Chapter 3 - Sorting

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Rose's POV

As I boarded the train, dodging a group of students watching another present a tarantula, I finally found an empty compartment at the front and struggled getting my supplies onto the top shelf.

"Here let me get that for you." A voice appeared behind me, I turned around and was face to face with one of the red haired boys. Next to him an identical version of this boy was standing. 'Two sets of twins at Hogwarts' I thought, but secretly hoping nobody would ever find out Harry and I were related.

"Thanks." I muttered, taking a seat.

"I'm Fred and this is my brother George, don't you have any more things?" One of the twins introduced. I shook my head, staring out the window. I saw heaps of families saying their goodbyes. Some mothers and fathers had tears in their eyes while hugging their little ones and older kids, then sending them off on the train.

I still couldn't really believe any of this was real. I mean, I know I have seen some magic first hand now but it honestly felt like a dream.

"See you at Hogwarts then." Both the twins patted my arm with a grin before skipping off. I was happy to say I sat completely alone for the whole train ride. It was embarrassing enough that the only thing I had to wear were these robes, but the fact that I had only the bare minimum of knowledge on the wizarding world was even worse. Having to converse with someone would probably show them how much I didn't know about this new world I was entering. I supposed when we have classes where we have to do magic that lack in knowledge and skill will probably show itself.

I daydreamed a little while watching the landscape outside changing. Then I began reading some of my school books, I was halfway through the book about magical drafts and potions, when something caught my attention. I heard a boys voice in the train corridor talking about "Harry Potter is going to be sorry he refused my offer to be acquaintances."

So it really was true, my brother was on the exact same train I was on.

I thought back to the night my parents died. Dumbledore had told me the truth, this dark wizard named Voldemort who was now gone thanks to Harry. One more reason why I didn't want him to be here, I would just stand in his shadow. My celebrity brother Harry Potter, great.

'Harry Potter', I heard that name about a dozen times when I left my compartment because the train had arrived at Hogwarts. It was already dark out when it did, I must have fallen asleep because I do not remember it being dark the last time I looked out the window.

A giant of a man called out to all first year students that they should follow him and then be seated in a boat. I went into one of the last available boats because I was standing at the back of the crowd. Inside were two boys and a girl. The first boy introduced himself as "Blaise Zabini", the girl said her name was "Leila Thomas" and the other boys name was "Draco Malfoy." I recognised his voice from the train, he was the one who was talking about Harry. For the first time ever in my life, I was happy to introduce myself as "Rose Evans."

Leila and Draco were the only ones really chatting on the way to the castle, Blaise and I stayed quiet. The way he held himself gave me the feeling he was quite a reserved person, which I was definitely understanding of because I have developed into just that type of person. I prefer not to talk when I don't have to and really do value my own company, being around too many people feels stressful.

When the boats came to a stop, we all got out and stopped in front of a huge oak door which the giant man knocked his fists against. The door swung open, a black haired witch wearing an emerald robe and having her hair tied back in a tight bun stood there. The giant man introduced her as being Professor Mcgonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Spoke Mcgonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your Houses. The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours."

And with that, we were ushered into the 'great hall' as Leila beside me explained it, a massive room with four long tables and floating candles at the ceiling which looked like it had no roof, revealing the night sky.

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." A girl from the front of the pack said. She sounded quite bossy to me.

As we got closer to the end of the room, I saw a familiar man sitting at the teachers table. It was the Professor that accompanied me in diagon alley.

"Hey Draco, what is that Professors name?" I asked the blonde boy who was walking next to me.

"That's Professor Snape, he is head of Slytherin which is the house I will surely be sorted in to. Mother and Father were both Slytherins you see." He explained.

Now I really wanted to be in Slytherin too, whatever that meant. I hoped I had the required skills or characteristics for this house because it would be calming to know the head was someone I actually was a bit familiar with.

I was relieved to find out that the sorting took place without having to do any magic, an old looking hat was placed on your head instead which shouted out your house.

A girl called Millicent Bulstrode was the first to be placed in Slytherin. So far I couldn't tell at all what set these houses apart, maybe it was just by chance what house someone lands in?

Before I could think about it more, I suddenly heard my name being called.

"Evans, Rose." I gulped, slowly making my way to the stool where the hat would be placed on my head.

It turned out to be way too big for my head, covering my vision from the great hall.

"Hmm...interesting." The hat began speaking while all I saw was black.

"Although some of your tendencies are a fit for Gryffindor, I sense you belong somewhere else. Better be..."

Please Slytherin.


I sighed in relief, getting up and doing as Millicent had done, taking a seat at the Slytherin table. Everyone at the table clapped and cheered for me, a welcoming feeling washed over me. Maybe I do belong somewhere after all. 

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