Chapter 25 - Draco's POV

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Things were a little different. She had agreed to meet me by the lake and ditch class. No one else was out there and we were sat in a corner where no one would see us. She was sitting on my lap and I held her close, kissing her softly. I pulled her closer. She had no idea how much I appreciated every single time she agreed to meet me again and I couldn't tell her either because I could not find the appropriate words. 

The rain was pouring down on us, then the sun came out again, rain drizzled once more and we didn't care. We sat out there for so long, it was so nice. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind us though that made us both pull away from each other instantly. 

"Draco! Oh my god, what are you doing?!" It was Pansy. Sam got up instantly, covering her face with her hands, looking so scared that I wanted to just take her into my arms and tell her it was going to be okay. I looked at Pansy, then back at Sam. I didn't know what to say. And then I realised that Pansy wasn't the only one staring at us. With her scream, she had managed to attract everyone's attention. The face that stood out the most was Longbottom's. I knew it was wrong and Sam would've slapped me for it but I felt good seeing him so upset because the guy that was always responsible for making him sad was making out with the girl he liked. It made me happy but then Sam started to cry when she saw him. 

"Sam, how could you do that?" Loony Lovegood asked her and Sam didn't say anything. The Asian girl was staring at her too, every single one of her friends was disgusted with me. All of my friends were disgusted with Sam. I wanted to stand up for her, defend her but I didn't dare to. I couldn't manage to swallow my pride, I just couldn't. It was impossible. I was too scared of what would happen. Sam looked around one last time and saw her friends look at her as if she was insane. She looked back at me and then she walked away, into the direction of the castle. I wanted to follow her but I didn't. Now it was too late anyway. It broke my heart to her like that but now it was out And I didn't know what to do.

When I saw her in the Great Hall later, I pulled her aside when she was leaving, only to get some comments from people walking by. I had told my friends that she didn't mean anything to me and that she had just been really easy to get and then drop which was the ultimate insult. So I had saved my neck but for Sam it was a whole different story. I didn't care though, I had to talk to her.

"What the fuck do you want, Draco?" she shouted. I took her hand and led her down to the dungeons. She needed to listen to me. "Stop that! Stop pulling and pushing me around! You have to stop, you can't control me!" Me controlling her? It was more like the other way around! "What are you thinking?" I asked her. Her beautiful eyes were sparkling with tears. I had to know what she was thinking. "Now that it's out ... what do you think about keeping this up?" "You mean serious?" I asked. I was sad. I knew I had to tell her that that wouldn't work. "Yes, I am serious" she said. "We can't do that" I replied. She knew I liked her but she didn't know everything about me. "Why not?" she asked, licking her lips. She always did that when she was nervous or confused and it made me want her.

She sounded hurt and I needed to tell her. "I can't make you happy. We're so different. We have nothing in common. You deserve someone that's better than me. I can't offer you anything. I'm weak and I'm a mess, I'm broken and I can't make you happy in any way, Sam. You've wanted to quit this before so why not do it now that I'm letting you to protect you?" "Why have you suddenly changed your mind?" "Because I'm not selfish anymore, at least I'm trying not to be and think of just you for once. Let me do that, please. Get out while you can." "I want you though, I want nobody else." "You deserve someone that can make you smile and that wants the same things you want. And I don't know how much you know about my family but it's fucked up. I'm under so much pressure, if you knew all about it, you wouldn't want to be with me, you'd run away from me." 

Tears came to her eyes and I just pulled her close to me. We were standing in the place that we had first kissed in. Back then, when it hadn't been so complicated yet. I pulled her in for a hug and she cried into my chest. I kissed her hair. I knew this was goodbye and I wanted to punch myself in the face for that.

Because Sometimes Opposites Attract - Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now