Chapter 2

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Talking to Neville turned out to actually be really great and I felt like I had known him for ages after just a few hours of chatting. He was really sweet and not complicated at all which I liked. "So, what's your owl's name?" he asked as more and more noises began coming from the cage next to me. "Poppy" I replied. "I know that's a weird name for an owl but my brother named her, she used to be his. But he bought a rat when he started his first year at Durmstrang." "Your brother goes to Durmstrang? Was he here last year?" I shook my head. "I asked him not to participate in that tournament." Neville nodded. "I understand. I thought they were pretty intimidating when they were here though." I smiled. "I get it. But he's a really nice guy." "What's his name?" "Corey. I hope we can keep in touch through letters this year" I said. Neville smiled. "What's your toad's name?" I wondered. "Trevor." "He's cute." "No, he's weird, I lose him all the time." I laughed at his frustration.

Someone knocked on the glass of the compartment door and then opened it. "Hey, Neville" a boy with brown hair said. "Hi, Harry! What's up? How was your summer?" Neville asked. Harry? Harry Potter? I knew he went to Hogwarts and was my age. I tried to look for the scar on his forehead but his hair was messy and I couldn't see. "It was alright. Who's this?" he asked, gesturing towards me. "Oh, that's Sam. She's new." "Hi, Sam, nice to meet you" Harry said and shook my hand. "Are you Harry Potter?" I heard myself ask, the words just rushing out of my mouth without control. But I mean, we had all grown up with his name in our books, our generation's hero. I bit my lip. But he just smiled and if he had noticed me staring, he had the courtesy not to mention it. "Um ... yes." "Pleasure" I said with a smile, pressing my lips together so I wouldn't embarrass myself any more. He sat down next to Neville. "Are you okay, Harry?" Neville asked. "Yeah, I'm alright." "You know, because of..." "Yes, Neville, I'm okay, everything's okay." "Alright, just checking." He stared at the floor. I looked out the window. What was this awkward silence about? "Okay, I'll get back to Ron and Hermione, just wanted to say Hello" Harry said and got up again. "Nice meeting you, Sam" he added, then closed the door behind himself and disappeared.

"What was that all about?" I asked. Neville shrugged. "I don't know, I probably annoyed him. I even annoy the people I like." I smiled, shaking my head. "I doubt it. And for the record, you're not annoying me either." He smiled back. "You've only talked to me for a few hours, I tend to scare people off somehow after a while, I'm afraid I can't help it." "I don't think you're annoying at all but I do know the feeling of being annoying to other people so I understand you." "You? You annoying someone?" "Yeah, is that so hard to believe?" I laughed nervously. "It's just ... you seem so nice and I don't even understand why you're sitting with me." "Because I was too shy to ask someone else and you sat here in the last compartment and I was afraid to walk all the way back when everything was full." "Please, anyone would've been delighted to have you sitting in their compartment. You're really nice and you're ... pretty too." I blushed and my heartbeat went a little faster. "Um ... thank you" I stuttered even though I couldn't really relate to that compliment. I had been bullied about my looks for too long to not question this. "You don't need to feel uncomfortable and I don't mean to sound creepy but I'm serious." He blushed a little too. I laughed. "No, I just ... don't agree at all, it's hard for me to belive you." He shook his head, not looking at me as he kept talking. "Just believe me, Sam. It's why I wondered why you were even talking to me the whole time." "Because you're lovely. Please. Who wouldn't wanna talk to you?" "Honestly? Almost everyone, I'm afraid." "Well, they're missing out then." He blushed even more.

Later, when we had to change, I just put my robe over my normal outfit because I was only wearing tights and a dress. Then I put my jacket into my suitcase. I felt comfortable in the uniform because it was really good to hide under but at the same time I worried it would make me look bigger than I was. I tried to tie it on the side to give myself a bit of a waistline at least but it didn't work. "Don't worry, it looks good" Neville assured me, seemigly having noticed my concern. When I looked back at him, he was staring out the window. "Thanks..." I whispered again. After another hour, the train stopped and we got outside. I could already see the castle, it was bright because of all the light and stood out in the dark, high up and majestic over the sparkling lake. "Wow..." It completely took my breath away, it was so beautiful.

We got to the Great Hall and I was even more impressed. I had never seen anything like it and it just blew my mind. Neville sat down at a table that probably belonged to his house because there were four big tables and then at the far end there was a long table for the teachers a little bit higher up. I stood at the front with the first years, feeling weird because I was so much taller which made me stick out and I didn't want any extra attention.

One girl tapped my arm. "Are you new too?" she asked. I nodded. "Yes, I'm in year five though, I just changed schools." She smiled. "Maybe we'll be sorted into the same house." "Maybe" I said, smiling back. I was the fifth person to be called to the front by a teacher with glasses who looked pretty stern. "Baker, Samantha." I got out of the little crowd and sat down on a little stool, facing all the other students. My face turned compeltely red, I hated being the center of attention, even if it was just for a minute and I just wanted to get through with it as quickly as possible. The teacher dropped an old hat on top of my head and suddenly, there was a voice in my head! It made me jump and I tried not to look too confused. "Oh, this is really very interesting. You are very smart but also very shy, you find it hard to show everything you've got and that's sad ... you would be a great Slytherin maybe, you could become more confident, it would definitely explore your potential." No, please!, I thought but why would he care about what I wanted? Thinking what I wanted was not going to change my personality. "No?" the hat asked. I saw Neville smile because he probably knew what I had thought. "Well, it's a really tough decision." I didn't know which house Neville was in. If the hat had cared about what I wanted, I could've at least wished for Neville's house. But I wasn't sure at all, I was so nervous and my heart was beating so fast. "I think I got it now" the hat kept on talking into my head. "I think you'd be a great RAVENCLAW!"

I got up and approached the table with the people who were clapping. It wasn't the table that Neville was sitting at but he smiled at me, giving me thumbs up which made me think that Ravenclaw didn't seem to be so bad. I sat down at the table, next to a girl with very bright blonde hair. "Hi" she said and shook my hand. "I'm Luna. Welcome to Ravenclaw." "Thanks, I'm Sam" I said, happy that everyone was so polite. "You must be new, it's lovely to see a new face." I smiled and nodded. Then I turned around, looking at Neville. He also looked back at me. At least I wasn't a Slytherin. 

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