Chapter 22 - Duelling club

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Rose's POV

Today I was the one to leave a note at Cedric's table. It explained that my Friday free time was cut short by the new potions class I would be taking, but I insisted we still keep meeting. I told him maybe Friday evening before dinner or on the weekends. Then Cedric dropped a note off at my table when he left breakfast.

See you Friday evening then, miss advanced potions expert


I giggled at the nickname he had given me in his note.

— Time Skip —

Today was the first quidditch game of the year. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Draco would be the one to play as seeker today, so I was just the reserve. Secretly I was hoping something would happen to Draco so I could sub in, it was the first game of the season after all and I was eager to prove my worthiness. Countless Slytherin students are now under the impression that Draco beat me fairly in the tryouts and that he was a better player than me. Of course I didn't want him to get hurt or anything, but I did wish it was me playing and not him.

I watched nervously from the stands, gripping my broom just in case I did have to sub in.

For some reason, one of the Bludgers kept targeting Harry. As much as the Gryffindor beaters hit it away, it kept swerving back to Harry wherever he flew. Something was definitely up.

It began raining and a time out was called. I got to my feet, just in case I would be asked to switch with Draco. Sadly after a few minutes the game continued with the same players as before. At least Slytherin was still in the lead.

Then suddenly I saw a figure falling from the sky and landing in the mud. It was Harry and he had fainted. I was worried for a second, but then it was announced he caught the snitch and with a scoff I began walking away from the quidditch stadium. Oh how glad I was that I would be the one playing the next match, if not we will never win. Draco is useless at being a seeker, that's for sure.

At least Draco got a good talking to from Marcus later on, who told him he could have easily gotten the snitch if he had paid more attention.

— Time Skip —

One December morning I received a letter from Cissy, stating that neither Draco or I could visit over Christmas. I asked Draco about it, but he just told me he didn't know either but he didn't mind seeing as though all his presents would be sent to Hogwarts then. I knew he would show off all the new things he got, but I was quite upset I could not see Narcissa again. I missed her a lot, I hope everything is alright with her because she also seemed excited for me to visit last time she mentioned it.

At least my advanced potions class was still going well, but I wish I didn't have to attend the second years class anymore. Seeing Harry there peering over at me all the time made it almost unbearable. I knew one day I would have to talk to him again eventually, but if it were up to me I would never speak a word to him.

A week later I saw an announcement for a Duelling Club was pinned on the notice board.

"Can't hurt to join, can it?" Pansy spoke as she read the announcement.

So at 8pm that night, we headed to the great hall which had a long golden stage set up and many students were standing around it excited. I was also looking forward to it, up until I saw who would be teaching us. It was Lockhart. He was absolutely useless.

I did feel a bit better about the situation once I spotted Severus on the stage as well, wearing his usual black robes. He spotted me and sent me a small nod, then looking back at Lockhart.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart pointed at Severus.

I couldn't help but cackle when I saw that Lockhart seriously thought he could beat Severus in the demonstration duel.

"Expelliarmus!" Severus called, swiping Lockhart clean off his feet. I smirked at the sight and so did Draco and Pansy next to me. Blaise decided he didn't want to come, but I was looking forward to reporting to him our head of house finally knocking some sense into the ever so self-centred Lockhart.

Lockhart looked nervously over at Severus, then announcing "Enough demonstrating! I'm going to come amongst you now and put you all into pairs. Professor Snape, if you'd like to help me please."

The two Professors began moving through the crowd and matching partners. Draco had gone to one corner of the room with Pansy, so I was looking around to see if I could spot anyone that would want to partner with me. But at this point every Slytherin student already had a partner.

Sighing, I walked up to where I saw Severus large figure towering over everyone in the crowd. Perhaps I could practice with him.

Once Severus saw me, however, his lips turned into a smirk and he looked over at a Gryffindor student that was next to him. "Rose, come over here. Let's see what you make of the famous Potter."

He gently pushed me towards my brother, who looked anything but happy to be paired with me. At first I was annoyed at Severus actions to pair me with Harry, but then part of me was also glad because I think this could help both of us get the unresolved tension that we had both bottled up for so long out. I hadn't spoke to Harry since my first year, I barely even looked at him. Maybe duelling him would help me feel more at ease and not afraid of coming face to face with him at all times. Now we could resolve our unspoken conflict fair and square.

"Wands at the ready!" shouted Lockhart. "When I count to three, cast your charms to Disarm your opponents, remember only to disarm them."

I think in that moment Harry and I silently communicated through our eye contact that we would probably be doing more than just disarming. This duelling club was the only chance for us to properly have a fight, this would be our chance to let all of our emotions out.

"Flipendo!" I called, causing Harry to stumble backwards. He got back up to his knees quickly with a growl and sent the tickling-charm my way which I luckily blocked. I could tell he was growing frustrated, but so was I. I had definitely not let out all of my emotions yet.

Harry called out another spell, but in that moment Lockhart shouted for us all to stop. My anger had only just begun, though. I could barely hold back and wanted to continue fighting so bad.

"How about we have a volunteer pair? If everyone is duelling at once it just causes too much chaos." Lockhart called out to the room. Some students shot their hands in the air to be picked, but Severus looked over at me for a second and then suggested I go up against Harry. I was so glad in that moment for Severus probably seeing the determination on my face.

"Excellent idea." Lockhart spoke and gestured for us to get up on the stage. 

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