Chapter 23 - Parseltongue

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Rose's POV

Harry and I mounted the stage, walking to either side of it. Even though the whole crowd was watching now, I still kept my promise of battling until I am finally at ease with my emotions towards Harry being my brother.

"Alright, three, two, one and go!" The second Lockhart gave us the signal we could start, I was once again faster than Harry.

Now I was going to demonstrate true skill, using spells we hadn't yet learned but I read about and secretly practiced in my free time.

"Stupefy!" I called and Harry went flying. With a smirk, I put myself back into ready position to block any of his spells.

As Harry was about to send his spell my way, a familiar sensation washed over me and I froze. I could feel it, the beast. It wanted to come out again, I had to control myself or everyone would see my horrible secret. But what happened then was even more unexpected. I felt the same inward tugging I had felt a few months ago, but I knew for a fact this monster was not hovering above me just yet. Something was telling me if I were to fight the sensation, things would end bad. So I let the tugging happen, I let whatever wanted to enter and take over my body to do so.

The next thing I felt was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I could still see around me clearly, actually more clearly than ever. Everything seemed so sharp and as if my surroundings were in a higher resolution. I also felt overall different, more eager to fight. And more eager to damage, to hurt, to kill even.

Without really thinking, I shouted "Serpensortia!" And a snake suddenly emerged from my wand and slithered over to Harry.

Lockhart was quick to react and tried banishing the snake, but I could tell he did it wrong and that caused it to be extremely pissed off. Exactly in the moment the snake turned to look at me, fangs bared.

"What do you want?" I scoffed at the snake. Something told me it could understand what I was saying, and that seemed to be the case because then the snake slithered away from me and made its way over to a boy standing at the edge of the stage.

I could tell it wanted to attack this boy and for an unexplainable reason that made me smirk. I didn't want to feel like this, of course I wouldn't be pleased about someone getting injured. But my emotions seemed out of control right now.

"Leave him alone!" Harry yelled at the snake and surprisingly it obeyed. The boy Harry just saved didn't seem pleased at all, though.

"What are you two playing at?!" He looked at both of us on the stage almost terrified.

Then Severus stepped forward, waved his wand, and the snake vanished in a small puff of black smoke. He looked at both Harry and I with a calculated look. I wasn't quite sure what was going on. I mean sure it is maybe weird the snake left me alone when I scoffed at it and it also listened to Harry, but everyone heard what we told the animal. Maybe all snakes in the wizarding world can understand humans.

Right in that moment I finally felt as though I had control of my emotions again. My confidence had vanished, but thankfully so had my lust for hurting people.

Harry was then escorted away by his friends, but I stood frozen in front of Severus who seemed to be looking for the right words to say.

"Will you come with me for a moment?" He finally spoke. I nodded, following behind him as he led me to his office. I didn't have a clue what was going on. Did Severus want to give me pointers about my duelling? Or is he angry that I didn't use disarming spells only as instructed?

Once we entered, with a swing of his wand he closed the door and sat down at his desk. He put his head into his hands, taking a deep sigh and then looking up at me.

"Please tell me you didn't know until now you can speak with snakes." He said.

Confused, I tilted my head.

"Rose what exactly did you tell that snake?" He asked, sighing once again.

"You heard me didn't you? I asked it 'what do you want?' as it approached me." I explained, now even more confused. He heard what I said, didn't he?

I saw for a second a bit of relief cross Severus face, but that was quickly replaced by a scowl.

"That explains your confusion." He began. "I actually couldn't understand what you or Potter were telling that snake, you two were speaking Parseltongue. That is the language of snakes. It is very rare."

My eyes widened and I took a seat because my I felt weak in my knees after finding out I can somehow speak a language nobody in that room besides Harry understood. And by the look on Severus face, this wasn't a good thing at all.

"First the voices, now this." I was honestly sick of all the bad things happening to me, it was so exhausting. I felt a few tears threatening to fall, so I quickly hung my head so Severus wouldn't see.

Suddenly I felt a warm arm on my shoulder. "We will figure this out, don't worry." It was Severus, his voice surprisingly soft and comforting. I'm really glad I have him, all of this is quite overwhelming but I am glad I can tell him my problems. The only thing he doesn't know about yet is the beast...

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