Chapter 24 - Secret Mission to the Muggle World

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Rose's POV

"Cedric you don't seriously believe Harry and I are the heirs of Slytherin do you?" I was honestly offended he'd even bing such an idea up.

"Of course not! It is mostly the younger kids that believe this. I know you aren't the heir, so what you can speak to snakes? You are just special." He smirked at me while we walked through the hallway together. I couldn't help but smile back, he did have a way of making me feel better.

"What class do you have next?" Cedric asked as we turned a corner.

"Transfiguration, your favourite." I smiled at him.

"You're lucky! I have History of Magic now, so boring. I think after class I will. —" Cedric stopped dead in his tracks with a blank expression.

Confused at first, I quickly had the same expression as him when I saw the sight before me. A petrified second year Hufflepuff, the same one who stormed out of the duelling club after he heard our Parseltongue. And right there in front of him was Harry.

"Did you do this?" Cedric stared at Harry, who had a shocked look on his face. Was he just pretending? Or did he really not have anything to do with this? I came to the conclusion that surely Harry couldn't do such a thing and he is a Gryffindor, so no way of him being the heir or having 'Slytherin powers'. The reason he can speak to snakes like I can is most likely just due to the fact that we are siblings.

"Let's get out of here Cedric." I tugged at his sleeve. He was still frozen with shock at the sight, so I had to practically push him to his classroom.

— Time Skip —

I was so glad once Christmas time rolled around. Now that most of Hogwarts student body was gone, I wasn't bombarded by people looking at me and whispering things about being able to speak to snakes and somehow being involved in this whole petrifying students thing. The only one who seemed to believe I wasn't involved was Draco and Cedric, though Draco kept going on about how if I was the one doing this to 'mud-bloods' that I was doing a good job.

Christmas morning I woke up before everyone else, which wasn't many people because only I, Draco and his two friends were the ones in our year staying over the holidays. There was a massive pile of gifts in the common room nonetheless, most for Draco. I did spot four packages for me as well. A smile crept onto my face when I saw one had a tag sticking from it which read

To Rose,

Happy Christmas


I knew instantly it was from Severus, so I saved this one for last. The largest gift was from Narcissa, revealing an all black woollen winter coat with golden buttons. It looked really expensive. The next gift was from Pansy and Leila who got me 3 packages of chocolate frogs. I was happy to see two new cards that I didn't own yet to add to my collection of chocolate frog cards. The gift I opened after this was from Cedric, who was the only one I actually got a gift for as well. I sent Christmas cards to the Malfoy's and to Leila and Pansy, but I felt bad remembering I hadn't gotten anything for my own Father who even got me a present. Setting aside the bracelet which had a silver rose charm on it which was Cedric's gift, I opened the one from Severus. More guilt washed over me as I saw he got me an eagle feather quill plus a matching ink pot and a book about the History of Quidditch. I had to get him a gift by the end of today somehow.

Even though I had already seen it last year, Christmas at Hogwarts never seemed to disappoint. The great hall looked amazingly decorated, but I couldn't focus on this. I had a plan in mind but I needed Cedric for it.

"Cedric, I need your help." I panted as I sprinted towards the end of the Hufflepuff table where he was.

He grinned up at me, tightening the mustard yellow scarf I had knitted him. This was the only thing I could think of making him. And besides, only he was in a year that is allowed to go to Hogsmeade. Which is exactly why I needed him.

"What's up? Loved your gift by the way." He smiled.

"I forgot to get Severus a gift, can you please sneak me into Hogsmeade somehow so I can get him something?" I whispered. I had told Cedric everything about my past and also my relationship with Severus Snape, I trusted the boy and knew he wouldn't go talking about it.

"Bad news Rose, the shops there are closed for Christmas day." He sighed. Disappointedly, I slumped onto the bench beside him. Then I had an idea, a very risky one.

"I have a really stupid idea, but I think it could work." I suddenly spoke.

Without hesitation, Cedric said "I'm in."

— Time Skip —

"Don't worry, Sprout spends all day at the teachers table on Christmas Day. She won't even notice we used her fireplace." Cedric said as we entered the Herbology teachers office.

"You know, I've never been to a muggle shop before. I'm interested to see what they've got there." He grinned as I stepped into the fireplace. This was the only short term thing I could think of to do.

Luckily, just as Cedric had predicted, Gringotts was open. We rushed in, I was wearing the coat that Narcissa had gotten me which kept me warm from the icy wind outside. Seeing Diagon Alley covered in snow was a pretty sight though, I must admit. I changed some of my wizarding money to muggle money and we walked towards the Leaky Cauldron and then out onto the streets of London.

Suddenly Cedric huddled closer to me. I gave him a confusing look, but he just blushed as we made our way through the surprisingly empty city.

"Sorry, my first time in a muggle city. The only time I'm ever in London is just at the station to get the Hogwarts express. I don't really know how to act." He admitted while scratching his head.

Giggling, I interlocked one of my gloved hands with his. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

After some walking, we finally arrived at the supermarket which I knew was open even on Christmas day. Cedric was fascinated by the automatic doors which I couldn't help but chuckle at. I didn't let go of his hand as the warmth of the store hit us as we entered.

"Okay I'm not completely sure what exactly I should get, but let's look around a bit." I scanned the various isles. I wasn't really sure what Severus thought of muggle things, so I wanted to get him something that wasn't too obviously made by non wizards.

"This is perfect." I muttered as I picked up the plain leather notebook. As I looked on the back to check the price, Cedric, who was still holding onto me, had a very excited look on his face while saying "Rose what is this?"

I tried my best to not burst out laughing as he held up a hair straightener. "It is for hair, makes curly hair straight." I explained to the clueless boy.

"Wow." He spoke fascinated, carefully examining the object. On the way to the checkout I grabbed a packet of biscuits which I hadn't had in years, I remembered them tasting great and wanted Cedric to try them too. I also got a box of black hair dye, just in case I didn't remember the spell Mcgonagall taught me once it wears off. Right at the checkout they had tiny little teddy bear stuffed animals on sale so I couldn't help but grab one of those too. It was light brown with a black and white checkered bow tie.

"That was incredible, so many things I've never seen." Cedric looked awestruck the whole way back to the Leaky Cauldron. 

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