Chapter 16 - Severus

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Rose's POV

At night in bed I kept thinking about Cedric's and my conversation. I knew I had to approach Snape and apologies for just running out like that. Because of Cedric I now was certain I wanted to build a relationship with Snape, I just hope he feels the same way.

Cedric seemed like a really nice guy too, he told me he wants to try out for the quidditch team this year for the position as seeker.

"I'll look forward to playing against you." He'd told me. I was still unsure if Draco or I would end up being seeker this year, but that was something I should worry about later. Now I needed to figure out how to approach Snape first and make up for the awkward exit that happened earlier today.

— Time Skip —

"His office is right this way." The Slytherin Prefect pointed down to a door at the end of the dungeons which was reached by a different entrance compared to where I usually go to the potions classroom or my common room.

I nervously walked along the stone path of the hallway, clinging to my wand because I needed something to hold on to.

It took me several minutes to build up the courage to knock.

"Yes?" I cold voice retorted behind the door. I gulped, pushing down the handle and entering Snape's office. The walls of his office were lined with shelves that had all sorts of stuff placed on top. There was a fireplace too, but it wasn't burning.

"Rose." He spoke, now sounding less cold as before.

"Professor, I just wanted to say I'm sorry I ran out like that. I was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, I hope you can forgive me." I looked at his obsidian eyes which softened.

"I understand, of course. It is a lot to take in." He seemed a bit nervous and at a loss for words too, before offering me to take a seat in a comfortable looking armchair next to the cold fireplace. He picked up his wand, making a small flame appear inside and then looked over at me.

"Rose, I just want to emphasise that although I was only recently made aware that you are my daughter, that does not mean I care about you any less than I would if...if I had known about it sooner." Said Snape. "I was wondering...if you'd like...perhaps you would want to spend the summer with me? I am planning on staying here for Christmas again."

"I'd love to." A smile crept onto Snape's usually cold exterior as I said those words.

"I also want to apologise for yesterday, all that information at once would be too much for anyone." He told me, his smile fading a bit.

"No Professor, I'm really sorry for running out like that. It wasn't your fault at all. I was actually feeling...well I don't really know how to explain it, but I can assure you it didn't have to do with what you said." I replied, his smile came back a little again.

"You can call me Severus out of class, if you'd like." My cheeks began burning up. I knew it was probably weird to call my own father Professor, but it would take some getting used to calling him Severus now.

"Now what exactly did cause you to run out yesterday, if you don't mind—" But right in that moment the bell sounded, telling me my class was going to begin soon.

With an awkward smile I got up. "I best get going, Mcgonagall doesn't like it when her students are late." He chuckled slightly at this remark.

"I'll see you later for Potions." He said while opening the door for me.

"Bye Prof— Severus." I smiled back, my face turning red from almost calling him Professor again.

— Time Skip —

The rest of the week passed nicely, I kept on staying a few minutes after potions classes to help clean up and there was a comfortable atmosphere between Severus and I. We had casual conversations, about potions or about my other classes and also about quidditch. I felt as though I could trust him, he was my father after all, so I told him about the dilemma with Draco or I being seeker.

"I can tell Draco really wants to be on the team and he has improved a lot in his skills over the summer, but I feel as though seeker is the only real option for him." I admitted.

"And that is the position you are in." Severus sighed, helping me put a vial onto the top shelf which I couldn't reach.

"The only thing I can suggest is you two go to tryouts and let the captain make the decision, but after watching you play last year I am sure you will be the one to make the team." I grinned up at him when he said this, happy to hear him being supportive like this.

"I will send notice to Flint to move tryouts and practice to this Saturday, I'm sure you would like this all solved as early as possible." Severus added.

"Oh that would be great, thanks Severus." I smiled at him once again, then made my way to my dormitory. 

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