Chapter 20 - The Voice

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A/N  I am so sorry for not updating. I have been really busy with school 

Rose's POV

Halloween morning, I received a letter from Cissy. My owl Ash came into the great hall at breakfast way more often nowadays compared to my first year at Hogwarts. I wrote often with Narcissa Malfoy, telling her about my classes and her writing back about new books she had read or beautiful new jewellery she had bought herself. Today came a little package together with the usual letter.

Dear Rose,

I am delighted to hear your classes are going well as usual. Considering that today is Halloween, I had the Owl deliver some sweets for you which you will find the the small green package. I know this is a bit early to ask, but I was wondering if you would like to spend Christmas with us at the Manor?

With love


Smiling, I scribbled my response on a piece of parchment which I would be sending off later. I was already looking forward to Christmas now.

— Time Skip —

I finished eating early, so I told Leila and Blaise who were sitting next to me that I could go to the dorms early.

But as I walked along the hallways alone, I suddenly heard a voice. It sounded the exact same as the one I heard in my dream. "Kill...kill...I smell blood!" It hissed.

My heart began pounding in my chest, I turned around to see nothing was there, but from further down the hallways I heard the words "must kill..."

Then all of a sudden the shadow of my reflection grew two large horns. Gulping, I peered over my shoulder to see the beast that I saw in the forbidden forest. Now I could see its horrid face even clearer in the candlelight.

My breath hitched as I made a run for it, I had to get away from this. But as I kept running, the voice became louder again. "rip...tear...time to kill...kill"

For some reason every time I blinked my vision went more and more blurry as I felt a sort of tugging from inside of me. It felt as though someone was pulling the skin of my back, but from the inside. My head began to hurt as well, so I paused and bent over to catch my breath and hold my head in my hands. The voice had disappeared somewhere in the distance now, and when I dared to look at my shadow the horns were also gone.

As I carefully walked along the hallway, I began hearing voices again but these were from students. The feast must have just ended, so I decided to walk in the direction where everyone was to make sure nothing could get me while I was alone.

I noticed, once everyone came into view, a large number of students were gathered and unmoving. They were staring up at something.

Confused, I pushed past a few first years and my eyes grew big as I saw what they were staring at. In large letters, stood 'THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE.'

What could this mean?

And then I spotted the caretaker's cat, it had been hung up and wasn't moving.

This really couldn't be good, all of these things happening at once overwhelmed me so I decided to just dart away and if I had to run to my dorm with my eyes closed then so be it.

Big mistake.

As I ran, the voice came back. "Blood...." It hissed, louder than before. And right then a distorted roar sounded from behind me. "No, no, no, no." I mumbled as tears were stinging in my eyes. I was absolutely terrified. There was some creepy voice talking about murder somewhere close to me, and above all that the beast was definitely behind me again and making horrifying noises.

I began walking sideways, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut to block out my surroundings. "Please leave me alone." I muttered as my face began to get wet with tears.

I suddenly bumped into something. Gasping, I fell to the floor and pulled my legs to my chest. "Please don't hurt me..." I cried. Was it the source of the voice I had just ran in to, or was it the beast that emerged from my back?

Words can't describe how relieved I was when it turned out to be Severus.

"Rose what's wrong?" I heard him say to me as I felt a warm hand on my back. "I would never hurt you." He softly whispered.

Realising the placement of his hand, I opened my eyes again because that must have meant the beast was gone.

I stared up at Severus and wiped my face with my sleeve.

"Come on, let's get you to my quarters and you can tell me what happened." He moved his hand to my elbow and helped pull me up.

We walked in silence to a room not too far off from Severus office. He unlocked it and I tried taking my new surroundings in as best as I could before he motioned for me to sit on a leather couch in front of a fireplace next to him. From what I could tell, his quarters looked quite comfortable. It came with a small kitchen and living room space, further back was another door which I assumed led to the bedroom area.

Snape's POV

"Tell me, what happened?" I tried asking her in a low voice to make her feel more at ease, but right as she began trying to explain what occurred, she sharply inhaled and pressed her hands against her ears while squeezing her eyes shut.

Alarmed by this, I tried to hear what the sound she was so scared of could be. But I didn't hear anything.

"Rose what do you hear?" I asked, placing a hand on her back. Her breath was shaky and it broke my heart seeing more tears fall from her eyes and not knowing what I could do to help.

So I did the only thing I could imagine might bring her comfort in this situation. I gently wrapped my arms around her thin frame, scooping her up into my lap and holding her close as she cried. She moved her hands away from her ears and grasped my robes tightly.

"I'm here, nothing can hurt you."I cooed, trying to calm her.

I have never felt like this before, not since Lily. I felt so protective of Rose right now, wanting to keep her out of harms way. 

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