Chapter 5- Best Friend

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Violetta's POV:

At the hotel, we made a reservation that allows us to get in our rooms quickly (v.i.p treatment I suppose)

Alex takes me to my room and it's HUGE for a hotel room.

"Wow, this has an amazing view" I say walking over to the stain-glass window.

"Yep! If you need anything at all, tell me" alex says.

"Ok Thanks... I'm gonna get changed and then head out..."


"To visit some people...." I say nervously.

"Well.... Okay.... Do you need a ride to send you wherever then?"

"Yes please"

"Okay I'll call one of your bodyguards to come with you just in case you don't be mobbed..."


"No problem, just try to be back in three hours."

"Okay... I'm going to go change now"

"See you" Alex shuts the door.


I get out of the hotel and see a car parked by the entrance.

"Miss Castillo, your ride awaits" a man says.

"Okay thank you" I get in the car and nervously play with my hands.

"So what is the address?"

"Erm... Here..."

I hand him a piece of paper with my old home address on it. I'm going to go see my dad.


The house was exactly as it looked when I had left. The car pulled up on the drive way. I took a deep breath and then opened the door.

My bodyguard followed me up the steps to my house- my old house.

"You can wait at the car"

"Are you sure Miss Castillo" my bodyguard asks a little concerned.

"Yes I'll be fine" I said giving him a little smile.

"Okay as you wish" he turns away and walks back leaving me on the porch.

I stare at the door for a few seconds and try to build up some strength. I hold my breath and knock three times on the door.

I wait. And I wait some more... for what seems like minutes. I realize after a while that no one's home.

I sigh and walk back to the car. I get inside and rest my chin on my hand.

"Where are you planning to go next?" The driver asks.

"I don't know...." I say. I end up coming with an idea.

"Wait... I have somewhere I want to visit..."

"What is the address?"

"I sadly don't remember but I'm sure if you just drive a few blocks ahead, I can tell you where to go from there"

I'm sure I remember the directions to the location. I should know how to get there by heart. For three years, I have been studying there almost every single day... Of course, I know the way to the studio.

We make a sharp turn and park in the empty parking lot outside next to the building.

"Here. Thank you" I get out of the car and walk myself to the entrance.


I close my eyes and try to keep my cool. I never thought I'd be back like this... I open the door and step inside....

I look confused. I look around the room and it's... A mess...

The paint on the wall is faded... The floor has so much dirt and leaves... There are huge boxes blocking some of the doors to the classes. It looks almost... Abandoned...

"Hello?" I say quietly. "Is anyone here?" I raise my voice.

"A visitor!" I turn to my left and open my mouth in shock.

"Pablo! Is that you?!"

"Yes! H-how did you know?" He looks at me closely one more time and has a huge smile on his face.

"No way! Violetta! I can't believe you're here!"

"And I can't believe that you're still here too!" I say laughing.

"Well, you know" He smiles. "I could never just leave the studio so quickly" he chuckles.

"So what happened here?" I ask moving a leaf next to my foot on the ground.

"Oh well... I guess it just hasn't been cleaned well..." He says.

"Pablo... Is this place still open?" I ask.

"Um well... Yes... But not for much longer."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well... I tried running this place on my own. Not too many people attended. Last year's graduating class dropped to seven people... I tried to get costs in for more singing events... You know, for the kids, of course! Sadly... I disappointed them.. I wanted them to be happy, but no matter how hard I tried, I didn't have enough funds... I tried so hard to get this studio to work again... I couldn't just let it be torn down after... After..."

"After what?" I ask him.

"Antonio..." He says sadly.

"Did Antonio resign?" I asked a little upset.

"No... Unfortunately... He passed away..."

"He...died?" I felt a sudden burst of tears.

"Yes... A few months after you left..."

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear Pablo..."

"It's okay... He forever lives in our hearts..."

I nod and force a little smile.

"Anyways... This place is gonna close down in 2 months..." Pablo says.

"No, Pablo... You can't let that happen..."

"It's not against me... Things like this happen to unsuccessful schools..."

"But Pablo! It used to be so successful! Remember when I was a student here! It was amazing attending here!"

"I know Vilu... But a lot has changed" he sighs. "Sometimes I wish I could get all of you guys back again... Your class was my best year"

"Yeah... I miss all of them too..." I say. "Do you have any knowledge of where any of them are?"

"You haven't talked to any of them?" Pablo asks.

"No..." I said feeling a little guilty.

"Well. I could give you directions to one particular person's house..." He smiles.



I make my way up to the door nervously.

If the address Pablo gave me was right... That means... I could possibly see my best friend again....

I rang the bell of the cute, little house's door and it opened a few seconds later.

As soon as I saw her again, my eyes filled with tears.

"Oh my god..." She says covering her mouth. "Vilu?"



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