Chapter 32- Routine

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Violetta's POV:

"Hey Roxy? Can I talk to you?" Leon asks interrupting the conversation between me and Fran.

"Uh-sure..." Realizing I was still wearing the wig, I waved at Francesca and followed Leon out.


"Hey congratulations on making the team of back-up dancers" He says giving me a smile. I wanted to be friendly... But I couldn't risk this whole plan by getting close to him... I can't be too attached.

"T-thanks Leon... But I'm not that good, I mean- didn't you see that embarrassing fall?" I reminded him trying to seem modest.

"Uh.. Yeah- I saw it, but we all make mistakes don't we?" He chuckles.

"I'm a terrible dancer, trust me" I laugh nervously. "I don't even know why Ludmilla had chose me..." I utter through gritted teeth.

"Hey, if you're really having trouble, I could teach you? Give you lessons?" He offers.

Leon giving me dance lessons? I definitely should NOT agree to that!

"S-sure... I mean -- wait, what? N-no it's fine!"

"You're pretty indecisive..."

"I mean no... It's okay, I don't want to interrupt your busy schedule..." I say trying to find an excuse.

"I'm not as busy as you think I am. I'd love to teach you a few steps to the choreography?"

"I-I can't learn it that easily" I deny him nervously.

"Then I guess we'll be spending a lot of time together" He winks.

Does Leon like Roxy? This is crazy. I'm going insane just thinking about having to be so close to Leon... I'd surely screw something up...

"O-ok fine... Maybe a few..." I give in. Maybe I'll pretend to get better so that it'll end quicker.

"Okay why don't we stay a little after rehearsal and we'll get started"

I gave him a little nod and he grins. "See you later, Roxy"


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Ludmilla's POV:

Leon finally walks off. Now is my perfect chance to talk to Violetta- or should I say; Roxy.

"Hey there!" I strut up to her pink hair. "Oh, wait... Should I still call you Roxy?"

Violetta glares at me and pulls me aside by my arm with all her little strength... I anticipated to get to torment her again after such a long wait.

"Ludmilla why did you let Roxy on the team... Why can't you just help me for once and kick me out?!" She nearly hissed at me.

"Now, Vilu. That wouldn't be fun, would it?" I smirk. "I admit that I can't wait to see how Leon reacts when he finds out you've been lying to him this whole time."

"He won't." She says feeling a little guilty in her tone. "Fran will tell him that Roxy is leaving and can't be there for the big show"

"Wouldn't that hurt Leon?" I ask amusably. "I bet that wouldn't hurt him as much if I just told him you were Roxy."

"Ludmilla, please don't." She frantically begs. "Listen, It's my fault. It's my mistake, let me deal with it..."

"I will let you deal with it on your own..." I say. "With one circumstance"

"Anything." She says confidently.

"Do me any favor I ask you to." I smirk.

"What is it with you and your favors?" She asks shaking her head. She wasn't pleased at making a deal with me, but it made no importance to me... I already knew she was going to have to obey.

"That is my one circumstance" I glanced down at my nails, seeming uninterested in her presence until she spoke up.

"Fine... I'll do whatever you ask me to." She agrees with sadness in her eyes.

"Good." I smile. "I look forward to seeing how this goes for you... Violetta" I say flipping a strand of her pink hair off her shoulder.


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Violetta's POV:

After the final rehearsals, Leon immediately finds me.

"You're getting better" He smiles. "Ready for the lesson?"

"Y-yeah!" I say reluctantly. "Let's start."

Fran and the others stare at me unsurely. I look back at them hopelessly.

"Okay, why don't you show me the first few steps of the song?"

I remember all the steps but I wanted to seem bad at dancing...

"Um, I don't remember" I lie.

"That's okay, Follow my lead"

He starts off dancing and lets me join in.

"Then you spin." He says over the music.

I pretend like I don't hear him.


"This." He says grabbing my hand and turning me around. When our eyes met again, we were really close. Close enough for me to feel his breath on mine.

"Uh-" I stammer.

"Sorry." He laughs nervously.

"N-no it was my fault..." I say. "Wanna go over it again?"



After ten minutes, we had gotten used to the routine. At least, Roxy had...

"You know, you remind me of someone?" He says wrapping his arm around my waist. That was one of the dance moves. I nearly forgot and quickly scrambled out of his grasp.

"Uh- I do? W-who?" I stutterer again keeping my eyes on the floor.

"Demi Lovato." He smiles. "You know, the singer who dyes her hair a lot... I just looked at your hair and thought of her"

"O-oh" I say sighing in relief. "Yeah, I love Demi Lovato!"

"Me too." He grins. "Anyways, do you want to practice the last move one more time?"

"U-um yeah" I say nervously.

He starts the music and helps me begin the dance again. He lifts me up by my waist and spins me around. This time, as he lowered me to the ground, I spun around and tripped over my own sneakers.

Unfortunately, he was there to catch me.


What will happen when Leon catches Violetta? x


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