Chapter 7

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It was Malfoy. He was sitting by the window with a piece paper in his hand and now that there was more light, I could see his face. He was crying. He had heard me step in and turned around quicky. His face was really hard to describe at that point. He wiped his tears away with his sleeves instantly and stood up. He looked like he was in shock and also like he was scared because I knew he was ashamed because I saw him crying. He bit his lip and looked at me, his face grew angry now. The emotions were just flying over his face, switching second by second.

"What the...?" he stuttered and stared at me. I didn't think I'd ever see him confused. I didn't think he could be confused. His eyes were a little red. "What are you doing up here?" he asked and his face turned back to normal. Disgusted, like he was better than the person he was talking to. My heart started beating faster because of the shock and also, the strange situation. I walked over to Poppy and gave her the letter. Then I opened the window and she flew out into the night sky. When I turned back around, I hoped he'd be gone but he was still standing there, he walked over to the door though. I had no idea what to say. "I needed to send a letter..." I managed to reply. He just nodded and looked at the ground. Now he looked harmless. But once he looked back up at me, the devil was back. I was surprised he didn't try to attack me already or use a spell on me that would make me forget that I had seen him crying. We obviously both didn't know what to say or do but neither of us left either. He looked hurt even though he was trying to fake it. I felt sorry for him. Whatever it was that upset him, it must have been pretty bad because he usually didn't seem like the kind of guy who cried at something very easily. But of course, he had feelings too. Everyone did.

"Why were you crying?" I tried. The words rushed out of my mouth, I just had to know and it was worth a try although I doubted he would tell me. I prepared for an insult or something offensive. Normally, I would've been scared to be standing in a dark room with him but the fact that he had cried earlier made him seem a little weaker than usual so I wasn't too afraid. Plus, Malfoy was all verbal manipulation, I doubted he'd physically harm anybody. "Doesn't matter, right? You'll tell everyone anyway." He closed his eyes. It was too much for me, seeing him like this, seeing anybody like this. I felt sorry for him but now that he was pointing it out I realised I actually had the perfect opportunity for revenge. Revenge for what he had said about Neville and the others. Revenge for what he obviously had done to everybody for all those years. And I didn't want to become friends with him, he still disgusted me so what was stopping me? But I knew what was holding me back, I felt sorry for him. How could I feel sorry for him?

"It only makes sense after what I already know about you" I said honestly. "Please don't tell anyone." His eyes, I could've melted as I looked into them. But I quickly shook my head and looked away. He was not hypnotizing me. I hated those guys, when they were handsome but just rude and decided to be the kind of douchebag that manipulates you. I wanted to walk out of the tower as I saw him look at the ground again. But then I felt sorry for him again, why did I have to be such a caring person? I didn't know his story or what had made him become what he was now. Maybe there was something behind his reputation that no one was seeing. Because if a letter could make him cry, there had to be some depth to him at least.

And then I thought that maybe I could use the fact that I wouldn't tell anyone for him to help me find back to the common rooms because the stairs had changed back and I probably wouldn't be able to handle the riddle at the door, I suspected. Maybe that was my main problem right now, heading up to the tower with no plan maybe hadn't been such a good, spontanious idea. I turned back around to him. "Draco?" I asked quietly, swallowing my pride. I think he had had to do that too. "Yeah?" he looked up, there was hope in his eyes. He was so different right now. "I won't tell anyone." I knew I couldn't expect anything back from him but I just wasn't like him. "Really?" He walked towards me. I shook my head. "No." Why would I embarrass him and ruin his image? I was tired, it was late at night, I must've been completely crazy but it seemed like the right thing to do.

"Do you know how to get back to your dorm?" he asked. "I'll figure it out" I said, I just wanted to get away from him now. Now that I was even more below him because I didn't take revenge when I had the chance to. He must've thought I was the weakest and most anxious person ever. "Should I help you? I know the way" he said and bit his lip. I bet that was him swallowing his pride. "Really? You don't need to just because I'm keeping your little secret." "But I want to" he said. "You might get caught by a teacher for walking around in the castle at night if you get lost." I smiled. "Thanks."

So he walked downstairs and took a way that I would've never thought of. I was glad he had offered it as I followed him through the dark. He didn't say anything the entire time and suddenly we heard steps. Around the corner, Professor McGonagall, the one with the talking hat, appeared. "Oh, shit!" Draco cursed quietly. It was too late to run away and she had already seen us. "Miss Baker, Mr. Malfoy! May I know what you are doing outside your dorms at this time? Especially in this part of the castle." "P-professor, it was all my fault" Draco said before I could even open my mouth. I was caught off guard and couldn't speak. I stared at him in disbelief. "And how is that, Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall asked, eyeing him sceptically. "I asked her to meet me tonight. And she didn't want to but I talked her into it. And now she just wanted to go back to her dorm but she didn't know the way so I wanted to help her" Draco said. Professor McGonagall stared at him. „Because she's new..." he added. "I'm very well aware of the fact that Miss Baker is new." Professor McGonagall didn't seem convinced, she raised her eyebrows. "It's true" I confirmed. She looked at me, then back at him. "I didn't know you and Miss Baker were such good friends." "We're not. I wanted to apologize for some things I've said." "Okay, well. Miss Baker, your common rooms is right around the corner. Ten points from you, Mr. Malfoy, luckily you're new, Miss Baker. Now to your dorms, both of you!" Draco looked back at me as I turned into the corridor Professor McGonagall was pointing to. His face was cold again and I knew exactly what he was thinking. He didn't want to risk me holding this against him and he wanted to show me how things were going to be right away, which was just the same. We were quits.

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