Chapter 19 - Animagus?

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Rose's POV

During breakfast one morning I saw a familiar Hufflepuff boy pass my table, dropping a note behind him on the floor. I picked it up and was about to tell him he dropped something, when I saw my name and a smiley face one the note. Giggling a bit to myself, I opened it under the table and it read.

This afternoon, same location as last time?


I looked over to the Hufflepuff table to see the boy grinning at me. I held up a thumbs up, signalling a yes for this plan of his.

— Time Skip —

"I'm glad to hear you sorted out things with your father." Cedric smiled as he handed me a muffin which he said he sneaked from the kitchens.

"Me too. You are really lucky your common room is so close to where the food is made you know." I said with a laugh while biting into the delicious baked good.

We talked about completely random topics for a while, when I got the idea to ask Cedric about what an animagus is.

"Oh I think we might have covered it in class, if I remember correctly it is a person who can transform into an animal." He told me.

"I know that much, but does it state how?" I asked.

He thought for a few seconds, before shaking his head no.

"The topic seems really interesting, I wish I could go to the restricted section to see if they have anything on it." I sighed, resting my head against the tree.

"Well I know I'm only in my fourth year, but maybe I could convince Mcgonagall to give me a permission slip to enter it. I'll say it is for some transfiguration interests of mine, I do well in her class I'm sure she will allow it." Cedric offered. I knew technically he was only a year older than me, now that I knew from Severus that I was actually an entire year older than I always thought I was. But it wouldn't make sense to transfer me into third year, I joined Hogwarts a year too late so it would only make sense to go through the years like everyone else.

With a smile, I looked over at him "You would do that? Thanks Cedric."

"No problem." He grinned back. "I'll take as many detailed notes on the topic as I can once I get the permission slip."

And Cedric did just that. A few days after our conversation he once again dropped me a letter at breakfast. I made sure only to open it when I was alone in my dorm. He had written pages and pages on the matter, one of them in particular had exact step-by step instructions for the process to become an animagus.

"Wow." I breathed, looking at how difficult and also dangerous this process could be.

'Maybe one day when I am older I will attempt this...maybe.' I thought, storing the parchment neatly into the drawer next to my bed.

— Time Skip —

"Come to me. . . . Let me rip you. . . . Let me tear you. . . . Let me kill you. . . ." A sudden voice pulled me out of my sleep. I sat up, examining the dark dorm room where my fellow classmates were still sleeping soundly in. Pansy was hugging her pillow, while Leila was softly snoring.

'Must have just been part of a dream' I thought to myself before curling up into my bed again.

That night I had a dream about a beast. It was unlike the one that seems to appear every time I am in danger or severely angered, this one was much larger. I tried all of the next day trying to remember what it looked like, but the only thing from that dream I could remember was a hissing sound, the sound of water dripping and this beast moving along a confined space, practically squeezing through something as its rough skin was creating a sound similar to when you go down a slide very slowly. 

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