Chapter 10- Half-Sister

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Violetta's POV:

"Yes it's me... Violetta... I can't believe you're here Angie!"

Angie smiles and puts Julieta down to hug me.

She gives me a long, warm hug.

"Vilu, you're so grown up and beautiful!" Angie says.

"T-thanks" I say struggling to take everything in. "What are you doing here by the way, there's so much we need to talk about!"

"I know..." She smiles. "We have a lot of catching up to do"

Julieta interrupts us by sitting on my lap.

"How do you know my mommy?" She asks me.

"Your mommy... is my aunty" I smile staring at her beautiful brown orbs for eyes.

I realize why I feel so close to this sweet, little girl. This whole time, she was my half-sister.

"Wow" I say thinking about it. "I just realized..."

Now Angie interrupts. "-That you two are siblings?"

"Yes! I can't believe I have a sister" I grin.

I hug her tightly and she giggles.

"Julieta is an angel. Always caring, nice, and careful. She reminds me of you as a little girl" Angie speaks.

"Aww" I smile. "Is that so?" I say looking at her and wanting to spend more time with her.

"Yep!" Julietta nods.

"So Anyways Vilu... How's life been?"

"Well... Pretty great" I say.

"That's amazing for you!" Angie smiles.

"Angie, I'm sorry about leaving" I blurt out.


"No! You don't understand... My guilt has been haunting me ever since I left without saying goodbye... Please tell me you can forgive me somehow... I won't be able to live with myself..."

"Oh Vilu..." Angie sighs. "Of course, I forgive you... I know it wasn't the smartest decision, but in the end we all understood... And at least, I respected your choice" She continues.

"Well... Okay then..." I say preparing to find more about what happened in my past. "H-how did everyone take the news?" I say nervously.

"Well... There definitely was... Some shock... And some panicking for the first few weeks, that is what I can remember..."

Ugh. I feel so terrible.

She continues. "Everyone had thought you were kidnapped... So they called the police..."

Oh great...

"Then no one really found you... So they gave up for a while... At least, until we heard about you in France, getting a record deal with some fancy company!" She smiles.

"Haha...erm.. Yeah" I say laughing nervously.

"We were so proud of you- I mean... Well... I was proud of you..." She smiles weakly.

"Your father... Wasn't very happy"

"How is my dad?" I whisper quietly.

"He's probably doing well..." Angie says looking down.

"W-what do you mean... Probably?" I ask sadly.

"I-I wouldn't know how he is... Your father and I split up last year..."

My world came crashing down.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Vilu, please..."


"Violetta calm down sweetie"

"Angie, I see you as my mom. Being the reason why you two got a divorce is killing me right now!"

"Violetta, don't say that-"

"Angie, it's all my fault... You and my dad split because you knew I was in Paris and he probably thought you were lying the whole time when he found out that you knew all along! I am so sorry... I should have never let you keep it a secret from him!"

"Violetta... Listen... You didn't make me to keep it a secret... You never made me promise anything... I didn't tell your father so that you could go and pursue your dreams and now... Look at where it's got you!"

"But Angie, I ruined your life, My father, the love of your life, broke up with you because of me! Why don't you hate me?!"

"I could never hate you" She says coming around the table. "Come here and give me a hug"

I'm a life ruiner! I ruin people's lives everywhere I go! I feel the most terrible for Angie! How can I fix this?! I need to fix this soon!

Suddenly, Alex comes out of the bathroom.

"Oh... Hey... Who is this?"

"Oh um... Alex, this is my aunt Angie" I say.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle" he says landing a kiss on the back of her hand.

Angie blushes and smiles at me. "Why thank you, it's nice to meet you too"

"And who is this?" He asks bending down to play with Julieta.

"She is my... Sister" I say smiling.

"Oh what lovely eyes you have" He compliments her.

"Thank you" Julieta smiles.

"Anyways, We should get to ordering!" Angie says taking Julieta in her arms.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat with us?" I ask.

"I'm fine, don't worry" She assurres. "Have fun, you two" She smiles and winks at me and Alex. Hm. I wonder what that was for?

Alex blushes and looks at me.

"Uhh... Okay... Well come find me later" I say.

She smiles and nods. "Okay... Bye".

"Bye Angie..."


I'll have better chapters soon 😂 i promise!


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