Chapter 11 - End of Year 1

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Rose's POV

Harry didn't seem to notice any of what happened, he just clutched his scar the whole time. After this occurrence, we headed back to Hagrid to report us finding the dead Unicorn.

— Time Skip —

It was already the end of my first year at Hogwarts now, which meant I would be going home with Draco soon which I was really excited about. I packed the few things I had into a trunk, getting Ash from the Owlery and putting him in his cage. All my exams went well, just as expected. The quidditch games after the absolute disaster of my first one also ended well, I caught the snitch every time. I didn't tell anyone about what happened in the forbidden forest that night a few months ago, hoping it was just a trick of the mind.

During the end of year feast, I was excited at first to hear our house had won. I worked hard in class and we all earned our points fairly I thought, but Dumbledore decided to award some last minute points to Harry and his friends for saving the day. Just wonderful. So Gryffindor actually ended up winning, and while everyone at the Slytherin table seemed outraged by it I tried not to let this event ruin my day.

— Time Skip —

With my small trunk and Ash in hand, I followed Draco out of the Hogwarts express and we walked towards who I assumed was his family. The whole train ride he told me how excited he was to show me his room and all the fun things to do around the mansion.

From the moment I locked eyes with Draco's mother and father, I could tell they were very wealthy. Their clothes alone looked elegant, both of them having long hair the same colour as Draco's. The boy smiled proudly up at his parents, the mother introducing herself to me as Narcissa and the father as Lucius.

To say their mansion was large was an understatement. The whole Malfoy estate looked incredible, inside and out.

While sitting at the dining table in the evening, tired from playing with Draco's things all day I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy. What happened next, though, rid me of all my sleepiness.

"Rose, I almost forgot to ask but did you by any chance forget your clothes back at Hogwarts? The house elves reported only finding one set in your trunk while putting away your things in the guest room." Narcissa suddenly spoke.

"Umm...well I actually only have that one pair." I admitted, ready to be ridiculed. But none of the sort happened.

"Oh dear, poor little thing forgive me I had almost forgotten about your past circumstances. How about you come to my room after dinner I can lend you some of my old things." She offered.

I tried to protest, saying she really didn't need to but Narcissa said she insisted I wear some of her old things.

"I always wanted a daughter to dress in my childhood clothes, and you will look splendid in these." She held up a beautiful pale blue dress, next to another white one.

"Mrs Malfoy I really appreciate it, but I don't deserve all this." I said after she threw another dress onto the already large pile.

"Nonsense, and call me Cissy dear." I saw her smiling at me through the reflection in the mirror. She had me try on the pale blue dress, it went just above my knees and she had me take a seat on an elegant looking chair. That chair alone probably cost more than everything I ever owned combined.

Pulling out a hair brush, she brushed through my long black hair and placed a bow that matched the dress into the back. She then proceeded to rummage through a jewellery box before pulling out a pearl necklace and placing it around my neck. I looked better than I ever had before.

"I can barely contain my excitement, you look adorable." She fussed while trying to find the right earrings. To be honest, I was really enjoying myself. Nobody had ever shown such interest in me and been so kind.

I let a small yawn escape as Cissy braided my hair while I was wearing a different dress.

"Forgive me I got carried away, you must be so tired from your journey." She apologised. I told her it was fine and thanked her for the hundredth time for being so nice to me.

"It is nothing, really. I am just so glad to have you over. I'll have the house elves run you a hot bath and order them to lay out a nightgown for you how does that sound?"

"That sounds great, thank you." I thanked.

The bath soothed my muscles that were still a bit sore from the last quidditch practice of the season. Marcus really pushed us to train twice as hard because some on the team didn't have a chance to train over the summer. I knew Draco had at least one broom here, so I'm sure I could maybe sneak some practice in here.

Just as Narcissa had said, a silk nightgown was placed neatly on my queen sized bed in the guest bedroom. That night I probably slept the best I had ever in my entire life. 

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