Chapter 12 - Summer at the Malfoy's

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Rose's POV

The summer I spent with the Malfoy's was the greatest time I ever had. On multiple occasions, Cissy and I had what she called a 'girls day' and we went shopping together where she bought me a bunch of new clothes and other things which I was forever grateful for. Draco and I played around at the mansion a lot too, enjoying flying on his brooms across the yard. Somehow they knew when my birthday was, so early in the morning Draco was hopping on my bed telling me to come downstairs. There was a cake on the dining table with twelve candles on it and many presents surrounding it.

I wiped away some of my tears, blowing out the candles and making a wish. I wished that the wonderful time here would never end.

"What's wrong dear." Narcissa wiped some of my tears away.

"I'm just so happy, thank you so much." I looked at the Malfoy family with a big smile.

"Now go on, open your presents." Draco urged while I couldn't even decide which present to open first. A bunch of them were candy and new clothes which I could never have enough of. At this rate I would need a new trunk to carry everything to Hogwarts with, but the Malfoy's were one step ahead. A much larger and much sturdier looking trunk was inside one of the packages and it had my initials on it in silver paint.

"Now on to the last two gifts, these are the special ones." I couldn't even think of anything more special than I had already gotten, but Cissy handed me a small pink box first.

It was the pearl necklace which I tried on during my first night here.

"Oh Cissy I can't accept this, it is too valuable. Wasn't it your mothers?"

Narcissa shook her head, putting the necklace on me. "It did belong to her, yes. She gave it to me when I was your age, I have grown to love you like my own daughter Rose and want you to have this."

I hugged Narcissa, new tears forming in my eyes.

"Best not forget the present Draco helped pick out." Lucius spoke as Cissy and I parted from our long embrace.

It was a long package which revealed to have an all black broomstick inside with the engraving 'Nimbus 2001' on the side.

"I've got one just like it." Draco beamed, as did I.

I kept thanking both Lucius and Narcissa the whole morning while we all enjoyed the cake that had been baked by the house elves. During the afternoon, Draco and I raced around on our new brooms having a blast.

"I'm going to go inside and have a drink." I called out to Draco who was also panting from our game of catch.

I jogged towards the kitchen, stopping dead in my tracks when hearing my name in a conversation between Draco's parents. I stood outside the kitchen, trying to listen in on what exactly they were saying.

"Quirrell himself said that the dark lord has taken a strong interest in Rose. Whatever must have occurred in the forest that night impressed him greatly. Perhaps she could be the one to —" Spoke Lucius.

"She's just a little girl and shouldn't have anything burdening her just yet. I don't want to hear any more of this Lucius." Narcissa snapped, I heard feet shuffling and took a few steps back, then walked straight for the kitchen pretending to have just come in.

Cissy looked worriedly at me for a few seconds. Her expression seemed as though she was scared for me, but it quickly changed into a smile.

"Hello dear, is there anything you need?" She asked.

"Just some water." I told her, heading into the kitchens where a kind house elf named Dobby handed me a glass of cold water.

The whole night I sat awake in my bed, thinking about what Lucius and Narcissa were talking about. Quirrell must have been the one who was drinking the unicorn blood in the forest and got scared by whatever appeared behind me. And the dark lord, that must be Voldemort. But I thought he was dead, how could he have told Quirrell who then told the Malfoy's that he was interested in me? And even if anyone took an interest in my ability, I have no idea how to conjure this monster and really don't wish to do it ever again.

— Time Skip —

One Wednesday morning the Malfoy's decided it was time to go to Diagon Alley to buy our new school supplies, the list came by mail a few days prior. For some reason, we had to purchase a bunch of books by someone named Gilderoy Lockhart. Cissy reassured me that all expenses would be covered, when all of a sudden Ash flew in with a new letter in his beak. It told me that in vault 687 at Gringotts was the money left behind by the Potters.

"So you had money after all?" Lucius questioned after I read the letter out loud.

"Well she didn't know about it until today, right dear?" Narcissa sent a nasty look at her husband for questioning my motives.

"I didn't even know they left me any money." I breathed, re-reading the letter to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I was actually quite surprised that the Malfoy's accepted the fact that Harry was related to me, I think probably because Draco told them about the incident during flying lessons. It is true though, to some extent. I don't want to see Harry as my brother, I don't actually want to see him at all. I wish somehow there was a spell that would keep me from ever having to put eyes on him again. 

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