Chapter 14 - Whose Daughter?

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Rose's POV

We arrived at Kings Cross exactly on time. This time, only Narcissa went to the train station with us. After Draco already boarded the train after seeing his friends, Cissy turned to look down at me.

"I'm going to miss you Rose." She whispered so only I would hear. "Please Owl me if you have time."

"Of course, I'm going to miss you too Cissy. Thank you for everything." I hugged her waist as I felt her own warm arms wrap around me. She really was like a Mother to me, so kind and loving.

I waved her goodbye, then heading into the train and taking a seat next to Blaise who had his usual blank expression while reading our new course-book. I decided to do the same, considering I only finished some of them back at the manor. I spent most my time outside with Draco to help him practice for quidditch. I knew he wanted to be a seeker, he had the build for it too. Part of me didn't mind giving up my position for him, but I also partly didn't want to stop being on the team. I really enjoyed flying, it gave me a sense of freedom.

For some reason at the feast and the sorting I couldn't spot Snape at the staff table. I was worried he'd resigned and I would never see him again, but Draco reassured that he must be here. "He is our head of house after all."

"Guess you are right." I muttered, poking around in my food.

— Time Skip —

It was during Herbology class with the Ravenclaws one afternoon when we were supposed to be repotting Mandrakes, that I got the idea to read about the topic in the library later that day. Last year my Herbology mark was lower compared to my other classes, so I promised myself to work harder in this class.

I read up about these Mandrakes and was shocked when I found something very interesting. A Mandrake leaf is apparently part of the process to become an animagus. Not exactly sure what an animagus is, I searched for hours in the library before stumbling across a book that briefly mentions that an animagus is a person who can transform into an animal. I asked the strict Librarian if there were more books on the matter, but she just gave me a stern look. Then I had an idea.

"Do you guys know how to get into the restricted section of the library?" I asked Pansy and Leila when I returned into our dorm that night.

"Need a permission form from a Professor, why?" Pansy replied.

"Just wanted to do some more reading, the other books in the library are boring." I lied. In reality, the concept of being able to turn myself into an animal seemed fascinating. But I had no idea how to get a Professor to allow it. They surely wouldn't just let me in because I was simply curious about what books this section held.

We spent the rest of our night arguing about Lockhart. Pansy and I said his class and the stupid test he made us take filled with questions all about him was useless, but Leila insisted he was the greatest Wizard ever.

Snape's POV

"Oh Albus, why didn't you tell me sooner? She is his daughter." I heard Minerva speak as I was on my way to the headmasters office.

"Whose daughter?" I announced my presence with this question, seeing a worried look on Minerva's face and Albus seeming a little puzzled as well. I had never seen him this way, whatever this is it must be something very dramatic or very unexpected.

"Severus." Minerva's voice trembled. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Cocking an eyebrow, I told them I had no idea what this was about.

"Minerva, could you please leave us for a moment." Dumbledore sounded oddly grim compared to his usual demeanour.

With a final sniffle, Minerva exited the room and I stood in front of the headmaster, more baffled than ever.

"Severus, I thought we had an agreement. I was suspicious of this for about a year now, but I would have expected you to come out with the truth eventually." Albus looked at me through his narrow glasses.

"Albus I assure you I have absolutely no idea what you mean." I explained.

With a sigh, Dumbledore asked me to take a seat.

"A year prior to Harry Potters enrolment, we were asked to send a Hogwarts letter to Rose Evans, his twin." Albus began. "We were confused as to why only Rose was asked to receive a letter one year before her twin, but we did not follow up on the matter and marked it as a mistake."

"However I became suspicious, something in my gut was telling me not to trust the situation. Didn't you yourself report the little, apparently one year old red headed girl next to Harry looked a lot older than him that Halloween night?" Albus looked me deep in the eyes. I tried blocking out the memories of that night, simply nodding.

"A one year old and a two year old do look very different from one another." He continued. "Severus, after asking some of James and Lily's friends from the past I found out they did not often allow them to visit. And when they did, curiously enough Rose was not there each time. Remus Lupin had told me quite often it was said Rose was off with other relatives."

" liked Lily a lot correct?" Gulping, I nodded once again.

"Please tell me now, is there any possibility you might have done something that could result in a child been born about a year prior to the birth of Harry?" My eyes grew wide. There was no way. Or was there?

"Headmaster —"

"Please be honest with me Severus."

"Yes, technically speaking yes."

We both sat in silence for a while, before Albus sighed. "It was a real surprise to me seeing a supposed Potter being placed in Slytherin. Now things are beginning to make sense. Why the documentation of Harry and Rose being twins mysteriously vanished after the ministry requested it, why Rose looked so much older as a baby and why she seemed like a well kept secret to the Potters. And why she did not show up in the prophecy."

Albus mood lightened up a bit, as if relieved to have heard the truth now for certain.

"She is the spitting image of Lily, you know. Her hair actually isn't really black." Albus smiled at me. 

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