Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

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Rose's POV

This man, whose name was Albus Dumbledore, gave me a lengthy speech about my parents being wizards, me being a witch and because I was of age I would be attending a magical school and be doing this already tomorrow. I was certain this man was mad, but he knew suspiciously many facts about my life that nobody expect the Dursley's might have known, or someone who was watching me. He knew I was homeless for two years now, but how? Was this some stupid prank set up by the Dursley's?

All my suspicions were lifted however, when Dumbledore proved to me that magic does actually exist by lighting a bush on fire using only his mind. My eyes widened, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't say anything though. I don't really say much anyway, something I developed over the years of being homeless. If you don't bother anyone the chance of survival is a lot higher. I only really spoke when I was spoken to, and sometimes not even then. I guess if I was going to attend a school though, I would have to begin speaking a bit more. The fact that Harry would be there also made me a bit uneasy. To be honest I didn't really want to see him anymore, he reminded me too much of my old home. Regardless of the fact he wasn't liked either, between the two of us he was clearly more of a favourite. And another part of me felt bad for leaving him there, of course. I was his sister after all and just disappeared one day.

"Alright then, I suggest you make your way to Diagon Alley while I owl Minerva that we have located you." Dumbledore announced, getting up. The sun was beginning to rise, his speech of explanations really had taken some time.

"Diagon what?" I questioned.

"Where you get your school supplies, I have one of our Professors waiting there for you. He kindly agreed to chaperone you, because he himself still needs to do some last minute shopping for some ingredients he needs for class."

That Professor Dumbledore mentioned looked anything but happy to chaperone me. I'm sure he only agreed when Dumbledore asked because he was the headmaster. This man was tall with a shallow face, hooked nose and hair as black as his obsidian eyes.

"Better get moving." He said with a scowl, walking through the brick wall that had opened by itself somehow while I stared up at the unfriendly looking man. Apparently the so called 'muggles' didn't have access to such stores that could be found here.

The Professor pointed at the first store that came into sight, looking down at a piece of parchment he was staring at. I couldn't see much, but when I did catch a glimpse of it I noticed my name on it. 'Rose Evans', I feel like I saw the Professor staring at the name, then me, then the name and then me again countless times. The sneer that seemed etched onto his face never disappearing.

"Go in there, get your robes fitted and then meet me at Ollivanders." Spoke the professor cooly, then marching away and leaving me all alone in front of a store with no money.

Once I entered, the kind looking shopkeeper motioned towards a stool.

"We never usually have customers so close to term begin, but no worries your robes will be ready in no time." She assured.

I was about to ask her about the money, when she pointed to a small stack of gold that was on her desk, explaining that my stuff was already paid for.

The sun still hadn't fully come up yet, I didn't have a watch but guessing by how empty this place was I assumed it was no later than 8 or 9 in the morning.

"Ollivanders." I muttered to myself, scanning the various signs of the shops here. They sold things I had never seen before. One store in particular caught my attention, it had owls in it. 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' the sign read, I saw Owls in all shapes, sizes and colours from outside the window. Shortly after, I finally found the store I was supposed to meet the Professor at. He stood there, looking impatient with something that looked like a cauldron in his hand that had books and other various items inside. In his other hand he held a glass bottle filled with something that looked like an herb or spice.

The Professor handed me the cauldron. I took it nervously, peering inside. "Your School supplies." He explained, then taking a step towards the door and opening it for me.

With a half smile, I thanked him and entered Ollivanders which turned out to be a wand store.

The next 20 minutes I spent having to wave wand after wand in front of the old man, before he finally told me I had found the right one when it began shooting out sparks from the tip. The wand had a simple look compared to some of the other ones I tried, it was black and the handle was outlined in silver. I was told it was ebony wood with a phoenix feather core.

The professor didn't enter the store with me, it turned out he had actually gone and bought me an owl. He was a grey eagle owl with piercing orange eyes. Joy filled me for the first time in years, but that quickly faded when I was told Dumbledore said he needed to get me one because it is required. Of course I was glad to have a pet for the first time in my life, but also a little disappointed that nobody would ever buy me something because they took a liking to me. It seems as though, just as it has been for the past 11 years, I wouldn't be special or important to anyone. Aunt Petunia was right when she said I was a freak. I still liked my owl a lot though, deciding to name him Ash.

"We need to get to the station." The Professor urged, hurrying along the streets until we reached the large Kings cross station.

When we arrived, he awkwardly placed a hand on my shoulder and stared at me for a few seconds before muttering "Go to platform 9 3/4, see you at Hogwarts." And with that, he was off.

I spun my head around the crowded station, still wearing the robes I got fitted earlier and holding all my supplies and the owl in his cage in my arms. Then I spotted a rather large family of red heads and my eyes grew wide when I saw one after the other heading through the stone wall between platforms 9 and 10. How the hell was that even possible?

"Is it your first time as well?" A woman snapped me out of my thoughts. She turned out to be the mother of the red heads.

"Y-yes." I stammered.

"Watch Ron here do it, it is his first time too." She reassured and we both watched as the red haired boy who seemed around my age, but a lot taller than me, followed suit like his brothers did. The only child left was a girl who was smaller than me, so I assumed she was not old enough yet for Hogwarts.

"Now you go dear." The woman nodded at the wall with a warm smile.

I took a deep breath, bracing for the hard impact as I sprinted towards the wall with my eyes closed. But no such thing happened, when I was brave enough again to open my eyes, they were met with a red steam engine that had 'Hogwarts Express' written on it. 

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