Chapter 17 - Sabotaged tryouts

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Rose's POV

Very early Saturday morning the quidditch practice would be taking place. Yawning and holding my Nimbus 2001 over my shoulder, I made my way to the common room where Draco was standing with the same broom. It turned out his father bought more than just two of these new expensive brooms, he decided to buy one for the whole Slytherin team.

"May the best seeker win." Draco stretched his arm out with a confident smile. I shook his hand, confused at his sudden confidence. Just yesterday when I told him about us trying out today, he looked really nervous.

Crabbe and Goyle followed us outside onto the dewy lawn, claiming they wanted to try out for beaters. I was quite surprised because up until today they had never shown any interest in quidditch.

As we headed into the stadium, a chaser named Adrian pointed to the sky "Captain, the Gryffindors are here already."

"Well we have special permission, and besides, we need to try out the possible new seeker." Marcus glared over at Draco.

I watched some of the Gryffindor quidditch players race down to the ground where we were standing. Their captain landed in front of us with an angry look on his face, Marcus just smirked while gripping Severus permission form in his hand.

"Let's just practice when they are done." Said Adrian, as more Gryffindors stormed over to us. But Marcus insisted we stay.

"Flint! This is our practice time." Wood yelled at our captain.

"Now now don't lose your cool Wood, there is plenty of space for all of us." Marcus said in a teasing manner, causing Wood to almost explode with rage.

"But I booked the field!" The Gryffindor captain shouted as the whole team and some students who were watching from the stands surrounded our team.

"Well I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape. 'I, Professor S. Snape, give the Slytherin team permission to practice today on the Quidditch field owing to the need for Seeker tryouts.'" Flint proudly read out the note from Severus.

"I thought Evans was your seeker?" Wood looked straight at me now.

"Maybe not for long." Draco emerged from the back of the crowd with a smirk on his face.

"We are trying them out today, to see who is a better fit." Flint glared back at Wood, then held out his new broom "Look at the generous gift Draco's father made to the Slytherin team. Very best and latest model."

"Well at least nobody on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent." Hermione stared over at Draco.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." He spat at her, causing the whole Gryffindor team to completely lose it.

The twins tried attacking Draco, while Ron Weasley pulled out a very broken looking wand and pointed it at the blonde boy. "You will pay for this Malfoy!" He hissed.

His wand was so battered, the spell he fired at Draco ended up hitting Ron himself, sending him flying backwards and clutching his stomach. The whole Slytherin team burst out into laughter as Ron began puking up slimy slugs. Disgusted by the sight, I stepped back and looked away. I tried focusing on the task at hand, getting my well deserved spot as seeker.

— Time Skip —

Draco just had his turn first. He was asked to catch the snitch while Marcus timed how long it wold take him. Draco ended up taking 23 minutes, with help from Crabbe and Goyle who were pointing at the snitch from down on the field when it passed them.

I was up next. Surely I could beat that time.

I rose up into the air, sending a nod at Marcus who released the snitch. I caught sight of it at once, racing after it with my new broom. This broom was heaps better than the old school broom, it was so sensitive to movement which is great for a seeker like me needing to chase a tiny golden ball.

From up here I saw Crabbe suddenly run over to Marcus, tapping him on the shoulder. I decided to ignore it, focusing on the snitch again. Even if Marcus wasn't looking, I'd have the snitch in my hand as evidence that I caught it, well before Draco.

But suddenly out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain in my ribcage. I don't wear any protective chest-gear, so the Bludger that came out of nowhere really hurt. It caused me to stagger sideways and lose sight of the snitch. I glared over at Goyle who was holding his bludger bat in the air.

I flew over to him. "Don't you dare do that again!" I growled, going back into the air with my side throbbing. But the second I saw the snitch again, I heard the familiar whistling of a bludger coming my way. The only way I could dodge it from hitting my head was to let go of my broom mid-air, so I did. I was lucky enough to not have been up too high in that moment, so the impact from the ground didn't hurt much. I knew exactly what was going on though, as I watched Flint walk up to me with Draco marching proudly behind. I was being sabotaged.

"Giving up already?" Flint asked me surprised as Draco gleamed.

I sent a nasty look at him, Crabbe, and Goyle. "I'm going to the hospital wing." I huffed.

"Did something happen? Did you get hurt?" I heard Adrian question, but I just held my hand up to silence him. I was so angry right now. 

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