he said as I made my way t one of the mirrors and started brushing my hair that he had messed up with my fingers. Something on my neck caught my eye. "Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to hide that?" I asked. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. I stared at the mirror and it looked so wrong, us together, it didn't seem right. I should have been scared of him and at times, I actually was. But for some reason, I didn't do anything about him being so close to me. He softly kissed the mark on my neck. "Sorry" he said. I turned around, I was so confused. "I'll leave first and you can leave when they're gone" I decided. That's when I realised that I was embarrassed to be seen with him as well. 

I pulled up the hood of my pullover to at least cover the bite a little bit. "Okay" he said and I could literally watch him change, he became that other side of himself again. I walked out because I didn't want to see any more of it. Harry and Celine both gave me a weird look. "What are you doing in here, Sam?" Celine asked in confusion. "I just had to use the bathroom" I replied with a shrug and walked out of the place. All I could think of was that kiss that had made my head spin, his lips on mine and his tongue in my mouth. I could still feel it. I didn't know what to do or where to even begin to think about how I felt. There were no words for this and I just didn't know how to go on from here.

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