Chapter 30- My name is Roxy

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Violetta's POV:

I came out after practice had ended, slipping my wig on. Where was Alex? He usually came with the limo on time?

It was 5:00 p.m. I just wanted to get back to the hotel so I wouldn't have to wear this ridiculous wig...

I finally decided to go back inside to sit down. I would have to wait there...

I made my way up to the door until someone opened it before me and I froze.

"Oh, sorry... Um hey" Leon says adjusting his bag over his shoulder.

I hung my head down panicked ... This can't be happening... What if Leon recognizes me? I look like a freak!

"Hello?" He asks.

"Um- hi... Sorry I was just..." I began to say, my voice trailing off.

"Are you supposed to be here?" He questions before looking at me in realization. "Oh... You're one of the new background dancers, right?"

"U-uh yes..." I respond immediately regretting my words. I couldn't be more relieved then terrified... Is it good that he doesn't recognize me?

"Well, we just finished so you're a little late." He laughs.

"Oh." I laugh back nervously trying to act around. "Oops."

"It's okay." He says. "Come back tomorrow."

This felt so wrong. Leon is talking to me normally because he doesn't know it's really me- but if he knew, I'm sure he wouldn't be happy...

"Hey, did Violetta come outside here?"

"W-what?" I ask quietly.

"She's one of the singers, she has blonde-hair, tan skin, brown eyes... Did you see her?"

"Uh... I don't think so... Why?"

"Oh... I just needed to talk to her..." He replies to my surprise.

"About?" I ask hoping I wasn't sounding invasive.

"Just things..." he answers slowly. "Um, I'm sorry to bother you......?"

He looks at me as if he's asking for my name... Oh no. What do I tell him? I could either tell him the truth... Or fuel my dangerous lie with a new identity.

"My name is R-Roxy." I blurted. Roxy? What have I done?! I just told him I was 'Roxy'?!!

"It's nice to meet you Roxy... See you tomorrow at rehearsals." He sneaks in a little wink at the end before he left.

Maybe this won't be so bad... I know this will get me in trouble... But this is the only way I can talk to Leon. I miss talking to him, and how am I supposed to do that when I'm Violetta?

Though I still wonder... What would Leon be doing asking for 'Violetta'? Why did he want to talk to me? I guess I might know tomorrow...


I didn't have time to edit this i'm sorry ;(


Do you ship Leon and Roxy? {Leonoxy}


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