Chapter 30

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I didn't reply to him, I was too confused. I had lied to myself for two years. I had told myself that I was over him and that it was going to be okay to be without him. The truth was: I could never forget him. I didn't like living without him and it made me sad. Why had we ended everything? Why had we been so stupid and immature? I read the letter every night before going to sleep.

I woke up early in the morning and tried to find the reason. Then I heard Corey shouting from downstairs. "Sam!" "Yes?" I mumbled. "There's someone at the door for you!" I stopped at the top of the stairs. That could not be him, right? What would he do here? He had probably realised that I didn't want to see him because I had never replied. Or maybe he assumed I hadn't even received his letter.

The thing was, I had wanted to see him all this time, I had just been too confused. I got dressed and fixed my face and my hair with my wand before making my way downstairs. And there he was, Draco stood by the door. Corey was in the kitchen, making breakfast. 

I headed for the door, slowly. I couldn't believe he was here, after all this time. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. My breathing increased, I was a mess. What just the sight of Draco did to me was incredible.

He was a little taller now, it seemed, and his hair was a little longer. But his eyes, they captured me all over again. That stone cold grey, when I closed the door behind myself and he took a step back, I did not want to look away ever again. 

We stared at each other for a moment, then he hugged me tightly. He stroked my hair and his arm wrapped around my waist. I just wrapped my arms around him, breathing him in and relaxing into him. I pulled him closer. This moment was unreal. I had never expected to see him again. Those two years, they had been bad for me, I could not even decide which one had been worse, the one I had seen him every day but never talked to him or the one I had constantly worried about him in battle, it had killed me. 

"Did you read my letter?" he asked. His voice was just a hint and I nodded. Silent tears were running down my cheeks, I was so happy to see him and that he was alright. He drew back and took my hands into his. "I know that I shouldn't have just showed up here like this but I needed to see you" he said. "It's just ... I wanted to try and fix this now because now is the perfect timing, we always had something playing against us, you know, something was always there and now we only have that one thing between us and that's you having to forgive me." 

I took a deep breath. He made everything sound so easy, like he could make anything work for me. "Can you forgive me, Sam, for all the things I've done? I don't care about what you did, I just love you and back in school, I was so immature and stupid because I never realised what I had with you and I never told you how much you meant to me. It wasn't just about making out, you listened to me and you were my motivation to keep going and not give up on myself, even when you were not there. Because I knew that one day, everything would be over and I would not have to be like my parents anymore. And you can't imagine how happy I am to see you right now." 

He pressed his lips together and it looked like he was going to cry. "Why are you really here?" I asked. "I want you to forgive me. I want you to be with me." "Be with you? Just like that?" "That's all I want. I know it's a lot to ask to forgive me but we were too immature to understand what was really important. I know now though, the only thing that really makes me happy, that's you. I love you and I'll tell you a million times, I promise that if you decide to give me another chance, I will never hurt you again, no games. I know how to treat you now, you'll be my princess, I won't mess with you or upset you, I won't fuck up this time, I know what I want now." 

Tears kept running down my face, I sobbed. "Come away with me, away from everything so you can think about it and we can find our way back to each other. Let's just ... let's run away now, like we wanted back then. Let's fix this, go on holiday, to the beach, just you and me, I need you. You won't regret it if you give me another chance. We'll get back and after summer ... I'll help you open that store you told me you're dreaming about. Don't give up on us, don't give up on me." 

I could not stop crying. "Please" he begged, getting down on his knees. "What are you doing?" "I'd do anything for you, Sam, just say yes." "Draco." "It's fine if you don't love me, a little liking me is all I need for now." "That's not it, it's just..." "We can work it out, Sam." I crossed my arms, smiling slightly. "Get up" I said and he did, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards too because he was hopeful now. 

"You're an idiot." "I know" he replied and then I laughed. "And you should feel free to tell me that whenever it gets really bad." He sensed me giving in and cupped my face up into his hands, kissing me desperately. It's like he wanted to convince me with that kiss and it felt like meant it. I hesitated for a second, then I returned the kiss. 

"Does that mean yes?" he asked on my lips. I could feel his heart against my chest as he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. I drew back and rested my forehead against his. He locked my eyes. His eyes had always been so cold and made me shiver but now they made me feel safe and comfortable. I smiled. "I missed your smile" he whispered and smiled too. I licked my lips and nodded.

"Yes. Don't waste your chance." He smiled and we both grinned like fools, happy beyond words. "And I love you" I added and we both smiled on each other's lips as he kissed me again.

Because Sometimes Opposites Attract - Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now