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It all happened on her ninth birthday. Rose and Harry, as every year, got something that could hardly be called a present.

"Another one of Dudley's old toys." Rose sighed, looking at her twin brother Harry. They were currently in Harry's room, which doubled as Dudley's play room. Even though they were twins, they looked quite different from one another. Rose was about a head taller than Harry and had long red hair. The only thing they had in common were their eyes, bright green. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia despised the two children, that was evident. However, Petunia in particular took an even stronger disliking to Rose. Apparently it was because she was the spitting image of her mother who Aunt Petunia could not stand one bit while she was still alive.

"Cheer up Rose." Harry tried comforting his sister as he saw a few tears began welling in her eyes. Rose was quite a sensitive girl, often finding herself crying at the fact her parents were dead. 'Why did only Harry and I survive the crash?' She would ask herself all the time. The extreme amount of teasing and bullying all around her didn't help. Dudley and his stupid friends often pushed her and Harry around at school, at home Petunia gave her hell just because of the way she looked. She even forced Rose to have the last name 'Evans' like her mother had. "Might as well, seeing as though you are just a freak like she was." Petunia would say. Seemingly Harry looked like their Dad James Potter did. Oh how she wished they were still alive.

Sleepless nights in the cupboard under the stairs Rose spent imagining a life with a real family. With her Mum, Dad and Harry.

After heading down the stairs to prepare dinner, Petunia snatched the frying pan out of Rose's hand because for some reason it had turned purple. These kinds of things happened more and more often, every time Rose was punished for it. Harry swears such a thing had happened to him before too, events that are unexplainable.

"You stupid little girl, off to your cupboard and no dinner for you!" She yelled, adding "you are so much like that freak mother of yours."

Rose hurried to her bed, head in her pillow and crying. She just wanted someone to love her, but looking like her mother was apparently such a horrible thing that it was not possible for her to be loved.

Then an idea came to her.

'What if I change my appearance?' She thought to herself, wiping a few tears away. She pondered for a while what she could do, then remembering the black hair dye that she had spotted in the bathroom a few days ago. Although Petunia's hair was blonde, she had told Vernon for a while she might want to dye it.

Rose fist-bumped the air when she found the bottle still full. She knew she had to act quick and quiet, pouring the dye into her hair, waiting for the recommended time like the instructions asked to do, then rinsed her hair with the shower head on a low setting. Everything was going according to plan, she had even managed to dry her hair off with a towel, when all of a sudden someone came bursting through the door as she began to comb her hair.

"I — I can't believe it!" Petunia gasped, grabbing Rose's arm and dragging her to the front door. She was so full of rage, she pushed Rose out onto the front lawn and then locked the door to the house behind her.

Rose started banging on the door, apologising and pleading to be let in again. But nothing. It was already late and over the loud noise of the TV Vernon or Petunia wouldn't hear her anyway. Harry had most likely been sent to his room, and Dudley would be too lazy to answer the door.

She backed away from the door, sighing. She had two options right now. Either sleep outside in the cold and then hopefully be let in again, or leave. Completely. Forever.

"I mean, they hate me so much anyway. Why should I even stay here?" She said out loud to herself. 'But what about Harry?' She then thought. Well, he is certainly more liked than her in this household, even if it isn't by a lot. And besides, with those weird occurrences of hers going on she might endanger her brother.

"It's settled then." She took a deep breath, looking up at where Harry's window was. "Goodbye." She said quietly, turning around and then walking away from this horrid place for good. 

The Potter that went Bad - (Snape's Daughter) !ON HIATUS!Where stories live. Discover now