Chapter 6 - Flying lessons

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Rose's POV

The weekend was horrible, whispers followed me all around. People in my own house started to scoff at me every time I entered the common room. That was expected, I was the sister of Harry Potter after all whom they despised so much. Leila and Pansy were the only ones that knew the truth, they asked me about the situation Saturday night after I came back from spending my whole day in the Library. I explained to them how I ran away and didn't want to be ever associated with Harry again.

"We believe you Rose, don't worry what the others say today." They reassured me while we were on our way to our first flying lessons.

We were standing on the lawn, each next to a broomstick. I had no clue how flying or this game called quidditch worked, but all the excitement I had for it faded when I saw the Gryffindors there. And him.

Harry looked at me, I couldn't quite tell what his expression meant. I think he was about to approach me, when Madam Hooch arrived and told everyone to hold their hands over their broom and say "Up."

"Up." I spoke, as clearly as possible. My broom seemed to be the only one that made its way into the palm of my hand, but then I saw that Harry's had done the same.

Scowling, I looked over at the others from my house. Draco's second attempt was succesful and the same went for Blaise. Pansy and Leila seemed to struggle a bit more.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly."

Just as she was about to blow her whistle and I could fly for the first time, some Gryffindor boy already took off and lost control over his broom. He flew left and right, up and down and all while screaming. Rolling my eyes, I watched how the boy let go and fell onto the ground.

Leila seemed to feel the same way about this as I was. "Just great." She said. "That stupid git ruined our chance at flying a broom for the first time."

While Madam Hooch led the boy whose name turned out to be Neville to the Hospital wing, she warned us not to do anything.

A few feet next to me, Draco burst out into laughter. Some Gryffindor girl told him to shut up, while Pansy made fun of her for sticking up for Neville. I ignored all of this, looking in the opposite direction when I suddenly heard his voice.

"Malfoy give that back." It was Harry, I spun around as quickly as possible and watched him try to take some weird looking plastic ball out of Draco's hands.

"I think I'll leave this somewhere for Longbottom to find, how about up a tree?" Draco smirked, about to mount his broomstick but Harry pushed him off.

"Give it here!" He yelled.

I don't know what took over me, but I rushed over to Draco and helped him up while staring daggers at Harry.

"Rose." Said Harry, a bit taken back.

"Shut up Potter." I sneered.

"Aww a little fight between brother and sister." Someone behind me giggled.

"He's not my brother." I snapped, still looking at Harry. Draco looked surprised but pleased at me while gripping the plastic ball tightly and taking off the ground with his broom.

Harry shook his head, also getting on his broom and chasing Draco around. I really wasn't thinking straight, but I also got on and took after the two.

I felt oddly steady on this broom, managing to swiftly snatch the ball out of Harry's hands when he took it from Draco. Just then in the distance I saw Professor Mcgonagall approaching. I shot Draco a look, tossing the ball over to him and headed back for the ground. Unfortunately Harry was able to catch the ball I threw.

Sighing, I hid myself in the crowd of students so I wouldn't get in trouble. I really hope Mcgonagall didn't spot me in the air.

Draco landed next to me, applauding me for being a good flier. "After what Snape said in potions I thought you would be just like that Potter, but I'm glad to see you really aren't."

I shot him a small smile, watching Mcgonagall dragging Harry away.

— Time Skip —

Draco was furious when he found out Harry was allowed to be on the quidditch team, even though he was a first year. I didn't really care, telling Draco to forget it. He wasn't having it at all though.

"Rose, you have to go talk to Snape and force him to let you be on the Slytherin team. I saw how well you handled yourself on that broom, you got to be a quidditch player." He pleaded at dinner.

"I really don't think Snape would allow it." I answered.

I saw Draco thinking for a few seconds while Crabbe and Goyle were wolfing down their roast chicken. I almost gagged at the sight, those two really shared only one braincell.

"I've got it, I'll go with you. Let's ask him after class tomorrow, him and my father are friends he will definitely agree if I ask him a favour." Draco smiled.

I was still unsure, but then I remembered how free I felt while on the broom. I nodded at Draco, causing his smile to grow wider. 

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