Chapter 21- Failure

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Thanks for all the comments in the last chapter☺️😂‼️ I was freaking out, I couldn't even handle my notifications😭

Hope you enjoy the chap✨ sorry for keeping you wait a little bit👐



Violetta's POV:


"Violetta... We meet... Again..."

Leon. He was actually standing in front of me and... very closely too. He didn't stop holding my arms and gazing into my eyes. His hand slowly made its way up to my face and he lightly brushed his finger across my cheek staring at me bizarrely. It was as if he had thought I was just a delusion. He didn't say a word; he just kept staring at my face admirably. A gust of wind broke the silence and he slowly let go with a sudden change of expression.

"You're really here" He spoke looking down.

"Y-yeah" I answer slightly widening the distance between us. "I uhm... Came with Fran too... We came to see you get you actually"

"What, Why?" He asks seeming a little angry.

"Uh, it's the studio... I mean, I know you're with your whole motocross career and everything, but... I know you... And I know you'd do anything to help the studio..."


"Please Leon. Hear me out" I plead. "The studio is losing money, it needs sponsors... And the only way to do that... Is to put another show... One last show! Pablo told us that if we got everyone to come back and help, this could really work... Now please, will you please help us save the studio?"

I know I sounded forward, but I didn't have much time in Mexico and I figured Leon was on his way to go somewhere so he had to run too...

"Violetta, I can't..." He shook his head. "It's because of my career, my fans, and... my.... erm... girlfriend"

I took a deep breath. "I-I know... I met her already... But please Leon, you have to help! Please try and work things out so you can come to Buenos Aires for a little while... We need you! Your voice is amazing and you know it.... Please Leon..."

He shakes his head in confusion. "W-why would I come and help you?!"

"Leon's it's for the studio! How could you give up on the studio after everything its helped you through, after all the memories we shared... Don't you want to keep it running?" He doesn't look into my eyes as i speak. I was really disappointed. "I never thought you'd be like this..." I say.

"I never thought you would leave me" he scoffs. Why is he bringing this up suddenly?

"Please Leon... Don't." I look down at my feet. "Can we please just talk about the studio right now?"

"No... I wanna talk about it now" He demands folding his arms.

"O-okay... W-what do you need to know" I spoke almost in a whisper.

"Why..." He says as a tear rolls down his cheek. "Why would you leave me with all those memories we had together, just so you could go start a new life in Paris with some French guy?!"

"You know why Leon" I say sternly. "Same reason you came here. For a career!"

"I didn't come here for a career! Do you seriously think I wanted any of this?! No! I came because I was heartbroken thanks to you, and I wanted to start my life over..."

"W-what?" I mutter. "All this for me? Why?"

"Remember, I was madly in love with you... I guess for you I would have done anything" he sighs. "And anything to get my mind off of you..."

I was about to reply. He cut me off with an irritated tone.

"But of course the whole time that I thought you were dead or something, you were actually in Paris with your boyfriend..."

"Look, I'm really sorry!! And Alex?! He's my manager, okay!?!"

"You're dating your manager?!" He raises his furious voice.

"No! We're not dating?! And why do you look so surprised and weirded out, when your girlfriend is your manager!" I stated.

"But she was my girlfriend before my manager! And don't try and go off talking bad about Gery, you always do that to my new girlfriends..."

"Fine whatever! But that doesn't mean you can't at least try to be involved! I'm working everything out with my own tour too, so you should be able to for your tour! ...You moved here, started a new life as a celebrity who has fans and a new girlfriend just so you could get over me! What I'm saying should at least matter a little to you! Please just trust me!"

"... No" he responds as if he hadn't been listening to a word. "None of it matters...At least not anymore. I'm done with you..." He begins to walk off.

"Leon, where are you-"

"I don't want to go back, I can't help you! I won't... I'm sorry but I don't want to be around you Violetta. You really hurt me and I can't forgive you for that" He tried to look away hiding his sad face.

"Hey..." I tried softening my voice. "I'm so sorry Leon- I never wanted to-"

"If you didn't want to hurt me, you would have never gone without even saying anything to me" He begins taking even more steps behind...

"Leon wait please don't-"

"Leave me alone! I said I don't want to see you!" He backs away and runs over to his car.

I tried my hardest to hold back the tears, this trip has been a failure...

I knew the moment I got on that plane two years ago that I had a chance of losing Leon forever... And now I have.


⭐️Sorry (again) guys, I know some of you have been waiting for this chapter, but it's not the best... I tried...😪

Hey, I'm probably only gonna update the next chapter like next week because I am so unprepared with chapters and I have to really think it through... I'll hopefully get one or two decent chapters in this weekend sometime😁 sorry for the inconvenience 😔 (and no that does not mean more 'band mates' updates, same schedule)


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