Chapter 5

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Out of all the classes I had that day, I only had one with Neville. Some of them I had with Malfoy and the others Slytherins and I saw how he just kept on and insulting and picking on people from my house, but also from the others. Then he walked up to me after the last period, by himself this time. "What do you want?" I asked and increased by speed as I kept walking down the stairs. I wanted to meet Neville in the Great Hall so we could do something together for rest of the day. "Are you a mudblood, like Granger?" "Like who?" "Granger, curly hair, Gryffindor, insanely obsessed with school." „You mean Hermione." His face looked disgusted as I said her first name. „Whatever." "And I'm not" I added. I didn't want his respect or anything for being pure-blood but what was the point in lying? "So you're a half-blood." I could already see Neville at the doors of the Great Hall, just a few more seconds and it would all be over. I shook my head and hoped Malfoy would just go away. "You can't be pure-blood, I've never heard of your family." I finally looked at him, locked his eyes. Surprisingly, he kept staring back at me without saying a word. "My family doesn't brag with our blood status and I am glad we're obviously not related to you" I said and bit my lip. He blinked quickly. "Well, then you must be like Longbottom and Weasley ... not worthy of pure blood" he concluded and walked away.

"Did you just shut Malfoy up?" Neville asked as I reached him. I laughed. "I don't think so." "I think you did, well done!" "He's so awful. What is wrong with him?" "What do you expect? He was raised like that." "Oh, please. You don't need to do what your parents say, do you?" "Hey, I'm not defending him!" I smiled. "I know. I just think that it's not about how you were raised. It's about what you believe yourself." "I think he's not really hating on you though, you know." "Why?" "Do you remember when you saw him for the first time? He called you pretty." "Prettier than Ron and his siblings." "But Ron's sister is really pretty." "Malfoy doesn't think so though so I guess it wasn't a compliment." "He's weird, I think it was." "Well, I couldn't care less about what he thinks of me." „Okay" Neville smiled and I followed him to the Gryffindor common room since it was raining and we couldn't hang out outside.

When we got there, I was really impressed. It was really impressive, I felt comfortable instantly. I wondered if the Slytherin common room was like this too, or the Hufflepuff's. "Hey, Neville! Hi, Sam!" Luna greeted us, she was playing cards with Hermione and Ron. "Hi." "Oh, hey, guys!" Harry said, talking to two girls. "Oh, you're the new girl, right?" one of them asked and shook my hand. "I'm Celine" she introduced herself. She had brown hair and looked really friendly. "I'm Sam" I said. "And I'm Georgia" the other girl said and shook my hand as well. "You're in Ravenclaw with Luna, right?" Celine asked. "Yeah, I am." "How do you like Hogwarts so far?" "It's awesome" I replied and sat down with them while Neville got into the card game with Ron, Hermione and Luna. "Well, she already got confronted with Malfoy though" Harry said. "Ugh, I hate him" Georgia said and pulled an annoyed face. "He's just disgusting, I hate how he treats everyone" Celine agreed. I just nodded. His reputation seemed to proceed him. But being here with all those people who I was already getting along so well with and had some things in common with at least, I felt more welcome than I had ever felt at my old school.

I left the Gryffindor common room shortly before curfew with Luna. When we got into our dorm, Cho was sleeping already. She always seemed so absent when she wasn't talking to anyone and this was another time she went to bed early. She also seemed tired all the time. "Hey, are you alright?" Luna asked. "Yeah ... just ... can I ask you something?" "Of course" she whispered back. "What's wrong with Cho? Is she always this ... sad?" "What do you mean?" "When I met her at dinner for the first time, she seemed sad and also last night ... she seems like she's deep in thought most of the time and she goes to bed early every night..." "Well ... um ... you know last year, when Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament and our champion, Cedric Diggory died ... he was her boyfriend." "That boy that died was her boyfriend?" Luna slowly nodded. I bit my lip. I hadn't known that and I couldn't help but instantly feel sorry for Cho. I looked over to her, she was turning around like she was having a nightmare. No one should ever have to feel like that. I went to bed, thinking about everything that had happened today. It was just this one day of school that already made me think about so much.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I had had a nightmare. Because Luna had been talking about last year, I had found myself confronted with what was going on. I never thought about it because it scared me but I couldn't close my eyes and pretend it wasn't there. I knew that Harry Potter was sure he had seen you-know-wo last year, he was convinced he was back. And Professor Dumbledore believed him. And I knew that the minister tried to hide all that by pretending Dumbledore was too old and had gone insane so people wouldn't believe him. And that was probably why that pink teacher was here. She was there to watch everything. I was scared, scared of another war. I wasn't sure if I should believed that you-know-who was back but it definitely scared me that he could be. My grandparents had been killed by him because they had stood up against him and he had killed them because they had refused to join his army. They had been so brave, trying to fight him but of course no one could've. But they had tried, they had died fighting.

I fell asleep again but my dream after that wasn't better. I didn't sleep well that night. When I got to the Great Hall with Luna the next morning, thousands of owls flew in. "Mail, finally!" Luna shouted and a brown owl landed next to her bowl of cereal. She got a big package, probably gifts from home. I only received a letter but I recognized the handwriting on the back even though I didn't know the owl. She flew away after I gave her a sweet cookie. I opened the letter, happy he had thought of me so quickly.

Hi, sis!

I hope you're enjoying yourself at the best wizarding school in the world! My school year started well, we have some awesome teachers. But it's a lot of stuff to learn, like every year. Have you met some nice people yet? Tell me what house you're in, I did a little research on your school and probably know more than you now! Are you coming home for the holidays? I'll come home if you do. Because I read that you can stay there too! Yes, that's right, I bet you didn't know that even though it's your school. How are the people, how are the teachers? Did you meet Dumbledore? Is he as crazy as the Daily Prophet says? Or is he as cool as he seems on the back of the chocolate frogs? I hope this school is better than the old one and I hope that you're fine. Remember, you can tell me everything, sis. I'm always there for you. Reply soon, please. And I expect Poppy, not some other owl that you borrowed. Tell me everything about your new start at school, okay?


I smiled as I read the letter over and over again. "Who wrote to you?" Neville asked and sat down next to me. "My brother, did you get mail too?" "Yeah, my grandma sent me some candy, want some Bertie Botts' beans?" "No, thanks" I laughed and put the letter in my bag. "Hey, we can go to Hogsmeade this weekend, you want to come, right?" "What's Hogsmeade?" I asked in confusion because he got all excited. "Oh, right! It's the little village near the school, they have some cool shops. Do you have the permission from your parents?" "Oh, yeah, I remember something! Of course I'm coming!" Neville smiled happily. "Awesome."

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