Chapter 5 - Orphanage?

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Rose's POV

Hoping to have the afternoon off to read a bit in the common room, I was now sat alone at my desk in the empty potions classroom with Snape cleaning up the room with a wave of his wand, then looking over at me.

"I don't mean to keep you here for long during your free time, Dumbledore has asked to speak to us. He should be arriving shortly." Snape explained, his voice sounding less stern than it did during potions class.

I nodded, then looking down at my book to try and distract myself from the nervousness I was beginning to feel. Why would Dumbledore need to speak to me? And what did Snape have to do with it?

"If you can come sit up here."

I looked up from my book, nodding and walking up to his desk while grasping it tightly in my arms.

Snape's POV

She's got her eyes, but why is her hair so black? Was she not the little girl I had seen next to Lily's dead body that night at Godric's hollow after all?

She's nothing like Potter, at least. I can tell she is bright and thankfully she does not possess James facial features at all. And she is in Slytherin, my house. Very skilled at potions.

Just in that moment, Albus walked though the door.

"Headmaster." I greeted him as he strode over to us, taking a spare stool and sitting at my desk the way Rose was.

"Rose, you are probably wondering why I have summoned you here during such a lovely Friday afternoon. Well, I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news, but you must be made aware of that the Dursley's have declined our proposition to have you stay with them during the holidays when Hogwarts is closed." He looked at the girl, who I could tell had a bit of fear in her eyes.

"This is why I would like to make the offer to you, Severus, to take her in. Only during the Summer, of course. Young miss Rose here is always welcome to spend the Christmas Holidays here at Hogwarts."

I knew why he was getting me into all of this. I wouldn't say I minded taking care of a child for a short amount of time, she was very well behaved from what I could tell. And she was her daughter. Yet I didn't believe I would be up for the task, my home is tiny and besides teaching I know very little about raising a child. I could have a profound negative impact on her if I wasn't careful enough with what I said and did.

"Headmaster, I don't know if I would be the right person for this task." I admitted, not daring to look at Rose.

"Think on it, Severus. If not I fear she might have to be placed in an orphanage." He looked over at Rose. "You may go and enjoy the rest of your day now."

With that, she got up and left the room, leaving Albus and me alone.

"Severus, please. Remember what happened to the last Slytherin that was orphaned and had to stay at Wool's." I knew he was trying to guilt-trip me into taking her in. A part of me really wanted to, in the short amount of time I had known this girl I took a liking to her and after todays lesson her knowledge in my subject really impressed me.

"Perhaps I could find a suitable family for her to stay with, might I suggest the Malfoy's? They surely have plenty of room in their mansion." I offered. Lucius might not immediately be on board, but I was sure Narcissa would accept. Rose and Draco sat together in the great hall often, leading me to believe they were probably friends. The Malfoy's would certainly welcome a friend of Draco's to stay with them.

"That should work then, goodbye Severus." Dumbledore seemed a little defeated, probably hoping I would accept his offer. He was aware I liked Lily, most likely thinking he was doing me a favour with this.

As Albus left, I started writing a letter addressed to the Malfoy's. I would also need to talk to Rose some time to tell her of this plan.

Rose's POV

An orphanage. Great.

I thought this day would go well with potions class, but after hearing the only man I really look up to blatantly reject me, I feel more like crying.

I rushed into my dorm room, laying face first onto my bed and forcing myself to not cry. It was difficult restraining the tears that wanted to escape so badly, so eventually the pillow below me was soaked. Just when I heard the doorknob turn, I quickly pulled the covers over my body, wiped my tears away and pretended like I was sleeping.

"Hey Rose, Pansy and I thought you might want to join us—"

"Shh! Don't you see she's sleeping." Pansy snapped at Leila, who muttered an "oops" before the two of them left the room again.

With a large sigh, I sat up and began reading through a History of magic book to take my mind off things. I kept thinking to that conversation though, beginning to wonder what the orphanage would be like. 'I guess it will beat living on the streets at least' I tried comforting myself with that thought. 

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